The 2 MOST IMPORTANT advices for new players, GUARANTEED !
" 1 stat + crafted crit multi :D hehe, that's good for killing Kitava and finishing the storyline quests. |
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I think you are exaggerating a bit...
It's fine to tell noobs that they are unlikely to get a 6 link Mathil'd item on their first league, but to tell them they should limit their ambitions to a Tabula rasa is laughable. You can get almost any type of white 6-link item for one exalt at the start of a league. They usually drop to below 40c during the first month. You can usually get a decent roll on them by spamming about 20c worth of orbs on it. Stat sticks aren't that hard to craft, I'm not talking about GG ones, but you know, a decent stat stick. You just have to buy a base for probably under 20c, and spam alts/ regals, or chaos on it. It isn't hard, nor is it really expansive. You simply need to pull up POE Affixes on your browser if you don't know what you're doing. I've never played this game "hardcore", I'm not exactly "casual" either, I'm kind of in between. I play about the first 1-2 months of every league then stop until the next one. I've never played in organized groups, never completed 40 challenges, and never farmed the hardest end game content for riches. And yet, I've also NEVER had any problem running the build I wanted to run with. Including lots of hypster builds (that's what I like to do mainly lol) that use 6-link uniques and shit like that. You tell people to "not rely on luck", well I agree if by "luck" you mean dropping for 10-15 exalts worth of shit in the first week while playing casually. But honestly, since I started playing this game, in 2012 I believe, I've never had less than at least 2-3 exalts worth of currency in the first week, no matter how casually I approached it. And that is enough to buy a white 6-link, and good uniques or craft a decent stat stick, in order to get almost any build going. Last edited by Phantom_Omen#0221 on Nov 25, 2018, 2:31:02 PM
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" Now you're just trolling. 3.5 build:
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My favorite thing was when Mathil used +4 level to traps in incursion, destroyed uber elder and told us that we can get the same result without the +4.
The same time running public parties is really boring, so is uber lab carry. You will get enough exalts to kill shaper/red elder with just filling your atlas. And then getting the xv. memory fragments will take forever. I don't think you have to grind at any point, it is faster to proceed. |
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Pieces of advice*
Last edited by DamageIncorporated#7815 on Nov 26, 2018, 8:27:54 PM
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You guys are all wrong, if you, as a first timer, decide to run with one of these builds from the get-go, you will end up as level 70, not being able to progress, going to be stuck in white maps asking why my build isn't killing uber elders per second. The fact is I said exactly how it is, they're misleading, the items are extremely expensive in endgame upgrading, so start with tabula build, izaro spam build and work your way till you can afford a complete set of gear for a build. You guys, again, are not putting math of a beginner in your calculation and you rely on luck way too much. A beginner will get 3x T1 res and T1 life stygian wise and vendor it or sell it for 2 chaos. You know, since isn't advertised, it took me 2 seasons to get off-trade channels and start trading on that website, and I forgot to mention it's going to be extremely hard to progress if you don't buy the tabs, especially because most people are hoarders and they don't vendor shitty items.
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"Don't follow the advice other people give you!"
"Okay, so here's what to do..." Uhuh... I think I've seen enough here.. Carry on my waypoint son, there'll be peace when maps are done.
Lay your portal gem to rest, don't you die no more. 'Cause it's a bitter sweet symphony this league. Try to make maps meet, you're a slave to the meta, then you leave. |
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I know a lot of people are giving you flak, Rinzlowe, but I think you're correct with almost everything you put up here and most of the people talking shit probably see less than a tiny fraction of the currency or league completion your group generates by playing the first week or two of the league really efficiently.
I thought your post was pretty informative and laid out some genuine traps new players fall into. I can't count the number of posts on path of exile builds and question threads where some new player tries a build that requires 4+ mirror items and doesn't see anywhere near the same success. "Why am I dying on t12 bosses" they ask, and I look at their build and they are 12 stat points and 450 exa away from being the guy who wrote the guide. Last edited by Vortex_Magus#5536 on Nov 26, 2018, 3:47:14 AM
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In my opinion you should let new players make new player mistakes. Everybody do stupid things on very beginning and then learn how to avoid it. Besides, your solution is as well illusionary as solutions presented by streamers or creators of various builds. Party play? You try to convince us, that party of newbies will handle it better then one newbie? No. It will be just bunch of beginners, with tragic builds, zero currency and game mechanic knowledge equal to zero. Lab services? Come on, to provide such things fast and reliable, you have to design really good and fast labrunner, with quite expensive gear. It is better to run lab alone, for enchantments. And when it comes to “endgame fights”… well, the only thing novices should realize is, that in this case the most important is to get to know the mechanics and style of fighting of each of these enemies. They will not get this knowledge by watching streamers or films on YT, they have to learn it themselves. In my case, both Shaper and then Uber Elder was nightmare. I killed Shaper for the first time in Harbinger league, with self-designed build, fully adjusted to my poor skills. Before I did it, I wasted like 20 Shaper sets. Even after that I was able to kill him every third set! It took me about 50 sets and 3 theory-crafted new builds (vaal pact was destroyed in the meantime, but I also learned how to get currency very effective, without horrible MF) to learn how to kill him deathless. Same issue with Uber Elder. It took me 12 sets to kill him, then I wasted 7 sets for each killing, until I finally realized, how exactly each “phase” works and what should I avoid. But nobody will tell such things in public. People will rather say “oh, with my brilliant build I can kill whole endgame”. Certainly. After 100 wasted sets :) And that's practically the only thing, novices should be aware of. |
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" A good round up build can do up to red maps with no problem on 5 link and mostly trash items. Al you needed give new playes is one link instead of all that brightly colored wall of text (that ultimetly had the purpose to show how "awesome" your crew is): That channel is everything a new player will ever need to be succesfull in this game. Mostly buget builds explained very well that can clear up to shaper on 5L. Depending on the time in the league a 2x ele stat sticks can be quite cheap. I had mid league like 4 that did not sell. They are not as hard to craft as you make it seem. It's hard to get one open for multi craft as well. In any case the point is moot: stat sticks will be addressed by GGG sooner or later. Your message is somewhat more rellevant to experienced players BUT they already know all that stuff. Also not everyone has time for a whole partner of people who always play togedher. If you are an experienced player you don't need all that stuff you meantioned. I play since 2013 as well and I do very well for myself every league. Usually 2 fully done builds and 36 challenges (could be 40 but don't care about a totem pole). I play solo exclusivelly and clear Uber Elder every league. If I can do that why would I even care about making more and more currency? Just so it rots in standard? Meh. My only goal every league is to ultimetly have a mirror drop. The one item I did not have drop. Yeha I could buy 50 on standard but meh, want to see that bitch drop. "Never argue with an idiot. They will take you down to their level and beat you trough experience."
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