Hate this fuckin Uberlab

Peterlerock wrote:
sofocle10000 wrote:
PS: Pigeon holing players into a class instead of a playstyle is a design problem

"Pigeon holing"?

What I meant to say is that it really helped me like Lab more when I explored it with a Jugg. Due to his natural tankiness against traps (Dots, physical damage) I learned how to deal with them on other chars, they don't frighten me anymore.

Same as I learned to swim in shallow water.

But this doesn't mean that players are somehow forced to choose this class to play/beat/farm/enjoy Lab.

We both know it that a Juggernaut not only has it "easy" in "Lab", but that it simply TRIVIALIZES said content, and sure, having lots of physical mitigation is the key, but any other classes don't have the SAME experience - that is not bad "per se", it's a simple oversight...

If all the classes could employ with comparable success their defense mechanisms, versus a comparable piece of content that would provide an alternative to "Ascendancy" - for example, some content where an alternate "trap" damage should be possible to be dodged and/or evaded (so an Ezomyte/Vaal/Karui/Maraketh rite of passage) - could provide an equivalent to the Azmeri "Ascendancy", we'd never have this discussion.

As it currently stands, "Lab" places a heavier focus on physical damage/DOT mitigation than all other game content. Where is the equivalent focus on elemental damage mitigation, or block/dodge and Spell block/dodge and maybe even ES & chaos damage???

Lets not hide behind straws and call the problems as we see them... And "Lab" still has more than a fair amount, which can be solved if TencentGGG would "man up" and address them...
PSS: Our almighty TencentGGG overlords are very scrupulous regarding criticizing their abilities to take proper decisions and consider everything "needlessly harsh and condescending"...

Good to know "free speech" doesn't apply in any form or manner on the forums these days...
Last edited by sofocle10000#6408 on Sep 23, 2018, 11:58:47 AM
No, lab is pretty much fine as it is, it has been improved quite a bit and it's likely not going to change (it does not need to).

It's fine that certain archetypes have an easier time in it,each archetype has weak/strong points.
Not all content need to provide a completely equivalent challenge for all kind of builds, at all (otherwise the game would be really boring).

It would not be fine if it was tremendously difficult, so that only juggs could do it ... which is very far from being the case (of course, ignorant/inexperienced people might call it too difficult an unfair for other types of builds, but it really isn't).

Should we complain about abysses because the dmg there is mostly physical, and that it's unfair to non juggernaut builds ??
No, that's just one piece of content that happens to be easier for people stacking physical mitigations, and there is absolutely no problem with that.

SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
@Shovelcut, I don't think that people like Turtledove are able to participate in conversation at all. Anyway, thanks for trying to be the voice of sanity.
retired from forum because of censorship and discrimination
(also poe2 bad)
Shovelcut wrote:
Turtledove wrote:
I looked at the data. You're apparently the only person here that still thinks that the OP is a noob. The onus is on you to point out the hidden data proving he's a noob.

No it's pretty obvious you didn't. It's like you were handed a 10 page report and you looked at page one and said "nope, nothing here".

For one, I never called anyone a noob. You said that the join dates showed DivineChampion was the noob. Now, since you have to have everything spelled out for you like a 5 year old how about you go compare their achievements in the game and then come back and tell me which one likely knows more about the game.

Turtledove wrote:
This is eerily like the discussion of your assertion that the list of now over 1000 accounts could really represent only a handful of people because maybe me or someone else made many hundreds of alt accounts. You maintained this insane completely unfounded assertion for over a dozen pages until you finally admitted, IIRC, that you didn't really believe that nonsense yourself. You were just hung up on the word "proves". I notice you use the offending word above. [Removed by Support]

Yeah, it really is because you're still twisting my words to mean what you want them to mean. You'd think that after being told I never made those claims multiple times it would eventually sink in but here you are 2 years later still acting like I'm the one that made those claims when you know damn well I didn't. In fact, through PM, I was actively helping you prove the opposite. But you still gotta try and make me look bad publicly because that's all you can do. It's sad really, and extremely dishonest of you.

Here's the first PM I sent you regarding others claims that there were only 10 people whining about the laby.
Shovelcut wrote:
No need to include that in the OP. So please, take my name out of it. xD

It was done more out of curiosity to see if there truly were 10 people that was doing all the whining. I ended up with a sheet of paper with 90+ish (No! I'm not counting again! lol) account names on it and you see how far I got down the list. I wish I had the stamina to go thru the whole thing.

To be fair, those who are accused of doing all the whining are usually responding to other threads and not so much making their own. And I guess in the end, there shouldn't be a problem with that. Right? Right! :)


For context of this PM:

You're the only one trying to twist words around here with irrelevant nonsense. He's obviously not a noob. Just because someone else has much better achievement completions doesn't make him a noob. What kind of stupid nonsense is that!

Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
I wouldn't worry too much about it. Soon enough they will be selling uberlab completion tokens in the store for real money. It's only a matter of time.
Turtledove wrote:
You're the only one trying to twist words around here with irrelevant nonsense. He's obviously not a noob. Just because someone else has much better achievement completions doesn't make him a noob. What kind of stupid nonsense is that!

That's a lot of words to say "No U". Between me and you, only one of us called someone else a noob in this thread. Here's a hint...
Turtledove wrote:
You're the noob compared to huetzer. Huetzer joined in 2012, you in 2016.

You're just proving my point, thank you. I said looking deeper into the profile was a better signifier than just looking at the join dates. With that I'm not implying someone is a noob or not. But if you compare their profiles side by side it's blatantly obvious which one plays more and knows more about the game.

And with that I'm through responding to your inane bullshit.

DivineChampion wrote:
@Shovelcut, I don't think that people like Turtledove are able to participate in conversation at all. Anyway, thanks for trying to be the voice of sanity.

Yeah and I knew that beforehand and engaged anyway. I don't know what I was thinking. :P
Just a lowly standard player. May RNGesus be with you.
Last edited by Shovelcut#3450 on Sep 23, 2018, 6:22:12 PM
Make lab harder
Lab is lame, OP. No question about it.
Shovelcut wrote:
Turtledove wrote:
You're the only one trying to twist words around here with irrelevant nonsense. He's obviously not a noob. Just because someone else has much better achievement completions doesn't make him a noob. What kind of stupid nonsense is that!

That's a lot of words to say "No U". Between me and you, only one of us called someone else a noob in this thread. Here's a hint...
Turtledove wrote:
You're the noob compared to huetzer. Huetzer joined in 2012, you in 2016.

You're just proving my point, thank you. I said looking deeper into the profile was a better signifier than just looking at the join dates. With that I'm not implying someone is a noob or not. But if you compare their profiles side by side it's blatantly obvious which one plays more and knows more about the game.

And with that I'm through responding to your inane bullshit.

[Removed by Support] Neither are noob's. I made it clear what I was discussing in about every post, that was that Hester was not a noob and that was the issue. Whereby you on the other hand were playing stupid games, latching on to a phrase you couldn't understand. You never once mentioned the irrelevant point you were trying to make that Huester was less accomplished, until now. Big deal, that doesn't have anything to do with making Huester a noob.

Eerily like the discussion of your assertion that only a handful of people and many alt accounts make up the list of 1000 accounts. In this thread you state no you weren't arguing that! Well what the hell were you arguing about? Still a secret, I guess. At the end of the discussion, it was Mark that I thought tried to summarize it as being about different definitions of the word "proves". Inane bullshit is the perfect description of your nonsense.

You already said you were done with this thread. Are you telling the truth now or not? Only time will tell.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Last edited by Blank_GGG#0000 on Sep 23, 2018, 8:46:57 PM
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