Veiled Mods: Focus

just make it d2 style skills where you can bind whatever you want
Pretty useless. I think GGG is out of ideas.
Is this an out of league April fools joke?
"I didn't know we were making a pants simulator." - Chris Wilson
Game was peak fun before consoles and tencent.
Lothrik wrote:
"Focussed" seems like the wrong word to use here.

It should be "Focusing" (present participle) or "Focused" (past participle, which seems weird to me given that it's instant cast) not "Focussed" (past participle + uncommon spelling variant).

You focus and afterwards you are focused/ focussed (both spellings exist).
Focusing would be grammatically awkward, since, as you said, focus is instant. So you cannot be focussing, except for that 0 duration moment when you use the skill; but the present progressive always indicates that something goes on for a while.

Focussed is not only a past participle, it is also an adjective, describing a state of being concentrated.
Bird lover of Wraeclast
Las estrellas te iluminan - Hoy te sirven de guía
Te sientes tan fuerte que piensas - que nadie te puede tocar
Not sure about that mechanic. I happen to always prefer permanent modifiers over conditional boosts, even if the permanent are less potent. Maybe I'm just lazy like that.
"Into the Labyrinth!
left step, right step, step step, left left.
Into the Labyrinth!"
great idea but please enlarge the skillbar!
I love this idea, but I am going to do something I hate.

I will add to the crowd which I hate. I can't imagine ever finding anything like this useful because I don't have enough quick slots for the abilities all my builds already uses, I am literally not using skills that I want to use because of the current limitations of the UI. Hopefully you guys are listening to what the community wants, sadly I can here Chris saying "more slots will take away important choices etcetecetcetc"

the choice here is "I am not going to use something new and cool because it sucks compared to whats old and works". Not a choice its an illusion of choice.
Another optional mechanic is added to the game? Good.
Static cooldown of 12 seconds? Understandable but inhibiting...

As for results? Probably good for offensive buffs of which there are of course alternatives as well, but this might fit some niche. Feels like harbinger buffs though and the use of those fell of fast after the league i think. This seems more customizable so might be nice though. Defensively it is totally unreliable because of the cooldown and all the things that can one shot you in the game. 1% of evasion rating as life regen with 80k evasion? 800 life regen for 4 seconds. But you kinda need it always and not as an active you need to manage or not at all since you might then rely on it when its not there and accidently die.

Could be good, could be bad. New options in PoE though, so thats good anyway you look at it.
This is not a bad concept however the lack of space and macro utility on the skillbar is already SUPER shit. Why introduce something that will take up more space.

Enlarge the skillbar, allow for more macros/hotkeys.

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would appreciate it if you can have a larger action bar and keybind like 20 skills
also i dont understand why you cannot unbind the mouse buttons since i only use the mouse to pickup loot and walk with keybinds

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