Garb of the Ephemeral is one of the new unique items in Path of Exile: Synthesis


Give me a fucking reason why you're doing this?
For "players to find out"? Must be a joy to spend a fucking fortune (for most players) and invest a whole build to find out this piece of shit does not work as presented.

OMG, don't tell me you actually bought this piece of shit and waste at least 3 ex for it? It was clear it will be a garbage, from very beginning, I told it even here, long before Shitthesis was released. But no, you had to check yourself. So don't cry now:)

Give me a fucking reason why you're doing this?
For "players to find out"? Must be a joy to spend a fucking fortune (for most players) and invest a whole build to find out this piece of shit does not work as presented.

OMG, don't tell me you actually bought this piece of shit and waste at least 3 ex for it? It was clear it will be a garbage, from very beginning, I told it even here, long before Shitthesis was released. But no, you had to check yourself. So don't cry now:)

I didn't even buy it. No need for your to act like a superior douche, you know? Checked out some reddit thread where they explained all the properties to it.

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Pewzor wrote:
To be fair, GGG did say this is going to be a caster meta.
Attack/melee will be next patch.

Oh boy I really can't wait any longer. I KNOW everyone who thinks melee will be fine in 3.7 will get it in the butt without lube when 3.7 finally arrives. I will drink gallons of tasty salt tears for weeks in 3.7. ;) This is path of we hate melee since what? 5+ years now? And you really think they will now finally change it? May even fix the targeting? Make 2h weapons great again for the first time in years? Not gonna happen and don't say I didn't warn you. ^^
German saying: Schönheit und Funktionalität in Sekundenschnelle zu ruinieren, ist dem wahren Dilettanten keine Herausforderung!
torturo: "Though, I'm really concerned, knowing by practice the capabilities of the balance team."
top2000: "let me bend your rear for a moment exile"

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