[3.6] Classic Mjolner reborn! 7+k EHP, 550+k Shaper DPS, all content viable, with Vid Guide

CedricDur wrote:
There are also the rare amulets with the 0.5% lightning damage leeched as life. With the amount of Arcs per second it's probably more than enough to fill up our leech-per-second quota, though it means managing to somehow go on without Voll, but it frees an ascendency.

Though probably sacrificing a gem from the molten strike set up for a leech gem would achieve the same effect and save both ascendency and amulet. I'm not sure what would could be done without though. Perhaps the Fortify if taking the corruption of fortify on the hammer, though those are exquisitely expensive for a casual.

Life leech in Molten setup wont add anything. It will only leech from dmg dealt by Molten Strike. With Loreweave LGoH (Life Gained on Hot) must be used in Molten Setup to provide instant life recovery without Kingsguard. With GMP and 5+ APS on Molten LGoH recovers up to 1890 life instantly per sec. This is far superior to life leech. I have this setup now and it works great. Additional 0.5% life leech from Ascendancy is global so works with Molten, Shield Charge, Arc and Discharge, Im using it to support 1.9k life recovered with LGoH with additional 1k per sec (as this is what it provides with all the leech instances created by fast hitting spells) for a total of 2.9k life recovered per sec (and also to have some life recovered when Im just crusing around with a Shield Charge). Theres also 350+ regen on top.

Sure, I can use cwdt + warlords mark and achieve similar effect but... cwdt - wm is not allways "on" and it blocks other curses from being used. More than that Paragon of Calamity is not only global life leech but also reflect immunity and 8% additional elemental dmg taken reduction. Because wording is "dmg taken" it basically acts as "less" multiplier to incoming elemental dmg. That when combined with 80% max resistances from Loreweave, 7+k EHP and Fortify makes this build a tank vs elemental dmg.

DMG wise Paragon of Calamity + Elemental Equilibrium + Molten Strike / Shield Charge + Herald of Ash is at the same lvl as Mastermind of Discord with 2 Heralds. Third Herald gives Mastermind an edge but it really cannot be used with life + MoM as mana pool becomes to low. The only downsides with Paragon + EE vs Mastermind with 2 Heralds is a) no Lightning Strike (well it can be used but dmg penaulty from EE is significant for Arc clearing) and b) slightly less clear speed (Herald of Ice + Herald of Thunder vs Herald of Ash alone). However the benefits are global leech, reflect immunity, 8% incoming ele dmg reduction, 6% all res and passsive points as theres no need for more mana as only one Herald will be reserving some part of it.

As far as 10-15% chance to fortify corruption on Mjolner goes - im testing one right now to see how reliable it is. Gem link saved on molten can be used for 20q LMP to provide more attack speed and molten projectiles for LGoH or Ancestral Call (same reason) or 20q Culling Strike.
Latest guides:
3.11 Loki's Rainbownuke:
3.7 CI CoC Discharge: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2605608
3.7 Juggernaut life Mjolner: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1846362
Last edited by RicoKGB#5871 on Jan 29, 2019, 10:47:05 AM
You're the expert here. I thought the life leech per second unaided by ascendency or vall pact was so low that just the molten strike setup would be enough to reach the cap.

The 0.5% lightning leech amulet is worth a mention for the leveling section(there's also a fire version) since they open at level 40 and are quite cheap. A decent one will hold until Voll is available allowing to skip the leech gem/ascendency for a damaging gem in the leveling section.
Time to do some update regarding Loreweave setup and how it performs:

T13 Racecourse fast clear:

T15 Syndicate hideout also fast clear:

EDIT: T11 Red Elder (it never felt safer):

EDIT2: T16 Maze of the Mino with Mino facetank:

NOTE on DPS: 12.5mil HP boss killed within 22sec = 570k sustained Shaper DPS.



+ 7.1k EHP (Life + MoM)
+ Instant life and Mana recovery (LGoH + Mind of the Council) when in combat
+ Fortify
+ 80% max resistances
+ 8% additional elemental dmg reduction (acts as "less" dmg taken)
+ 20% physical dmg reduction unflasked (when stationary) before the charges
+ 600+ life and 200+ mana regen per sec
+ 30% chance to block attacks
+ 37% chaos resistance
+ 0.5% global Life leech from elemental dmg
+ Elemental Reflect immunity


+ 500k+ sustainable Shaper/Guardian/Elder DPS (unflasked, unRFed)
+ Herald of Ash with Beacon of Ruin ascendancy for clear speed


+ Shield Charge + Leap Slam @ 6 APS and 80% movement speed

Gear & gems used in the vids:

And Intuitive Leap with immunity to Silence.

