The 2 MOST IMPORTANT advices for new players, GUARANTEED !

DamageIncorporated wrote:
Pieces of advise*

Advice *
I started playing this game mid Incursion and was hopeful to see a post like this as the learning curve was steep. The post is needlessly long and while making some good points, is simply wrong about others.

I killed Uber Elder this league (first time) and reached 600 depth and got 3 characters to 94+, one to 96. I 100% completed my atlas as well (including HoGM). I HAVE NEVER PARTIED in this game, other than to trade goods or currency. That means NEVER partied for any lab stuff whatsoever or anything else. The only place I've ever been with another player in this game is their hideout.

The OP is right about build guide advertisements being misleading - they frequently make it sound like a budget but once you understand the mechanics of this game you quickly realize that to have the experience advertised most builds REQUIRE the much more expensive items they claim are not mandatory, and are usually only not mandatory for very skilled players. This learning process is very helpful in learning game mechanics though - in learning what is really making a build tick.

Path of building really had the biggest impact for me. I learned that my intuitions about upgrades and even gems sometimes were extremely bad. Playing a lot of non-meta builds combined with using PoB helped me to learn which items were valuable for selling as well (still a work in progress).

Oh, and as for beginner advice - here's one: don't underestimate movement speed for defense.
Last edited by CapnSparrow#0441 on Nov 26, 2018, 11:21:41 AM
As a new player, I find the builds overwhelming.

But for new players, they need to look at League starter builds and find a build that is easy to follow.

I am currently playing 2 builds to get ready for next league.

Demi's Flying Purple People Eater and Enki's Arc Witch.

I found both these guides are fairly simple and easy to follow.
Enki's guide is even broken down to what you need to do in each Act and what to do later when you get to maps. He also has an SSF section.

I am moving over to SSF as it will force me to learn the game and not rely on others to help me through Uber Lab or give me items for free that they can't sell or use for their build.

I hope to do more in the next league then I have yet in the past leagues I have played. I have been playing on Xbox since the game came out in Aug of 2017. Been playing on and off play and try each new league to see whats up. But I have yet to go really far in the game. Level 86 is my highest so far.
This is a good point.
postrach_myszy wrote:
In my opinion you should let new players make new player mistakes. Everybody do stupid things on very beginning and then learn how to avoid it. Besides, your solution is as well illusionary as solutions presented by streamers or creators of various builds. Party play? You try to convince us, that party of newbies will handle it better then one newbie? No. It will be just bunch of beginners, with tragic builds, zero currency and game mechanic knowledge equal to zero. Lab services? Come on, to provide such things fast and reliable, you have to design really good and fast labrunner, with quite expensive gear. It is better to run lab alone, for enchantments. And when it comes to “endgame fights”… well, the only thing novices should realize is, that in this case the most important is to get to know the mechanics and style of fighting of each of these enemies.

They will not get this knowledge by watching streamers or films on YT, they have to learn it themselves. In my case, both Shaper and then Uber Elder was nightmare. I killed Shaper for the first time in Harbinger league, with self-designed build, fully adjusted to my poor skills. Before I did it, I wasted like 20 Shaper sets. Even after that I was able to kill him every third set! It took me about 50 sets and 3 theory-crafted new builds (vaal pact was destroyed in the meantime, but I also learned how to get currency very effective, without horrible MF) to learn how to kill him deathless. Same issue with Uber Elder. It took me 12 sets to kill him, then I wasted 7 sets for each killing, until I finally realized, how exactly each “phase” works and what should I avoid. But nobody will tell such things in public. People will rather say “oh, with my brilliant build I can kill whole endgame”. Certainly. After 100 wasted sets :) And that's practically the only thing, novices should be aware of.
~ There are spectacular moments.
Despite the flack you're taking from more than a few people, you make some very valid points.

This is, and I think most of the people responding are missing this, aimed at that group of people who are past just getting into considering mapping for profit. They maybe have 30c, a stash filled with junk Uniques, and have started to research prices on Standard league.

These are not people who've been playing for years, these are people who are considering doing leagues, because of various reasons, for the first time. They're not familiar with the tempo of the league pricing. They're efficiency in mapping, looting, etc. is not good.

I'm one of those people, and luckily I realized quickly that I could only pull off budget builds just because of my lackluster efficiency (and I'm not looking to improve it). These are all points that I discovered on my own, but it took bricking several characters to do so. Would've appreciated this back when I started.
Phantom_Omen wrote:
I think you are exaggerating a bit...

