The 2 MOST IMPORTANT advices for new players, GUARANTEED !

You need to know PATH OF EXILE is a hardcore game, you're either all in as solo 12 hours a day, or if you have 3 hours a day, you need friends to help you, there is no other way to finish it, and you better read this before you read those build guides and currency making guides, most of us veterans know this stuff already, because that’s what the game is all about:


These are your common forum titles:
Elemental Hit Wanderfinder, clear all content 250mil Shaper DPS, Uber Elder Deathless on 4link!
Juggernaut Golberg tank, 700 billion Uber Elder Deathles, teleport map speed, clear all content, immortal blah blah…

Listen, there are only 3 types of builds in this game:
Magic Finder, Tank, Fast Trash Clear
yes, I'm excluding Aurabots at this time.

Most of the build here on forums attempt to be a Tank and Fast Clear, but there is so much time in a single league you can spend “farming and upgrading”, just by playing by chance of rolls, you will never going to have enough. Most of these builds require a huge amount of investments to work as they show in their videos. Also, we veterans have been playing endgame so long, the endgame bosses almost never kill us because we are so familiar with their mechanics. An endgame boss like Uber Elder comes up maybe 2 times a month for the new player, you have only 6 portal chances per run not do fuck it up, so, do the math.

Look for builds that work on Red Maps while carrying “Tabula Rasa” or 4link rare chest. There is a low chance you will have a “6link endgame item” in your first league. You will almost never farm currency required and will not be super lucky with loot. I hit my first 6 link bow ever with only 2 fusings, the next 6 links I got, spent almost my entire wealth of the season, quit the game for 3 weeks because of it. So luck comes at unknown quantity, remember that.


The streamers are usually veterans of the game, and they “don't include” the most critical information, and most people who follow their advice end up always wasting time. MOST IMPORTANTLY, they usually only put high emotional moments of luck in their videos to get more views.
Let’s take a look at Demi’s Money Making tutorials. This guy made 40 chaos per hour with his guide, and you think, wow golden, let’s be golden like Demi, playing 500 Sextant Crafted Zana Elder Mod maps.
He invests about 20 chaos per map, and starts off with 12 000 chaos bank, and Mirrored Magic Find Gear, basically you would need to play a year every day just for gear.
Now what he doesn’t say and most new guys don’t notice is, the game is not linear, his returns start showing up at 150 maps or so, meaning, if you do the same, your first 200 chaos, hard earned, will go to nothing and you will lose everything.
Regarding Streamer Builds, there is something called “Mathil Effect”. Now
these build are just popular, they aren’t the best, so these streamers make a build and they show you how they go to and buy an item for 2 chaos and kill endgame boss, and when you try to do the same, the item is now 250 chaos and you keep dying before you even see the endgame bosses. This is basically because their builds rise in popularity and the price of items goes crazy.
Also when you see streamers fight bosses, they know the mechanics so well, they almost never die because they avoid critical hits.

Don’t follow “How I made 5000 Chaos” bullshit videos. Your best way of making currency as a new player is by playing free public maps in random groups and doing “uber lab carry” services. So what you want to do is when you hit level 65-70, max out your resists by sacrificing damage and join Public Mapping Parties.
You can run close behind and not get killed, you will get XP, you will get loot, with literally 0 investment. Once you have enough currency, make a “uber carry build” (search forums for it) and do uberlab carry service for chaos and loot because there is a high demand on it in almost any time in the legaue. It’s the best way to go for new players. All these videos, on flipping currency, market flooding, require veteran knowledge of the game and a heavy bank. Most of us know better but we never say it.


Build, I have a team, we decide what each of us will play in first 2 weeks, this is important.
Money, having friends you can trust with currency is EVERYTHING, we farm together like soldiers, we have guy who clears mobs using Magic Find, we keep him alive, guy who is aurabot, guy who only runs around and loots and tank for risky mobs, we do group buyouts and group crafting. We buyout items that we know will jump 20 times in price in a week. Again, this is if you truly know the game, my friends been playing since 2013. The biggest bank we earn is in beggining of the legaue when items are dirt cheap, you can see a stygian wise T1 Life, 3 T1 resist belt go for as low as 4 exalts that will in 10 days be worth 120 exalts. Basically, in a couple of hours, we can accumulate as a normal player does in 3 weeks. This is how you can stay casual and still finish the league challenges.
GROUP CREATED BUILD, we combine our resources and one of us makes a "Zeprhi flask immortal build" extremely early in the game. The cost is split between players, and we can do carry from 30-60 chaos per endgame boss, the carry is no longer than 5-10 minutes including the entire group spamming messages across popular channels.

* if we had a streamer in the group, we would do market manipulation but that's a high risk endavour.