Passive tree:


PoB Pastebin @lvl 95:


I will try Shaper and maybe Uber Elder with this setup soon.
Latest guides:
3.11 Loki's Rainbownuke:
3.7 CI CoC Discharge: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2605608
3.7 Juggernaut life Mjolner: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1846362
Last edited by RicoKGB#5871 on Jan 30, 2019, 5:12:58 PM
How do I gain endurance charges?
Damonls wrote:
How do I gain endurance charges?

Volls Devotion.

EDIT: More vids and deathless Shaper run



full Deathless Shaper run:

Gonna update the guide with the Loreweave setup tomorrow.
Latest guides:
3.11 Loki's Rainbownuke:
3.7 CI CoC Discharge: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2605608
3.7 Juggernaut life Mjolner: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1846362
Last edited by RicoKGB#5871 on Jan 31, 2019, 3:54:23 PM
I have some question
Why mind of the council?
Why not, for example, indigon?
Does it make sense to try using indigon (old version suppose)?
Last edited by DeadMemphis#6363 on Feb 1, 2019, 7:31:27 AM
VinciDarkfire wrote:
Thanks for fantastic guide Rico!

Would you say Loreweave version is better than Kingsguard?
Old player returning to the game here, so very new in this league and let's just say currency level is not overwhelming, so would like to focus on the best option first ;-)


Go 5l Kingsguard first to have things started. Than when currency allows switch to 6l Loreweave. Loreweave version is far superior.
Latest guides:
3.11 Loki's Rainbownuke:
3.7 CI CoC Discharge: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2605608
3.7 Juggernaut life Mjolner: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1846362
DeadMemphis wrote:
I have some question
Why mind of the council?
Why not, for example, indigon?
Does it make sense to try using indigon (old version suppose)?

You didnt read the mechanica section huh? Mind of the Council is for instant mana recovery with shocks being applied like 12 times per sec. And this life + mom. Indigon deoesnt make sense in this build.
Latest guides:
3.11 Loki's Rainbownuke:
3.7 CI CoC Discharge: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2605608
3.7 Juggernaut life Mjolner: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1846362
RicoKGB wrote:
DeadMemphis wrote:
I have some question
Why mind of the council?
Why not, for example, indigon?
Does it make sense to try using indigon (old version suppose)?

You didnt read the mechanica section huh? Mind of the Council is for instant mana recovery with shocks being applied like 12 times per sec. And this life + mom. Indigon deoesnt make sense in this build.

oh.. sry
Yes, I read the changes
I just thought that indigon would work here just as he did on the inquisitor, who also through mjolner, with the exact same mechanics
So I wondered if indigon could be used here.
I didn't think indigon was do nothing...
Last edited by DeadMemphis#6363 on Feb 1, 2019, 10:39:55 AM
DeadMemphis wrote:
RicoKGB wrote:
DeadMemphis wrote:
I have some question
Why mind of the council?
Why not, for example, indigon?
Does it make sense to try using indigon (old version suppose)?

You didnt read the mechanica section huh? Mind of the Council is for instant mana recovery with shocks being applied like 12 times per sec. And this life + mom. Indigon deoesnt make sense in this build.

oh.. sry
Yes, I read the changes
I just thought that indigon would work here just as he did on the inquisitor, who also through mjolner, with the exact same mechanics
So I wondered if indigon could be used here.
I didn't think indigon was do nothing...

Indigon needs different approach, you need tons of mana regen and cost of skills. Melee skills outside of Cyclone doesnt provide enough base mana cost per use to be scaled enough via Fevered Mind jewels to fully stack Indigon.

This build is Life + MoM Discharge Molten Strike. It needs mana to sustain EHP pool. Mind of the Council provide instant mana recovery for this build like old legacy Vinktar flask did. At the same time this build does same lvl of DPS as fully stacked Indigon Mjolner but without Indigon. Whats not to like?
Latest guides:
3.11 Loki's Rainbownuke:
3.7 CI CoC Discharge: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2605608
3.7 Juggernaut life Mjolner: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1846362
Last edited by RicoKGB#5871 on Feb 1, 2019, 10:51:42 AM

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