Time Capsule from PoE Closed Beta -- a classic PoE vs D3 thread circa 2012
" Great, I have this guy misinterpreting me. Point still stands though, I recommend everyone to read that link I posted above. ''Stand amongst the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask the ghosts if honor matters. The silence is your answer.'' IGN: Vaeralyse Last edited by Tagek#6585 on Apr 8, 2012, 1:49:00 PM
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" fantastic post, realy clears the things |
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" Yep, It's extremely clear and well written and it also annihilates practically any argument against D3. ''Stand amongst the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask the ghosts if honor matters.
The silence is your answer.'' IGN: Vaeralyse |
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" RMAH, WoW graphics, casualmode, repetitive story. |
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" There are few problems. One is that all customization comes from your items, that some people don't like (when it comes to stats). But his logic with Skill Points is little wrong, because he is comparing d2 with very little skills and no rune system, to d3 with a lot of type of skills and runes that d2 didn't have. The thing is that d3 with skill point would function better and give people a lot more options,but with possibility to make more wrong options. This is the thing where blizzard chose to limit the system as Jay Wilson explained so people don't make bad builds, and make it more simpler to use. Didn't read all yet. Last edited by Ragnar119#4963 on Apr 8, 2012, 3:09:46 PM
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It's a good read, and covers most concerns; eight pages in, though, Snow makes a good point of his own regarding the sense of commitment that restrictions on respecs can induce. Subsequent pages appear to go back and forth over "permanence versus customization".
I have wandered through insanity;
I have walked the spiral out. Heard its twisted dreamed inanity In a whisper, in a shout. In the babbling cacophony The refrains are all the same: "[permutations of humanity] are unworthy of the name!" |
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" 1.Horrible bulky cartoon-like graphics over-bright washed out colors like a water paint. 2.No dedicated/specialized character builds, all get all skills after lvl up and u r free to change them as many times u want. 3.There is no stats customization anymore, all stats increase after lvl up automatically and the items doesn't have stats restriction anymore if that's not casual free4all tactics then what is it? ~.~ 4.Real money auction house will make a lot of ppl OP from the get-go so if u r not an idiot u can understand very well that when PvP will be available in D3 the one with the most cash $$$ will rape every1 else for fun, what conclusion we get from that? that D3 will be a pay2win game no brain. 5.Atmosphere/Goth environment those things was all over the previous games and guess what it's non existent anymore in D3 u can even find smiled statues on dungeons how can u enjoy a mature game when the environment is so idiotic? this game was made for WoW kiddies the rated 16+ on the games box is a big fat joke... Yep u r right tagek brainless little trol annihilate anything my @ss.. get lost from here scrub. |
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Dear maniac,
...you really do live up to your name. Tagek may see things from the other side of the fence as some of us but he has proven, *repeatedly*, that this does not mean he's any less capable of rational argument and discussion. Heck, he even bumped the thread a few times, which I do appreciate and even understand. This is not and never has been a thread about WHY either game is better or worse, simply a place to express why we choose one or the other or both. And for the most part, it has definitely achieved that goal. Tagek is not a scrub. He knows what he's talking about, likely far more than I (I have the experience but not necessarily the skill or memory). I'd really appreciate it if you'd tone down the personal attacks, man. Not cool. Tagek: I will read that when I'm a little less situated in Hawaii with my gf. (for a wedding -- believe me, I'd actually rather be home playing PoE and working on my thesis, ahahah!) As for whether it annihilates *any* argument against D3...that was likely hyperbole, because I would be highly surprised if it can touch mine -- mainly because mine works for me, is a result of everything felt and experienced until now. ...Keep playing, everyone. Wish I was there with yas. Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.
Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here. |
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In this thread we compare a game that is actively releasing beta content to let players test everything to a game that doesn't let us past the first mini-boss in the first act of the first difficulty while only getting 5 skill slots.
Biased thread is biased. If you want a discussion, discuss PoE's horrendous passive skill tree. |
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" Maybe you should watch this: http://www.gdcvault.com/play/1015306/The-Art-of-Diablo There it is explained why they did use "cartoon-like graphics over-bright washed out colors like a water paint". |
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