[3.6] Classic Mjolner reborn! 7+k EHP, 550+k Shaper DPS, all content viable, with Vid Guide
Note: This build was an evolution from life version to life + MoM with Kingsguard or Loreweave, the latest being an end-game upgrade. First 9 pages of the thread refers to basic life version which I no longer support.
Changes in 3.6: Arc was nerfed both in terms of dmg and range. It is now better to use new spell - Wave of Conviction. Also I standardised passive skill trees and gem setups to be the same with both Kingsguard and Loreweave - so its only a matter of chest switch now. Final build PoB pastebin @lvl 94: ------------------------------------- Loreweave edition: https://pastebin.com/56d9NUpL Kingsguard version: https://pastebin.com/ATiTLXa5 NOTE on PoB pastebins: I updated the PoB calculation with correct "increased damage taken" from Shock as PoB allways calculate Shock as 50% more dmg which in this case isnt true. Elementalist has build in 20% increased damage taken (to your enemies) with Shock no matter how big the initial hit was. This than scales globaly with "increased effects of Ailments" from passive tree and gear. " 3.5 Gameplay vids: ----------------------------- " " ---------------------------------------------- ![]() Unavailable Notes on Shaper: Shaper is deathless possible with this build. His slams are fully tankable when stationary (important to not run away and just facetank him!). His beam is tankable, his vortexes are tankable. His beam when combined with vortexes IS NOT tankable especially when u run out of flask charges (Promise + Oak are a must for this fight). I also downed 2xT12 and 1xT14 Red Elders deathless with this build - hes spears and slams are fully tankable. Changelog: ------------------------- 2019.03.16: Updated for 3.6 2019.02.02: Rewritten the guide once again, added Loreweave edition, added video guide. 2019.01.27: Rewritten the guide entirely for life + MoM version of the build. 2019.01.21: Updated PoB pastebins for correct shock value, updated my Betrayal gear, slightly changed final passive tree, updated luxury gear upgrades section of the guide. 2019.01.04: Happy new Year! Added detailed lvling & progression guide. 2018.12.25: Some minor updates. 2018.12.24: Guide created. Merry Xmas everyone! Classic Mjolner done right (TM) by Rico --------------------------------------------------- ![]() Introduction: ------------------- This is, what I believe, the most damaging Mjolner since old pre-nerfed 2.2 versions of the build. I'll even risk a statement that this is the most damaging of them all. At the same time it is not as squishy as some of the "glass cannon" builds. When playing with the new 3.5 150ms cooldown on Mjolner I found out that Cyclone based Mjolners are able to squize about 80% of its potential. So I needed to go back in time and recreate a "classic" Mjolner approach with Molten Strike / Lightning Strike setup. Just to be able to dish out enough hits per sec and thus create enough trigger events per sec to fully utilize the new, sweet sweet cooldown. After reaching the desired number of Mjolner triggers per sec yet another problem apperead: not enough charges to fuel all the Discharges. This is why I needed to introduce an old and unique mechanic of gaining frenzy charges. The Red Trails unique Titan Greaves can generate frenzy charges per each enemy hit, not like Romiras ring per each skill cast. Difference is: when you cast fire storm above boss head Romiras will grant you one power charge per entire firestorm duarion while The Red Trails will grant you as many frenzy charges as many times fire storm did hit your target. Same goes for many other skills like Molten Stike and its failing balls. The next step was to squize as much dmg as possible from all of that, meaning I needed a way than to lower enemy resistances and to buff my dps. This is where Elementalist with Mastermind of Discord (Kingsguard version) or Elemental Equilibrium (Loreweave edition) and Beacon of Ruin steps in. 25% to 50% perma resistance penetration on elements followed by 20%+ more multiplier from applying shock ailment on enemies, Guardians and Shaper included. But not only that - Beacon of Ruin also provides an excelent clear speed when combined with Heralds. So the damage part was done. The only downside was bleed and occasional one-shots. To counter that I needed life regen and different sources of stacking physical dmg mitigation. At the same time I wanted a build to be somewhat tanky vs other sources of dmg. So I went life + MoM. And this is where things get interesting: this is not ordinary life + MoM, because it will not fail vs heavy dmg income. Thx to Kingsguard's healing mechanic with endurance charges or Loreweave with LGoH and Mind of the Council instant mana recovery with shocking this build has instant life AND mana recovery. You can even play no regen + no leech maps with it as both Kingsguard healing, Life Gain on Hit and Mind of the Council mana recovery are independent of leech and regen. They will even work vs temporaly immune to dmg mobs and bosses which is handy vs some boss phases or Delve monsters. More in-depth mechanics explanation: ------------------------------------------