This is starter thread, I will most likely be updating it with some images and videos in the future and maybe write less...
Last edited by Rinzlow#2120 on Nov 25, 2018, 12:22:22 PM
Last bumped on Nov 29, 2018, 3:08:43 AM
I agree on some parts, but I think even a noob can pile up enough jewelers / fusings that, converted into chaos orbs, buy him a six-link etc.

In the end it's just "keep playing the game", eventually you can afford what you need.
3.5 build:
Peterlerock wrote:
I agree on some parts, but I think even a noob can pile up enough jewelers / fusings that, converted into chaos orbs, buy him a six-link etc.

In the end it's just "keep playing the game", eventually you can afford what you need.

that's exactly what I had in mind 3 weeks into the game, but when you take into account your endgame 6 links depending on the build can go for like 12 exalts, you know for someone who doesn't know how to trade on values, you're talking about a 1000 chaos worth. Can you imagine 1000 chaos in first month just from "playing"
well a few points are valid while other are completly wrong...

my bets advise never try to 6-link if you cant afford 5k+ fuse for a 6l ( my highest was 4.2k and a few other got 6k+ )

farm farm farm ... pick all currency and ignore all rare items
do that 6h play time

and i promise you will get 3-6 ex in that time ( with converting everthing )
30 Shores with Double Pack / Breach / Max Sextants
First Selfmade Build as Sparker ( MF )
1 Million Tool Tip Dps Sparker

Last edited by KillerKrug#1803 on Nov 25, 2018, 12:28:50 PM
Rinzlow wrote:
Peterlerock wrote:
I agree on some parts, but I think even a noob can pile up enough jewelers / fusings that, converted into chaos orbs, buy him a six-link etc.

In the end it's just "keep playing the game", eventually you can afford what you need.

that's exactly what I had in mind 3 weeks into the game, but when you take into account your endgame 6 links depending on the build can go for like 12 exalts, you know for someone who doesn't know how to trade on values, you're talking about a 1000 chaos worth. Can you imagine 1000 chaos in first month just from "playing"

Sounds like you're talking about very specific end game gear. I've never spent more than a couple exalts on a single piece of gear in a league. Also, many (most?) builds can clear everything up to guardians with a 5-link.

Anyway, if the purpose of this post is to set realistic expectations, that's fine, and I support it. I think you overstate your case, however.
most new players take about a week or more, to finish the story content, think about it. A week and a half before you hit the maps. That's the crowd I'm talking to. Your statistical knowledge comes from your own past experiences of having to see Doctor card drop in burial Chambers. You might want to check "time played" before your luck loots. Most builds if they don't work with tabula are shit builds in my opinion.
the best example I can give you stat sticks. To hit 2 elemental stats that are bare minimum requires using a shitload of regal orbs. Just for mapping minimum. Statsticks in streamer videos go for 20 chaos, realistically in they would go for 300 chaos. Thats because if we had a streamer of our own, we flood the market with statsticks, make him buy it from one of our guys in the video... you know where i'm going with this right.
Rinzlow wrote:
Peterlerock wrote:
I agree on some parts, but I think even a noob can pile up enough jewelers / fusings that, converted into chaos orbs, buy him a six-link etc.

In the end it's just "keep playing the game", eventually you can afford what you need.

that's exactly what I had in mind 3 weeks into the game, but when you take into account your endgame 6 links depending on the build can go for like 12 exalts, you know for someone who doesn't know how to trade on values, you're talking about a 1000 chaos worth. Can you imagine 1000 chaos in first month just from "playing"

Yes, a specific 6L item may cost 1000 chaos, and you will most likely not have 1000 chaos as a beginner.

Then you choose your priorities:
The specific item, but a 5L
Any 6L you can afford

I usually run around in a cheap 6L gladiator plate or whatever for half the league. If the build is somewhat functional this will be fine.

3.5 build:
you guys keep clinging to my 6link costs, did you forget some builds don't work unless you have some specific uniques, infact, most of them require a bunch of uniques that go for 1ex + . You need to put the math of new players into your calculations. I've seen entire guilds of new players that have less wealth in 1 league than I alone make myself. This is barebone stuff I'm talking about.
Rinzlow wrote:
the best example I can give you stat sticks. To hit 2 elemental stats that are bare minimum requires using a shitload of regal orbs. Just for mapping minimum. Statsticks in streamer videos go for 20 chaos, realistically in they would go for 300 chaos. Thats because if we had a streamer of our own, we flood the market with statsticks, make him buy it from one of our guys in the video... you know where i'm going with this right.

The question is not what should a good stat stick cost?

The question is how good a stat stick has to be to be able to progress in your journey.

And I doubt that is beyond 20c range (one stat + crafted crit multi).
3.5 build:

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