And yet, I've also NEVER had any problem running the build I wanted to run with. Including lots of hypster builds (that's what I like to do mainly lol) that use 6-link uniques and shit like that.

You tell people to "not rely on luck", well I agree if by "luck" you mean dropping for 10-15 exalts worth of shit in the first week while playing casually.
But honestly, since I started playing this game, in 2012 I believe, I've never had less than at least 2-3 exalts worth of currency in the first week, no matter how casually I approached it. And that is enough to buy a white 6-link, and good uniques or craft a decent stat stick, in order to get almost any build going.


Ive also played this game casually since Beta and you say you get 2-3 exalts worth of currency in one week every league no matter how casually you approach it??

That is not even remotely close to the experience for me or any of my friends who play this game casually. Its very hard to get decent gear and keep a Char alive as the casual player in HC which is the only way I like to play.
I like what to OP wrote and agree with most every word. POE is the best game I play and I keep coming back because of that but the game has clearly grown with the NON casual gamer in mind. GGG has this group of people who play this game daily and they need to keep satisfied. I recently had a friend start up this game and it made me realize how NEW COMER unfriendly this game really is. It very complicated if you did not grow with it over all the years, something many of us dont think about or acknowledge!!!


I agree with almost all of your points the only thing I see a little different is the six-link part.
There is a low chance you will have a “6link endgame item” in your first league.

Ok I play poe since first open beta therefore I don't think that a new player can get the same things that I can but still..... I'm a family man these days and have only VERY LIMITED time to play and I do not flip items but in the end I had like 7 or 8 six-links this league. Today it's almost impossible to not get a decent six-link within a few days. As soon as a new player's char arrives at blood aqueduct he simply should stay there until he gets his first tabula rasa (takes less than a day and it feels so rewarding getting your first six-link all by yourself). After that I would recommend farming a second one and try to corrupt them. There are some really great corruptions that could help a new player so much. For example:

Of course it's only a small chance but damn it feels so good when it happens, I will always remember my first +1. Blood aqueduct requires no gameplay knowledge, no special gear and unlike maps you can run it for free over and over again and by farming that zone a new player will get decent amounts of xp too. With having access to a cheap six-link in the early game it's pretty easy to farm low tier content to finally buy your *insert gg-six-link of your dreams). Plus delve makes it extremely easy to accumulate wealth even while only farming the lowest depths.
German saying: Schönheit und Funktionalität in Sekundenschnelle zu ruinieren, ist dem wahren Dilettanten keine Herausforderung!
torturo: "Though, I'm really concerned, knowing by practice the capabilities of the balance team."
top2000: "let me bend your rear for a moment exile"
Last edited by 666lol666#3140 on Nov 27, 2018, 5:37:35 AM
There are builds that come until red maps very easy.

This are mostly minion builds, and since a few seasons totem builds.

Endbosses are another thing - either play godly, than you can kill shaper on a 4 - link. Or it gets really really expensive then.

When looking for a build - test if there is a solo self found version that is working. There are builds that go without problems from the start to T15 maps.

Shaper, his guardians and uberelder / uber Atziri are a complete other thing then.

My "brainless to T15" this season was a domination blow/ herald of purity / zombie build, from Level 1 to red maps without any problems on SSF. Only died to own stupitidy (not moving in known boss slams with bad mods on maps, or "you can do this 8-mod T14 with all kind of extra damage cheese").

I dont think new players can run uber lab service propoerly.

I agree rest of the what OP said.

If you are a new player your first build must be a non-direct-hitter.

There is NO CHEAP MELEE AND RANGED(bow self cast) builds that can do all contents.

There are no league starter melee builds for newbies.

Dont believe "cheap at start" thing.

Pick minion, totem, trap or mine(not sure didnt play).

Under 100c you can do uber lab, atziri, red maps, red elder.
If you push it hard and do some tuning you can kill shaper guardians and even shaper(may be after a few run after you learn how to dodge) with that builds.
pphnx wrote:

There are no league starter melee builds for newbies.

Dont believe "cheap at start" thing.

I agree that "budget" and "league starter" are tossed around way too much in build posts, but you are wrong that there are no good melee starter builds.

I'm playing a Sunder Jugg Lab runner build. It's very cheap to get going and continues to perform well into low maps on budget gear.

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