Mjölner is the item, that this build is based around. All lightning spells socketed into Mjölner are triggered by the hits from attacks with this weapon. We always put the lightning spell Discharge into this item. We can support Discharge with 2 supports gems or one support and use second spell. The best second option is Arc or Wave of Conviciton (since 3.6). Mjölner provides an additional chain for all our projectiles and 100% increased dmg of socketed spells, making Arc and Discharge much more powerful. The great benefit of Romira's Banquet is, that it grants a Power Charge whenever you deal a non-critical strike. Since this build has no critical strike chance in the passive tree we are dealing little to non critical strikes and therefore we are not loosing Power Charges by using this item. This way we always have at least two Power Charges whenever Discharge is activated. (Both Discharge and attack skill generate power charges). Since Discharge expends all Power Charges, Voll's Devotion effectively doubles the total amount of charges available for each consecutive Discharge by generating an equal amount of Endurance Charges. As a side-effect we almost always have 2 Endurance Charges to be expended either by next Discharge or by Immortal Call to provide temporal immunity to physical dmg. Kingsguard provides unique healing ability that is independent of leech. It heals by 100 life per expanded endurance charge instantly. Meaning that if we do 5-7 Discharges per second with 2-4 endurance charges per each we're gaining back 1000 - 2800 life instantly each second. Loreweave is and end-game upgraded. However 6link is required in order to use Life Gain on Hit support gem to achieve similar instant life recovery as with Kingsguard and endurance charges. Because Mjolner requires lots of strength to wear we are taking benefit of Repentance gloves as they provide global Iron Will (a global spell dmg increase coming from strenght). +1 Frenzy Charges corruption is a nice touch because this build also uses... ...The Red Trails when combined with The Golden Rule and some source of "attacks have chance to cause bleed" provides Frenzy Charges on hit. This is per every hit of single enemy or per multi hits of multi enemies. Every Discharge hit, every Arc hit, every melee hit - each will grant one Frenzy Charge. Since 3.5 patch of the game Mjolner has has its cooldown reduced to 150ms. What I learned during some initial testing with the new sweet Mjolner cooldown is that Cyclone based Mjolners were able to utilize about 80% of its potential. To fully utilize it, even more - to fully utilize it when in combination with additional cooldown recovery gear - a different trigger skill must be used. This is why I refer this build as "Classic Mjolner" because back in the days (around 2.2 patch of the game) with pre-nerfed Mjolner all Mjolner builds were using Lightning Strike and Molten Strike as trigger skills. First one because it fires up to 5 projectiles and allows to play basically as ranged (and its extremely fun vs packs) and the second one because it can fire up lots of projectiles vs single target, especially when supported with GMP, Multistrike and Faster Attacks. So in short - those melee trigger skills provides lots of hits per sec for both lots of spells cast via Mjolner and lots of Frenzy Charges via The Red Trails. Because number of spell triggers per sec (Discharge + Arc) is everything with this build (both DPS and healing) Lycosidae is used for 100% chance to hit as we dont want to miss any, even smallest hit for our spells to proc 100% of the time. ![]() This build takes full advantage of the Mind Over Matter Keystone aka MoM. This way each incoming dmg is splitted 70% on life and 30% on mana. This way effective life pool is about 7k when mana pool is at least as big as 43% of our total life. With final build we have 5k life and 2.1k mana which translates to 7.1k total EHP. But thats not all as this is not ordinary Life + MoM build. This is Life + MoM build where both life and mana are recovered (or "healed") instantly because this build also uses... ...Mind of the Council which is feeded by Elementalist's Shaper of Desolation guaranteed shock (even vs Shaper/Guardian/Elder). So basically each Arc trigger and each Discharge trigger applies shock to any target or multi targets. And each of those shock status ailmenst applied to enemies recover our mana by 3% of our maximum mana. Having about 3k total mana and about 12-14 spell triggers per sec in the final build (6-7 Arcs + 6-7 Discharges) Mind of the Council recovers about 1080-1260 mana instantly. " " Final passive skill tree @ lvl 94: -------------------------------------------- For both Loreweave: and Kingsguard: