[3.5] Occult ArcPoet - All Content | Millions+ DPS | ÜElder | Delve 1k+ | Videos
" Tl;dr: It's still BiS even with a low ManaPool. That's for two reasons: The Frenzy we use only has 2 (or if you want to add blind which doesnt increase the manacost) 3 SupportLinks - which makes it cheap to cast. So the Manacost of our Attackability will not explode crazy in the 'total mana needed to cast' department. Which means we will get a fair amount of value out of our low Mana Pool from Indigon. More limiting is actually often the ManaRegen/Leech part when useing an Indigon with a LowManaCost ability - And on that front we are actually not bad. We have over 200Mana gain a second - without taking some Mana on Hit jewels into account. Which is over 10 times the initial cost of our frenzy. Thats okay. Last but not least: People IMO overestimate Indigon a bit. There are only two encounters in the game where Indigon actually matters (for this build): That'S Uber Elder and Shaper (and even Shaper melts in seconds - check the video). And both encounters only give small timewindows of opportunity to actually deal damage to the boss. Thats usually when Shaper casts his big Beam. The Timewindow on those attacks is 2-3 seconds. Even with a bigger manapool we would have trouble dumping a huge amount of mana via frenzy into indigonstacks in that short timeframe. I did mention this in the guide btw. :P I know it looks impressive if a managuardian stacks his indigon for what feels like half an hour before he runs up to shaper and oneshots him/bombs him into the his next phase. But... thats kinda pointless? The encounter still takes long to do and its not a viable thing at all while mapping? Anyhow: Check the ShaperKill if you think the Damage is not enough. Pay special attention when I do first engage Shaper: I get some initial attacks off before I have to teleport away to dodge his slam-attack. Afterwards I attack again. Notice how much more damage my attacks deal then. Thats Indigon. I hope that answers that question. :) €dit chimes in and points out that without the SpiderAura your Manapool is actually sitting at 500Mana or so. You can add a GMP or something else to the Frenzylink to make it more expensive to dump that Mana via Indigon into raw Damage. Feel Free to do so. Last edited by Cyrix1337#4098 on Jul 28, 2018, 9:39:55 AM
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Added some alternative gear choices to make the specc easier to get into. (note: the items I linked are just exemplary ones in terms of stats and some I still have flying around.) They ought to serve as a guide in the sense of what stats you should go for.
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My progress of gearing for this build so far; https://pastebin.com/25gbKqiQ
DPS is far off from yours - even if you correct the gem lvls & quality. Your jewels add a lot of damage compared to the crap I have, but still. Even if I remove all of your jewels from PoB I am not even at half of your dps. Ps.: Ignore that I don't have a 2nd set of poet's on the character yet. I just don't want to recolor my other ones yet (they're on another build). Last edited by Keshr0#4911 on Jul 28, 2018, 6:02:20 PM
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" tl;dr: Level your gems up. Finish your Talent Tree. Get a Diamond Flask/Vaal Arc. - Then invest in jewels. https://pastebin.com/cj2SAfiE Here is it updated. You ought to run a diamond flask or a vaal arc for a lucky critchance. The biggest thing you overlooked (which I also mention in the guide! Read it people! :P) is that your Arc Damage is calculated as if you would cast it with its *castspeed*. We *trigger* it though via Poet's Pens. That means our Poet's Pens attack (frenzy in our case) speed is = our cast speed. I manually added a cast-speed modifier onto your helmet to simulate this. You also should try to grab Heart of Lightning asap. All Elemental Nodes in the very north of the tree got buffs. Taking those gives you almost 100k more Damage. That would bring you up to 600k Arc DPS. Most of the rest of our DamageDifference is in our Gem Levels. As all Spellcasters we profit from Gem Levels like crazy. A higher Gem Level for Casters is like a better/higher rolled weapon for melees. Get those to 21 asap (dont forget the 20 quality). The rest of the Damage difference between our Characters from there on out is acutally in the jewels - especially in the crit multiplier. We are a crit specc at heart. Make the most of it! :) https://pastebin.com/aLK9PKbA Here it is with the Heart of Thunder taken and the gem levels upgraded. (you dont need the quality on the auras) Even with shitty jewels and without a Watcher's Eye (with a wrath mod) you deal 800kDPS and your per Hit Damage is over 200k. Enough to reliably Shock Shaper. Last edited by Cyrix1337#4098 on Jul 28, 2018, 6:36:49 PM
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Seems like resists would be hard to cap using so many uniques, even with Purity of Elements. It looks like we are not capped on lightning res without flasks up in the budget PoB link. Do you find this to be an issue? Im interested in trying this build. Thank you for posting and in advance for reply.
