[3.7] Rake's Tectonic Slam Equipment Guide - from League Start to Endgame

Kilmanok12 wrote:
Love the build! Thank you so much for taking the time to make it :)

So I was lucky and got an Oni-Goroshi. Is it fine to go with this build and use oni-goroshi instead of the 2 one handed?

As soon as the prices stabilze (hopefully) an Oni will be comparable to around 1.5ex Foils. So if you aim for around T2 Gear upgrading the Weapons to Foils would be usefull.

Kilmanok12 wrote:
Love the build! Thank you so much for taking the time to make it :)

So I was lucky and got an Oni-Goroshi. Is it fine to go with this build and use oni-goroshi instead of the 2 one handed?

As soon as the prices stabilze (hopefully) an Oni will be comparable to around 1.5ex Foils. So if you aim for around T2 Gear upgrading the Weapons to Foils would be usefull.

Cool beans! But yeah, the prices are pretty crazy right now, but that is obviously to be expected at this point in time.

Thanks for your quick response and thanks again for the guide, really enjoying it so far!
Last edited by Kilmanok12 on Jun 10, 2019, 9:57:03 PM
This may be a very stupid question, but is there any reason for this build to use passive points to level up to increase maximum endurance charges if the build assumes you will be constantly gaining and losing them? Personally I feel as though I never go above 3 at any given time, do we need to go above the standard 3 or should I just forego those nodes and follow the exact build stated in the pastebin at the front of the thread?
Im using CWDT+SteelSkin and its been much better than IC.
Doesnt use up endurance charges, with IC as soon as its gone you have not charges and very vulnerable.
Precision instead of the war banner is good.
For me in POB Blood and Sand is best followed by Herald of Ash.
Purity seems to be lower damage than Ash.

You should be able to fit in Hatred, Blood and Sand and Herald of Ash without mana issues.

Also 6th link fire pen still seems 2nd strongest after elemental focus but only if you are calculating for shaper dps.
Last edited by Markuchi on Jun 10, 2019, 10:24:48 PM
Thank you for updating the gems link Rake 4. very helpful.

I had three questions if anyone can answer:

1. Why is Immortal Call not linked to CWDT? Manually casting it gives us a max of 1-2 second defense mechanism, we already have like TS + Warchief + protector + Atleast 2 Flasks + Leap slam to press, wouldn't this require more actions per minute. Considering gloves has one slot open is it a good idea to have two different levels of CWDT one with IC and second with Wave of Conviction ?( i don't like rage management + berserk)

2. Regarding 6L Gem setup, is there one set that's good for mapping and bossing( i.e. no changing of gems)?
Swapping gems seems tedious once per map, currently there are two alternatives it seems ( Since I am of the comfy playstyle and like to open chests and break all the breakable stuff)
i. Mapping - Pulverize + increased AOE
ii. Bossing Ruthless + Conc Effect

3. Is tabula Rasa T6-T10?
Really hate Maven as a boss and its mechanics! pls give us something cool like Elder/Shaper
While I'm having fun with this build and enjoying it. Tectonic feels so slow, like I"m covered in tar or something. Also what could I improve on what I have so far? This is my second time playing a league so I'm not very savy with this game yet. D:
Slash125 wrote:
While I'm having fun with this build and enjoying it. Tectonic feels so slow, like I"m covered in tar or something. Also what could I improve on what I have so far? This is my second time playing a league so I'm not very savy with this game yet. D:

hard to say without knowing this like your att speed etc (im at +66% as not at maps yet and it feels pretty solid,amazing when you pop berserk)
Valkirth wrote:
Slash125 wrote:
While I'm having fun with this build and enjoying it. Tectonic feels so slow, like I"m covered in tar or something. Also what could I improve on what I have so far? This is my second time playing a league so I'm not very savy with this game yet. D:

hard to say without knowing this like your att speed etc (im at +66% as not at maps yet and it feels pretty solid,amazing when you pop berserk)

Maaaybe I'm just used to way too fast of attacking from the last league I played then. I'm at 119% if I'm reading this correctly.
Did you update the PoB too to match the skill gems?
Hey Rake, this is a great guide! Thank you for this. I have a suggestion and a question.

Suggestion: "Dash" be switched with "Flame Dash". My reasoning is that Flame Dash will has 3 stacks whereas Dash has 1. Also, Flame Dash is a fire spell and will trigger more endurance charges. When I use it I have a few endurance charges before the next encounter begins. Let me know your thoughts.

Question: Why is Herald of Purity better than Herald of Ash for this build?

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