final passive skill tree @ lvl 95 My current gear on Standard: --------------------------------------------- NOTE: 20% quality is not needed on Discharge. Elementalist has build in 75% increased AoE and 100% chance to shock, ignite and chill every 4 sec for 4 sec. What for is Pledge of Hands used? Take a look: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xa2b_U1QYDk What to look on jewels: --------------------------- All res, double res, attack speed, life, mana, spell dmg, elemental dmg, lightning dmg. Ascendancy order: -------------------------- Ascendancy choice and explanation: Pendulum of Destruction, it acts similar to Shaper of Desolation, granting 75% increased AoE and 75% increased elemental damage for 5 sec each, in a loop. 75% Increased AoE works great with Discharge and Shield Charge and it doesn’t hurt Molten Strike as both projectiles spread and each projectile cover range are being increased resulting in similar hit rate over a greater area. 75% increased global elemental dmg I think is self explanatory. Mastermind of Discord - this way you will provide 25% elemental dmg penetration on both lightning and cold (your main dmg sources) and lower Heralds mana reservation to allow more free mana for your MoM. Fire dmg is only small part of each Discharge so theres no need to add Herald of Ash (but It can be done) at a cost of less total EHP (this is life + MoM remember?). Shaper of Desolation is very underrated. Its quite powerfull to be honest and I underestimated it myself before I tried it. Normally only lightning dmg can shock, cold dmg chill and freeze, fire dmg ignite. What this one does is allowing all your combined dmg to shock, chill and ignite every 4 sec, in loop. This way, with this builds dmg output even Guardians can be chilled, ignited and most important - shocked. Beacon of Ruin is for two things. Well maybe 3. First even smallest shock applied to our enemy increases damage taken by that enemy by at least 20%. So it basically acts as 20% more multiplier to our final damage. Secound – it proliferates all status ailments to nearby enemies, this includes chill, freeze, burn and shock. Lastly it allows even smallest chills to slow down enemies by at least 10%. Bandits: ------------------ Kill all for 2 passive points. Detailed lvling & progression guide until Volls Devotion and beyond (from 0 to hero): ------------------------------------------------------------------
Chapter I: The poor man's begining ---------------------------------------------------- So we start poor & naked at a beach. First step (after obtaining FireBall) is to get our hands on Lightning Tendrils which will be our first quest reward. It is also not a bad idea to purchase Arcane Surge at this stage (just keep it at lvl 1 all the time) so it can be linked with either FB or Tendrills and provide some mana regen together with more spell damage. As we progress trought the Act I, with our Fireball and Tendrills with Arcane Surge we eventually get Arc (The Siren's Cadence quest reward). And from now on we use Arc only (supported with Arcane Surge). In Act II we will get our hands on 3 more, much needed gems: Herald of Thunder (Intruders in Black), Controlled Destruction (Sharp and Cruel) and Faster Casting (also Sharp and Cruel). So from now we can use Arc + CD + FC + AS with HoT (4link B-B-B-B needed). At the same time our tree should look something like this: low lvl passive tree preview Act III and we now have Wrath (Lost in Love) and Life Leech (A Fixture of Fate). We can also have Discharge (Sever the Right Hand). Life leech should be socketed as 4th link instead of Arcane Surge in our Arc setup (so 4L B-B-B-R needed) and we now use Wrath + HoT as auras. Discharge should be socketed somewhere to start lvling it ASAP. Also we should progress our tree, going to its bottom part: low lvl passive tree preview pt 2. TIP: It is a good idea to buy at this stage 2 other Heralds (of Ice and Ash) just to socket them somewhere for lvling. Also while doing A Fixture of Fate quest in Act III there should be Faster Attack available for purchase. We need at least 2 so they can start to lvl (place them somewhere on switch). Chapter II: Getting to Act VI and beyond: ---------------------------------------------------------- The 4 link Arc setup with Wrath and Herald of Thunder should provide enough dmg to carry us up to Act VI. Tree progression should look like this: medium lvl passive tree preview Act V is worth mentioning because of Death to Purity quest where we should pick Wildfire unique jewel as reward. In Act VI after doing a first quest (Fallen from Grace) we will have acces to a full gem list via Lilly Roth. At this stage some gems can be added to the mix if we dont have them allready from drops: Cast When Damage Taken - Immortal Call - Warlods Mark or Enfeeble or Elemental Weakness Shield Charge - Faster Attack - Fortify TIP: It is a good idea to buy Tabula Rasa at this stage of the game (if currency allows it) so our 4L Arc setup can be upgraded with Lightning Penetration and Arcane Surge again. For 6L Arc setup having Mana Flows keyston in passive tree is a must have. TIP 2: It is also a good idea to buy at least one Multistrike and one Life gained on hit gem for lvling. 