[3.6] Classic Mjolner reborn! 7+k EHP, 550+k Shaper DPS, all content viable, with Vid Guide

True - it all comes to preferences. However I wont confirm that Witch is squishy by any means. I was able to pull deathless Shaper one after another basically farming him with Witch in Betrayal. Something I was never able to do with Jugg (allways 1-2 deaths). That said you must be more carefull with the map mods with the Witch where with Jugg you basically dont care. As a general mapping mashine Witch is still better for me due to the great clear speed and good boss dps - something that Jugg is lacking in comparision. But yes if you plan to lvl high, even up to 100, have relaxing gameplay and just faceroll everything no matter the mods - Jugg all the way :)

On the side note: -max posses 0 threat as it doesnt affect Loreweave - with minus max your ress stays as set by Lorewaeve :)

You were able to pull deathless Shaper - but I'm sure for two simple reasons: 1. the fight is very much mechanic, no real surprises, 2. your gear you did this with (afaik) simply is superb - especially the corruptions.
I'm not saying (or it least did not intend to) that the Witch per se is squishy. I meant it is squishier in many (not all!) cases compared to the Jugg.
I did Shaper deathless on my Jugg, as well as red Elder in Betrayal twice :)
I'm completely with you that Witch is superior (because faster) when it comes to mapping - provided you take care of the actual mods on the map.
However as an example I feel that life leech / gain is slower or maybe simply not as constant as with the Jugg - especially if there are only few enemies which die quickly. You cannot fill your life bar up in those cases and need to wait for regen or use a flask, etc. At least that is what happens to me.

Regarding your note: you are absolutely right of course, I mixed the examples up, as the -max mod only affects the Kingsguard version (which I had in mind for that).
Last edited by Saibaschbeis#7522 on Mar 26, 2019, 1:12:31 PM
Finding the enchant for 40% Discharge damage is quite difficult
Very fun build though!
Is there any way to pull this off without Voll's? I played the Jugg version last league and just loved it. This league i am unlucky in drops and Voll's is quite expensive :(
Gvault2011 wrote:
Is there any way to pull this off without Voll's? I played the Jugg version last league and just loved it. This league i am unlucky in drops and Voll's is quite expensive :(

You can play without Volls to a certain point in the game. For more info read detailed lvling section in the guide.
Latest guides:
3.11 Loki's Rainbownuke:
3.7 CI CoC Discharge: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2605608
3.7 Juggernaut life Mjolner: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1846362
Hello, I have been having lots of fun with Mjolner recently and I have made good use of the information you have in the guide. Something I am scratching my head over is how intuitive leap helps. At best it lets us not path through two charge duration and 10 str. That's spending 2 points to save 3. A reasonable deal, but you could gain a jewel if you did not use leap and it only costs 1 point. That's a great deal. I think I am missing how it could be beneficial.
"ran out of high teir maps to leave on the ground - people kept taking the higher teirs" - Da Pagionator
Is this a worth while enchant ?
30% chance for Discharge to deal Damage without removing Charges

Not sure, I mean we build up charges so fast that it wouldn't matter. And its an 8ex piece so pretty costly.
I didn't read all 15 pages of replies, so maybe this has already been answered:

From what I understand, there is a 150ms internal cooldown on the trigger. So, for simplicity's sake, let's say we can maximize procs by reaching 6 attacks per second. I noticed when using arc along with shock nova, that it will alternate between skills; so instead of 6 arcs per second, i'm getting alternating 3 arcs and 3 shock novas per second. If that's true, then there is a hard cap of 6 spells per second no matter your setup (discounting stats that reduce cooldown).

So my question is, what's the point of putting two spells into the mjolner? Wouldn't it be more beneficial to have 1 spell to proc all of the time and link it with two support gems? What am I missing here?
nvm figure it out. nice guide

hope u make CI version one day.)
my mirror threads
Last edited by kristinasebetic#0636 on May 2, 2019, 5:42:59 PM
Rico my good man I been following your awesomeness for many years now, I am so happy I can do a discharge build on a witch now and use my marauder for something else.
Look how Awesome my MTX Marauder RF looks

tuggernut wrote:
I didn't read all 15 pages of replies, so maybe this has already been answered:

From what I understand, there is a 150ms internal cooldown on the trigger. So, for simplicity's sake, let's say we can maximize procs by reaching 6 attacks per second. I noticed when using arc along with shock nova, that it will alternate between skills; so instead of 6 arcs per second, i'm getting alternating 3 arcs and 3 shock novas per second. If that's true, then there is a hard cap of 6 spells per second no matter your setup (discounting stats that reduce cooldown).

So my question is, what's the point of putting two spells into the mjolner? Wouldn't it be more beneficial to have 1 spell to proc all of the time and link it with two support gems? What am I missing here?

AFAIK, and someone more knowledgeable can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think there's a two-fold reason:

1) Wave of Conviction gives an elemental resist debuff to enemies, so more damage
2) It gives more time to build up charges before you discharge, more damage per hit since you'll be more likely to have full charges

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