I've got a question. Why is it faster to "clic-clic" Lightning Warp rather than "hold the clic". Shouldn't the CD be 250ms with Poet Pen if you hold it? I always found it's faster to spam clic Lightning Warp rather than hold the clic on it.
Im noob, lol: got melted by double-c Malformation boss (at 95% exp).
My question about Hall of Grandmasters: I read on guardian guide that
***take off determination for Hall of the Grandmaster map as the slayers can culling strike you***
is that the case for us ?
I wrote a pretty extensive guide for HOTG for this build in this thread. A bit of searching will turn it up I think.
HotGM is a bit different - one needs to understand what is about.
Basically it's a pvp map - all enemies in the map are basically player characters. Those characters got designed by Backers of the Game - and obviously some of those Backers made the most haggard/abusive characters they could.
So the map itself from the get-go is more about knowing PvP/Character mechanics then anything else.
The next thing you ought to know is that whenever you open the map the characters/enemies you encounter are drawn from a large pool of those characters people who backed made.
Sometimes you get really annoying ones - sometimes you can breeze through the map. A good example of that would be that some of the enemies you will encounter will be characters who have taken the 'Chaos Innoculation' Keystone - making them immune to chaos damage. So if you play a Chaos-Damage based character (we are not one! just stay with me for the examples sake) you are basically screwed - other times you won't meet a CI Enemy and you are good to go.
Now - For us the whole map and 99% of the enemies are not a problem. One thing to keep in mind though is that a lot of Characters you will meet have 'culling strike'. Meaning they will instantly kill you if you are below 10% HP. And since we are are LowLife we tend to be always below 10% HP.
-> 1. So deactive one of your Auras linked to Bloodmagic. I tend to deactive Discipline.
The second issue are characters with maxed out spellblock - TheSpiderQueenByDemi - Demi being a fairly famous PoEStreamer who made the build - is one of those annoying characters we can't beat out of the gate with our usual skills.
That Enemy does only attack you with a whimpy dagger - but triggers a world of spells when you hit them - and block almost all the damage of your hits. The way to beat this character is to use a degeneration effect - something like Righteous Fire or - thats what I would recommend - a scorching ray setup.
-> 2. Take the 'Balefire' unique scepter with you - socket into it 3 supportgems for scorching ray. The Scepter itself grants you lv25 Scorching ray -> proceed to just burn the SpiderQueenByDemi down.
That's basically it. If you don't happen to stumble onto the SpiderQueen or a character like her this build can just blitz through the map as usual.
-> 3. Otherwise play as aggressive as you can.
Last edited by Cyrix1337#4098 on Nov 9, 2018, 10:48:28 AM
Quick update on the deep delve:
I've now switched the three dragon for a
This allow me to apply freeze on monsters with the cold conversion. It's basicaly the same effect.
I'm now able to put back the indigon again.
Also since i was using "three dragon", i noticed on pob that hypothermia was in front of lighting pen. So my setup has changed quite a bit from yours now.
Furthermore in remembered that in pob, i always apply damage to "shaper". But in delve it's not. You are always facing trash monsters, and when you check "no" on ennemy is a boss, lighting pen is dropping in rank, and hypotermia gives a big bonus due to the constant freeze/chill effect.
I think i will stick with this setup until i reach 1K. (might switch to a corruption glove with ele weakness on glove since the temp chain is not doing much with the freeze)
Sat down real quick and here is what my delving setup would probs look like:
3 Purities (80/80/82), Call of the Brotherhood, 92%Chance to Freeze, almost 3Mio Arc DPS and over 7k ES. I also got this Poet's Pen here: which has the Proliferation corruption to spread the Freeze. Should be fairly save.
Anyhow! I am off to bed o/
Would you mind to share how do you achieve this 92% chance to freeze?
I've checked out your POB link, it's weird that it seems not about elemental proliferation because I've manually check the gem in weapon from lightning penetration to elemental proliferation, but POB show that it's still under 92% chance to freeze.
another thing is that, the pob in this post, the indogon show up
166% increased Cast Speed
400% increased Spell Damage
Would you mind to share how do you achieve this 92% chance to freeze?
I've checked out your POB link, it's weird that it seems not about elemental proliferation because I've manually check the gem in weapon from lightning penetration to elemental proliferation, but POB show that it's still under 92% chance to freeze.
another thing is that, the pob in this post, the indogon show up
166% increased Cast Speed
400% increased Spell Damage
what's this about?
thank you in advance.
I am going to try and answer your questions.
The chance to freeze in the linked POB is based off of the persons crit chance. As you can see their effective crit chance is 91.32%, as such they have a much higher (92%) chance to freeze. If you're curious about how the freeze chance is calculated you just need to mouse over the 92%.
About your second question, the cast speed on the indigon, and the % damage increase are added in to account for indigon and the poet's pens. Using the pens you end up with increased cast speed because of how they work, and based on the calculations shown in the indigon calculator, the user has 400% increased damage.
I am not sure if you care or not, but if you're running indigon, most of the time you want to run a healthy mind in the northern jewel node. Of course you're free to run what you want, but it does yield more damage.