6L Arc setup should carry us trough rest of the campaign and prepare to buy a Mjolner. Chapter III: Finishing the story line and preparing for Mjolner switch: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Our priority here is to buy and equip Mjolner ASAP. So tree progression should reflect that, focusing on reaching all the ends with stats (str + int) in the first place: passive tree when reaching the end of the story line Chapter IV: The Mjolner switch: -------------------------------------------------- Around lvl 67-68 it is possible to buy and equip Mjolner together with Romiras Ring. From now on we use: Mjolner: Discharge - Arc/Wave of Conviction - Life Leech Tabula Rasa: Molten Strike - Multistrike - Faster Attacks - Life Gained on Hit - Lightning Strike - Fortify 4L: Cast When Damage Taken - Immortal Call - Warlords Mark - Blade Vortex 3L: Shield Charge - Faster Attack - Leap Slam or Lightning Warp Wrath + Herald of Thunder as auras And we use Wildfire jewel in our tree. With this kind of gear it is safe to do Normal and Cruel Lab for Mastermind of Discord. Chapter V: low tier maps, gathering currency for Volls Devotion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ With the setup mentioned above it is safe (if no hard mods) to do up to T7 maps. This is the hardest part - doing low tier maps while gathering enough currency to buy a Volls amulet. This is where some people might gave up becauase of inpatient if rng jesus will not be mercifull. Flasks are also important here. I would suggest at least 2 good life flask with remove bleed and 2 movement flasks to progress faster. Tree progression at this stage: low tier mapping tree preview TIP: It is good to buy Saffels shield at this point to improve dmg mitigation vs elemental. Chapter VI: buying and switching to Volls Devotion: -------------------------------------------------------------------- After 2000 years when theres finally enough currency to buy a Volls neck we now can equip it and we have to do some important changes to gear and gem setup. First of we need to buy Kingsguard chest right now ASAP. And than try to at least 5Link it. Gem setup changes: Mjolner: Discharge - Arc or Wave of Conviction - Controlled Destruction or Concentrated Effect 4L: Cast When Damage Taken - Immortal Call - Increased Duration - Blade Vortex Wrath + Herald of Thunder + Herald of Ash as auras Kingsguard (1G 4R): Molten Strike - Multistrike - Faster Attacks - Life Gained on Hit - Fortify 4L: Lightning Strike - Faster Attack - Multistrike - Fortify Also when reaching around 5.3k life it is safe to do Merciless lab for Shaper of Desolation. Which will improve both single target and clear speed. This is how the build will perform in-game at this stage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgMpyp281DM Chapter VII: The Red Trails - preparing for an end-game setup: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After reaching few more lvls and most important at least 5.5k life it is now safe to buy and equip The Red Trails together with The Golden Rule unique jewel and Chance to bleed support. We now must do yet again some changes to gem setup: 4L: Cast When Damage Taken - Immortal Call - Warlords Mark - Blade Vortex All 3 Herald as auras (no Wrath) Kingsguard (1G 4R): Molten Strike - Multistrike - Faster Attacks - Life Gained on Hit - Chance to Bleed Tree should look like this From now on getting more life should be a priority in a passive tree while lvling and impproving quality of the gems for more dmg. Improving jewels to reach more attack speed (up to 5 APS before Frenzy charges is a goal here) more life and dmg. 6k+ life should be easily possible at lvl 91-92. At this stage it is also a good idea to buy Lycosidae and Intuitive Leap as last items for that sweet 100% accuracy and 7 passive tree points. Lycosidae end-game passive tree preview Last step is 6Linking Kingsguard for added 20/20 GMP (2G 4R required) so we can have maximum triggers per sec and so we can replace Wildfire jewel with something better. And finally Uber Lab for Beacon of Ruin which is CRAZY clear speed boost but also 20%+ more DPS vs Bosses. Chapter VIII: Mind of the Council and switching to life + MoM: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Somewhere near lvl 90-92 where lvl progression starts to slow down and every death counts hours of play it is recommended to switch to life + MoM version of the build. This way builds gains a solid 7k+ EHP with instant life and mana recovery thx to unique mechanics. So firt of all Mind of The Council must be bought and than a passive skill tree respec of some life points into mana points (also Celestial Punishment can be