Edit: I saw the alt gear update, so i guess boots would be a good slot to fill resists, at the cost of some ES. Last edited by Gibbonsj01#0342 on Jul 28, 2018, 8:06:18 PM
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" Yeah, sorry about the lightning resist. I was derping out there. ^^' The rare ring is also free to get resists on. Also one or two jewels of mine dont have resist rolls on them. You can use those too. €dit: crafted a shitty ring real quick that could fill in for the spideraura rare one: (I put an absurd price on it so people won't buy it and ruin this beautiful post with missing items. :P Something like that should take care of the resists. I was honestly just not thinking about it. €dit's Edit: Updated OP too. Put the missing resist on one of my jewels. Also keep in mind that Shavronn's Wrapping can usually roll with a tad more Lightning Resist. I have literally the worst roll on the Lightning resist. ^^ Last edited by Cyrix1337#4098 on Jul 28, 2018, 8:36:01 PM
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" Thanks a lot! Im looking forward to trying this. I love poets pen and arc, i just abandoned my last try at it bec the single target felt so bad and i felt really squish. Im hoping this build will be better. |
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HI i've just switched from "[3.3] Teleports Behind You - Poet's Pen Lightning Warp & Arc, MF / Facetank t16 / Shaper / U. Elder" build
I must say that your build looks better for single target while still getting enough aoe clear for mapping. I have to get a watcher's eye with es on hit absolutely tomorrow i've the feeling that its kinda mandatory but im not sure i havent played enough, it's just that i died against a t16 elder guardian might be a misplay as well cause i'm addict to quicksilver and i have trouble without...xd I'm also searching for a belt that could make my resistance all equal for wise oak and with energy shield. Can you tell me if you see something shocking in my build and my priority for improvement plz? i need advise i'm going for uber elder soon xd Thx for sharing your build i always love shavronne build it reminds me good time ^^ Last edited by pimpre#5423 on Jul 28, 2018, 9:46:27 PM
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" Yeah, you got it in one! The ES on Hit Watcher's Eye is what is lacking. With it you will be perfectly fine I think - if you still feel like you are not tanky enough add a Blind Support to your frenzy. (take the increased duration out for it) The Whole Spideraura-Stuff is actually *mostly* there to benefit from the ES on Hit mod. The best case is to have both - the Spiderstuff and a Watcher's Eye with ES on Hit. But one of the two should still be enough to clear all content. Fair warning though: UberElder is hard, no matter the build. :) Best of luck! €dit noticed your abyss jewel in your belt and wanted me to tell you that 'lightning damage on Attacks' only benefits Attack skills - not spells. You ideally would want '+xy Lightning Damage to Spells. Otherwise try to get as much ES as possible. You might have noticed that almost all rings I recommend are Moonstone ones etc - my stygian has a high ES roll too etc. For ÜberElder you should try to get around 6.5k - 7k ES total. This build really really doesn't lack in damage. Survivability is more an issue with UberElder. (then again when it comes to UberElder thats true for all Builds. ^^') €dits Edit: (this getting really long) ^^ In your Arc you are useing an 'Increased Critical Strikes' Support Gem. Switch that out for an 'PowerCharge on Critical Strike' Support Gem. That Support Gem got buffed with Incursion and adds an 4% *MORE* modifier per Powercharge to your spell. And since we run 7 Powercharges thats pretty Bananas. Last edited by Cyrix1337#4098 on Jul 28, 2018, 10:03:00 PM
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Updated OP's Item Section with MF gear and explained the build relevant Key Items.
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