Strike with the coming of the storm

Kintsugi type mechanics are really not great in a game where you're being being hit dozens of times per second.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
Mortyx wrote:
If you block, does it counts as being hit? If not this has no downside for block builds lol

Block counts as a hit.

You can get stunned even if you block an attack for example.
Snorkle_uk wrote:
meh, not for me, I dont think its good for anything I would play. 40% less is too much and the whole hit recently stuff with evasion... nah, spells and mass attack spams are too common for mechanics like these to really be worth it i think. Theyre nice in a thematic way, but in practical terms theyre just garbage right?

It has some use in RF Chieftain because of the 20% less damage works for Righteous fire. (and even if you do get hit, the new ascendancy buffs you for 50% recovery)

Seems super situational and bad for everyone else though.

Nephalim wrote:
Kintsugi type mechanics are really not great in a game where you're being being hit dozens of times per second.

thats why you run builds where you don't get hit dozens of times a second.

this is kind of decent, but only because of the less damage taken. the evasion parts are evasion RATING, not evasion chance, so meh. lets say you have 40,000 evasion, you'd lose 16k dropping to 24k evasion, which may only be a drop of like 10% evasion chance. that isn't really that bad. except the same thing about the more evasion rating, it really isn't much of a boost in evade chance at all.

this would be great with raider, however. avatar of the chase gives 25% more chance to evade which would very easily overcome this 40% less evasion rating.
Its not a win/win keystone if you use the other one to convert all your evasion into armour ?
Edit : i just remembered, its Iron reflexes
You benefit from the 20% less damage taken, you dont loose any evasion but a small part of your armour and benefit for a better armour when you’re hit.
Last edited by moumout on May 29, 2019, 11:47:23 PM
Ehhh.... OK-ish.

At least it doesn't say you cant use shoes (the helmet one is awful).
It's pretty neat if you WANT to be hit all the time. It's basically 20% MORE evasion
It's pretty neat if you WANT to be hit all the time. It's basically 20% MORE evasion

it isn't though. its only 20% more evasion RATING. which may only be between 2-8% evade chance. really not that good, considering you can get 5% on a single ring.
RPGlitch wrote:

It has some use in RF Chieftain because of the 20% less damage works for Righteous fire.

mmm, fair play thats an interesting use

xMustard wrote:
Nephalim wrote:
Kintsugi type mechanics are really not great in a game where you're being being hit dozens of times per second.

thats why you run builds where you don't get hit dozens of times a second.

this is kind of decent, but only because of the less damage taken. the evasion parts are evasion RATING, not evasion chance, so meh. lets say you have 40,000 evasion, you'd lose 16k dropping to 24k evasion, which may only be a drop of like 10% evasion chance. that isn't really that bad. except the same thing about the more evasion rating, it really isn't much of a boost in evade chance at all.

this would be great with raider, however. avatar of the chase gives 25% more chance to evade which would very easily overcome this 40% less evasion rating.

less damage taken isnt rly very good though surely? its not additive with anything, when it comes to damage mitigation multiple additive sources are what u want rly where possible, things that sit on their own tend to not amount to much.

at lower evasion ratings a bit of rating is far more worth than at high, it starts to fall into a kind of diminishing returns thing. at low levels the amount of evasion is takes to get 5% chance to evade is small, when uve got 20k+ evasion the amount it takes to get 5% extra chance is huge in comparison. So the 40% less vs 20% more, it seems like twice as much on the negative but its really a lot more than that cause when u push up the rating is worth a lot less per point. If you were to gain the same % chance to evade as u were losing they would probably need to reverse those totals surely?

I just think spells are always coming at you, even if theyre little ones that dont worry ur life pool ur still tagging hits, and attacks are coming in so plentiful that yeah, u got a load of ev and dodge, most miss, ur avoiding 9 out of 10 attacks but theres 10 attacks coming at you every second along with 4 spells and essentially ur gonna stay hit recently non stop if you are not playing super standoffish. All for 20% less taken? The more damage reduction you have the less thats gonna do for you, if youre taking 1k damage hits its reducing them to 800... if youre reducing them down to 100 then its gonna turn them to 80.. i dunno man.

people diss armour for scaling down with hit size, but most of what u get hit with is chains of 1k, 2k type hits and good armour will just make them completely irrelevant, which is awesome if 10 of them come in at once. This sort of mitigation doesnt make anything irrelevant, its just kind if meh/ok against hits of any size and is so regardless of what other damage reductions you have.

I feel that when the going gets tough itll always be down, and that huge 40% less is gonna make doubly sure of that. If they switched the 40% less to 20% less I still wouldnt take it tbh, thats how unsold I am on all this recently stuff in a game where theres a pack of 20 pooper crabs shooting at me while Ive got 10 spell goats leapslamming me and letting off shocknovas. What do u do with titty bitches? What do you do with large packs of archers? What do you do with barrage peacocks? arc witches? When you think about it, how many mobs are there in this game where if they spawn in packs in your map you can essentially just write off ur defenses if youre relying on not being tagged as hit recently? it seems like a lot of monsters to me.

the whole give and take thing too, remember ondars guile? Awesome node. Arrow dancing? I never take it, I dont rly want to spend points taking a step forward and then a step back, I want progress for my money.
Nubman wrote:
Hmmm stack with kintsugi. That's 30% less damage on big hits in is a fights. Would that happen before or after end charges/Armour?

Modifiers to damage taken apply after all resistances and armour/physical damage mitigation formula and stuff like that.

I can only pray these jewels are very common. Speaking of the EE keystone, I wonder what, if anything is changing to EE?

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