taken at this stage for more DPS): Final passive tree for end game Life + MoM setup Chapter IX: An end game twist for Loreweave: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With enough currency farmed it is time to buy 6Linked Loreweave and equip it instead of Kingsguard. This requires Life Gain on Hit to be in the main link. Luxury gear upgrades: ------------------------------ For 500k+ Shaper DPS: 1) Lvl 20/20 Wave of Conviction + lvl 21 Discharge 2) Lvl 20 20 quality on Heralds 3) 5+ Molten APS before the charges 4) 40% increased Discharge dmg enchant on helmet 5) lvl 20 20 quality Controlled Destruction 6) lvl 10 Arcane Surge on Switch 7) +1 to maximum Frenzy Charges corruption on Repentance 10) 14%+ cooldown recovery on belt 12) 15% chaos conversion Atziri's Promise 13) 14% - 15% penetration Wise Oak with balanced all resistances (all 3 must be equal) For even more Shaper DPS: 14) 5-7% increased attack speed or 12-15% chance to fortify corruption on Mjolner 15) lvl 21 20 quality Heralds 16) lvl 21 20 quality Controlled Destruction 17) lvl 21 20 quality Wave of Conviction Recommended MTX for Thor cosplay ;) ---------------------------------------- + Black Guard Cloak (the red one) + Elite helmet + Lightning eyes effect (under armour section) + Lightning Footprints + Either Celestial Shield or Skin transfer from Daresso's Shield / Saffels FAQ: ------------------- 1) 6l is needed for this right? or the basics can be done with only 5l too? It is needed for the end-game content (Shaper, Guardians, Elders, Uber Lab etc). Also high tier maps (T14-T15) with nasty mods on bosses might be a problem without 6l. This is because 6link is Life Gained on Hit. Without it life recovery from Kingsguard alone might be not enough in those scenarios. Build doesnt use Inyas boots nor it is Juggernaut so average number of endurance charges per Discharge is 2-3 meaning 2.5 * 100 * 6.5 = 1625 hp gained per sec via Kingsguard. Assuming Molten Strike with GMP hits 4 times per attack on average with 5+ APS you have 20 hits, meaning with 20/20 LGoH you have additional 20 * 54 = 1080 life gained per sec for a total of 2705 life gained back each sec. This is what I consider a "safe" value that will hold u up vs heavy dmg income. 2) How do you keep the inflicted bleeds manageable? Bleeds you do to yourself via Golden Rule are very, very low so you can basically ignore them (molten stike is 50% fire, 50% physical, only physical part can cause bleed, more than that meele dmg is almost non existent on this build). "50% chance to be inflicted with bleeding when hit by an attack" is more dangerous, especially vs high physical dmg spikes. That said: 1) Build has around 330+ base life regen 2) Build uses fortify that reduces incoming dmg and bleed 3) Build has 2-3 endurance charges floating around for additional 8-12% phys dmg reduction and bleed reduction 4) When stationary (and this is a state you will be facetanking boss) The Red Trails has build in additional 10% physical dmg reduction that affects the bleed as well 5) Im using soul of Tukohama for additional phys dmg reduction and life regen while stationary, so +8% additional phys dmg reduction and +2% life regen 6) now this is where it gets intresting: Im also using Soul of Arakaali for few things but most important: 50% increased life recovery for 4sec when you've stopped taking damage over time recently. This ofcourse includes bleed. 7) So together with 6) Im using low lvl CWDT - Immortal Call setup that triggers often, interrupting bleed (damage over time) for a few sec and making Soul of Araakali 50% bonus to total life recovery somewhat automated. 8) Build has Mind over Matter for 70% - 30% dmg spreed between life and mana (this included bleed) and both life and mana have their own regen (330+ on life and 150+ on mana). When all added up we have: 750+ life regen when stationary, 150+ mana regen, 51%-55% total phys dmg reduction when stationary, 46%-50% bleed dmg reduction. So the "problem" might occur only when you recieved a very big hit (and a very high bleed) and you are running while its on. But than you should have enough time to notice that and pop your anti-bleed flask. After doing like 50ish T12-T16 maps I had maybe 2 situations when I needed to pop the flask quickly. Also a good behaviour, something to learn with this build is to pop anti-bleed flask just after you're done with the boss. This way, while not under Kingsguard + LGoH + Mind of the Council recovery you will protect yourself from any remaining bleed stack before moving out. Latest guides: 3.11 Loki's Rainbownuke: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2904155 3.7 CI CoC Discharge: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2605608 3.7 Juggernaut life Mjolner: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1846362 Last edited by RicoKGB#5871 on Mar 20, 2019, 2:49:17 PM Last bumped on Jun 9, 2019, 9:50:26 AM
Some items in this post are currently unavailable.
