The 2 MOST IMPORTANT advices for new players, GUARANTEED !
as a new player just play the game and have fun. if you hate running Lab, like I do, dont try and make an uber lab runner just cause someone is printing exalts with one. Dont make a build just because its the fastest mapper or boss killer. I end up deleting every one of those builds because I enjoy taking my time in maps and dont care about running 40 maps an hour. Been playing since Beta and still never killed a boss higher than normal Atziri because I enjoy playing different builds and only one of my characters has ever made it over level 90. This game isnt a race except for proly 1% of the population and you arent one of them. Try wierd and different builds if they are fun. Literally every single build in this game can clear red maps without having a 6 link or even a 5 link. You really cant mess up your character beyond repair. In the end remember this is a game so have fun.
IGN: DabrixRN Last edited by Thomasmgp#1035 on Nov 28, 2018, 11:43:29 AM
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" Can only speak for myself here, but after hating the Labs for a while, I started as a Juggernaut a couple leagues ago. Not a dedicated runner, but it's probably really hard to build a Jugg that isn't basically immortal in labs. I was able to stand around in traps for a while, learn Itzaro's phases etc.... and this made me hate it less and less. Today, I can play lab on any build without hating it. 3.5 build:
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" i didnt hate it because it was hard. hell i have played RF Jugg before and could go to sleep in a trap and be fine. its just boring as hell. its literally the same thing over and over. maybe its why i never cared much about farming uber atziri or shaper. To me the fun is in running maps so thats what I do. IGN: DabrixRN
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Agree with most points.
Some streamers really do offer good starter builds, like LiftingNerdBro. Did you try turning it off and on again?
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I'm not sure where OP is coming from, honestly.
If you're new to the game then I suggest you - A) play for fun. There's no way to learn the entirety of the game in one 3-month league. and B) don't no-life it. The game is entirely too difficult to go a whole league w/o making a mistake. Even the best streamers make fail builds, hell none of them are even pushing HC Delve ladder, cause it's just too hard. and c) do not (except fusings) use your currency because you need a new item. Currency is just that, something that you trade, or whose application (the item you just crafted) you can easily trade. Another way of putting this is - USING CURRENCY, YOU HAVE A ONE-IN-A-MILLION CHANCE TO CREATE AN ITEM THAT IS BETTER FOR YOUR BUILD THAN YOUR CURRENT ITEM. Sell all half-decent crafts, and start a new craft. DO NOT roll over sellable crafts, ever. Just take your 15c profit and start over. Last edited by Orca_Orcinus#3543 on Nov 28, 2018, 4:36:51 PM
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This is just exaggeration, honestly. OP has a point, but he blows it out of proportion.
1. Specific 6 link unique body ammour is expensive, but an item level 80 6 link with body armour is like 40 chaos at the start of the league. Then you have divination cards for astral plate. Just buy a 6 link white + essence of greed and boom, you have an usable 6 link. What kind of build needs a required 6 link unique anyway? Outside of Shavaronne's Wrapping (which is not even that desirable anymore due to ES nerfs, you don't really need any required 6 link body ammour. Everything is replaceable. 2. Public group playing is overrated. Public group is mostly for low tier maps which you don't need anyway. And then you have to carry a bunch of leechers, better solo if you don't have a dedicated group. 3. In the past most forum builds are nonsense over-expensive bullshit build. But I would say 50% of the forum builds are still sensible. 4. Money making is indeed hard middle of the league if you don't have enough time. But honestly you can make a build that beats shaper within 1 ex nowadays, as long as it is a meta skill. 5. Mathil effect, still, overrated. Wait for 1 and 2 days and price back to normal. |
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- Don't care about ubar-Elder or Atziri for money making!!
I could have a 1000 exe char ... and would still not be able to kill them ;). - Uber Lab isn't to hard with any decent build. But don't try to compet with "professional runners". They do nothing but running this sh... all day long and know exactly which mob waits every corner. - Don't care to much about currency at all. Nobody needs 1000 exe! It's for posing only! - Learn the Chaos recipt !!!!!!! You will never touch the super richis (and honestly, who cares). But you will have a steady chaos-income to afford your maps and decent gear. IGNORE any "imba wtf ubar mega must have" stuff. a) Most of the stuff isn't "imbar ubar must have" at all. At best it is "nice to have". Not more, not less. b) more often then not it's a bad markt manipulating attemp. c) you can do ANYTHING in Path of Exile with a <50 chaos geared char. Simply spend 10 more minutes to plan your build. And yes, you can ... not me ;). As even 1000 exe wouldn't let me kill ubar-elder :(. I'm just to unskilled for him. Best examples are stat-sticks. Nobody "need" them (I never use them!). You just get a bit more DPS which is only nice for endgame bosses (Elder, Shaper etc) as everything else dies instant anyway. Even if you just have 300k path-of-building dps. - Even 1 chaos is currency and worth to be picked up. Well, at last at when a league starts. Later you might have enough stock to limit your shop to 5+c, 10+c or even 20+c and vendor anything below. |
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" It's for the lab runner. And I expressed that uber labs are not for newbies. Ofc a newbie can complete uber lab but running and carrying people efficiently is a different story. And it's as smooth as zombie necro for example. Baron + montrengul + astramentis + tabula (rest is rare life resist) necro can do red maps in level 80 and it's still unde 100c. May be DS or conc path can do it but he will die a lot. |
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Can you suggest a build for the start of next league? I'm casual, have had a few characters reach around level 90. Did a couple Glacial Cascade totem builds and enjoyed the playstyle. My most recent character was a Arc Witch. I'm wanting to do something more tanky, but don't really know where to start. I'm not a noob, but I'm sort of a noob if you know what I mean. There's a lot to learn about this game.
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Melee is actually pretty easy to gear with limited budget. There are plenty of "good enough" unique weapons to carry you into maps.
Double Ahn's might crit cleave with pacifism, double touch of anguish frost blades, bino's reave,... Stuff like that isn't hard to pull off and scales pretty nicely once you have a bit of currency to spend. 3.5 build:
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