[3.7] Rake's Tectonic Slam Equipment Guide - from League Start to Endgame

Hey is OP going to update his post? I'm level 73 and most of the build feels rippy still dying in white maps by mobs not bosses. around 4k HP seems insufficient, i feel atleast 200%+ on tree should have been there, considering its league start getting gear with good life rolls is hard as they have made getting max rolls tougher * cough g g g * but I hope we can get some good alternatives.

I would still like to thank the OP for writing such a detailed guide, except the leveling part rest all seems amazing esp gearing for end game.
Really hate Maven as a boss and its mechanics! pls give us something cool like Elder/Shaper
Build is working really well for me so far! I'm 80 now and im doing yellow maps just fine. Gear is between T4-T5 i would say.

But is there any useful option for the ice golem? this stupid thing dies way too fast and i hate to recast it every 10 seconds.
Last edited by Kewrdy on Jun 10, 2019, 2:45:30 PM
Okay I'm loving the build except I feel squishy as hell still and if the price of foils doesn't start dropping like hell soon I'm gonna have to drop it
I have question I where do we get Int when we get a six link for Concentrated Effect? The build shows 64 int, yet the gem at 20 requires 111?
I just wanted to say I love this build. I'm following the guild pretty strictly and I'm already on t8's and they feel very smooth. I could probably get away with t10's. To everyone talking about updating the gem section, go search through the 40 pages of comments. OP has talked about the gems, and some of the setups that are best like the 6L. Rage and berserk is very underrated. Close combat in my opinion is not worth it. With flasks and fully buffed I can clear about 700k DPS tooltip. I also don't think the 3 staves nodes for the 10% charge are worth it. Go put them defensively. Endurance charge on stun with leapslam is also a godsend. Thanks so much for the build mate.

Edit: Just saw you updated the gem section. Thanks for taking time off of playing to sate the commenters.
Last edited by Waíseheill on Jun 10, 2019, 6:11:25 PM
Since bozoboy went AWOL would someone please post some gems (with links) they are using and what works well in theory and practice. And please post in order of priority. If I have a 5 link I don't want to be guessing on what to leave out etc. etc. Benefits and drawbacks. That would be awesome. So I've read Bez and Rage are the talk of the town. Are they? What to drop? And the others? Ice Golem is now tranny, so should be replaced with? Any data would rock too.

He probably wants to record all his content, release video(s), then update build after views maybe. Who knows. Not updated.

Thank you!

KitesAreFun wrote:
Since bozoboy went AWOL would someone please post some gems (with links) they are using and what works well in theory and practice. And please post in order of priority. If I have a 5 link I don't want to be guessing on what to leave out etc. etc. Benefits and drawbacks. That would be awesome. So I've read Bez and Rage are the talk of the town. Are they? What to drop? And the others? Ice Golem is now tranny, so should be replaced with? Any data would rock too.

He probably wants to record all his content, release video(s), then update build after views maybe. Who knows. Not updated.

Thank you!

good set up would be something like tec slam>phys dmg>ele dmg>rage>fortify>this could be anything like inc aoe/added fire/pulverise/i did test close combat but not 100% on it yet tbh,great up close but when you need to move away from aoe the dmg drops off (atleast it feels like it)
can someone tell me.... Tectonic slam have vaal version? or not? cant find it)
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Kewrdy wrote:
But is there any useful option for the ice golem? this stupid thing dies way too fast and i hate to recast it every 10 seconds.

CWDT + Ice Golem :)
Nephentus wrote:
can someone tell me.... Tectonic slam have vaal version? or not? cant find it)

pretty sure it doesn't have a vaal version (atleast not yet)

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