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Latest guides:
3.11 Loki's Rainbownuke: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2904155 3.7 CI CoC Discharge: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2605608 3.7 Juggernaut life Mjolner: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1846362 |
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Hey. Tell pls , if compare 3 of your builds variations (inquis, jugg, and elementalist), which one is stronger in dmg/qol? And which build is ur favourite?
Harvest (Жатва) - лучшее, что когда-либо случалось с ПОЕ. F*ck 3.14!
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Thanks for the build Rico, It looks interesting. I would like to mimic Spooneer's question as I value your opinion on this.
Between your Mjolner builds, which one do you prefer in terms of speed, playstyle and fun? Look forward to your reply. |
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what do u think of using molten strike on ur juggernaut mjolnir build?
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Indigon Templar/Inquisitor vs non Indigon Marauder/Juggernaut vs non Indigon Witch/Elementalist. It is more like rock paper scissors - depends what u want from the build.
Left to right from best to worst: Single target DPS: Inq, Witch, Jugg Clear speed: Witch, Jugg, Inq Tankiness: Jugg, Inq, Witch If u plan to farm the big boys most of your time (Guardians, Shaper, Elders) - pick Inquisitor. Its tanky enough to do it all deathless and on decent speed. And hes a grandpa, Santa Clause, you know... Christmass... etc... If u plan to farm Red Maps most of the time than pick Witch. She is the fastest pack clearing mashine and possibly, for this purpose, one of the fastest builds currently in-game. Only Chuck Norris clears faster. If u plan to play HC or just want lvl the char high as possible (even all the way up to 100) and still do decent dmg (sooner or later everything dies anyway) than pick Jugg. He will die maybe once per galactic cycle. Latest guides: 3.11 Loki's Rainbownuke: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2904155 3.7 CI CoC Discharge: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2605608 3.7 Juggernaut life Mjolner: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1846362 Last edited by RicoKGB#5871 on Dec 21, 2018, 10:33:38 AM
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" Molten Strike on Jugg will screw up Elemental Equilibrium. Respecing out of EE just to have few Discharges per sec more is not worth it. Latest guides:
3.11 Loki's Rainbownuke: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2904155 3.7 CI CoC Discharge: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2605608 3.7 Juggernaut life Mjolner: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1846362 |
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" Thank you for the reply. One other question. For this elementalist build, what Uber Lab enchant would you recommend for the devoto's? Last edited by haveallama#7745 on Dec 21, 2018, 1:25:10 PM
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" 40% Discharge dmg with GMP. Or 2 additional Projectiles for Molten Strike when in conjunction with Wildfire - than you can swap out GMP for Life Gained on Hit. Didnt test that setup but it should still allow for 6+ triggers on both spells. No some update nfo: " Latest guides: 3.11 Loki's Rainbownuke: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2904155 3.7 CI CoC Discharge: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2605608 3.7 Juggernaut life Mjolner: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1846362 Last edited by RicoKGB#5871 on Dec 23, 2018, 4:36:32 AM
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540k+ Shaper DPS reached without RF:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkU5S4pB12s Build is almost done at this stage. I just need to sum up everething and write a full guide for it. My God this is so much fun with Mjolner again - feels exactly (if not better) like old pre nerfed 2.2 build. And I dont even have a min-maxed build yet - theres still room for improvements (lvl 21 Arc, 20/20 Controlled Destruction, 20q on lvl 21 Heralds, +1 charges corruptions, Wrath penetration Watchers Eye... enchantments...) this toon can reach well over 600k+ Shaper DPS with some investment. This is like twice the Juggernaut dmg and on pair with legacy Indigon version on full stacks... except you dont loose mana... yey. Edit: "small" correction: build (when heavilly invested) can reach over 1 mil Shaper DPS... https://pastebin.com/f7F6yg81 120k+ per Discharge x7.5 x0.58 (full charges mod) = 522k Discharge DPS on average (peak is 840k ...) 70k+ per Arc x7.5 = 525 Arc DPS on average for a total of 1.05 mil Shaper DPS average... and 1.3 mil @peak... still without even touching RF... Latest guides: 3.11 Loki's Rainbownuke: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2904155 3.7 CI CoC Discharge: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2605608 3.7 Juggernaut life Mjolner: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1846362 Last edited by RicoKGB#5871 on Dec 23, 2018, 1:04:54 PM
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