Leveling new characters is unbearable aids - rant

Look I'm sorry, I'm all for the design philosophy of rerolling characters when you want to do something completely different

The main problem I have with the leveling process is 2 things:
1. The act 5-10 bosses are completely fucking retarded. Every single one of the act bosses (as well as a ton of mini bosses) is aids and I have never enjoyed a single one of them. If they weren't act bosses I would skip them 100% of my playthroughs. I'm using twink leveling gear and overpowered leveling skills and still basically portal in front of the boss room and make sure I finish the nearest level-up because I 100% know my character will get killed by some retarded screen-covering aids bullshit

2. Still have to pay people to carry me through lab on builds that aren't specifically catered to completing lab, because of course character progression has to be tied to shit that non-meta builds cannot complete

If you people cannot balance the possible skill gems and builds properly so that they all can perform well in most content, then you need to put the aids bosses as optional content (IE MAPS) and make the act bosses and izaro baby-mode content that any build can complete. Not every fucking player in the game is playing fucking arc mines on every character

This is my 5th time now going through this shit so far this league and I'm REALLY fucking tired of dealing with these [Removed by Support]. If I was still playing hardcore I would probably just quit the fucking game at cesspool doedre or solaris + lunaris because there's no point in walking into that aids cancer ebola bullshit

my evasion is so high i only insta rip sometimes
Bug Fixes:
People were using cyclone for actual melee builds, so we nerfed it and made blade vortex. Also, we went ahead and made cyclone great for CoC casters while we were at it.
Last edited by West_GGG#0000 on Jun 25, 2018, 3:55:09 AM
Last bumped on Jul 13, 2018, 6:27:46 AM
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Lol, L2P

I don't even say this to troll. If you can't do act bosses or non-uber Izaro without dying, it's not the fault of gem balance. Or of any balance.
bad game design half of the builds you want to play you need to level with another skill or whatever
or you need to spend 60 regret orbs when you want to play the build you intend to in the first place.

or your build clears trash really well but single target is utter shit like using kinetic blast against a wall to kill bosses.
If you die to act bosses that's a straight up player issue.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
just level with sunder lol L2p then respec when you hit 90 heheh get gud 4Head
git gud, btw. you can use a second skill for single target that's not the same as the skill you use for mobs which should be multitarget.

'spec designed builds to kill cruel izaro'! i have to look for these guides because it seems ive been doing it wrong all the time

it is l2p issue more than you would like to admit

bosses.. you play SC? just ZERG them. i treat leveling as a build playground - i check if i like the playstyle, mechanics and dynamic of a build. i do not care about my /deaths counter. it can be in tripple digitis before lvl 60 - I DO NOT CARE. desingers do not care, why should i? bosses like kitava and difficulty spikes like at the start of act 6 should not be a part of a well designed game.

You have the typical 'new player issue' as someone who has already brought a character to maps. Why is that? Most of the time, it is one of the following:

1) Resistance caps:

The difference between 50 and 75% elemental resistances decide between life and death. Most act bosses deal some sort of elemental damage, or even a combination of two. Brine King for example deals cold & lightning damage, Shavronne has high burst of lightning damage etc.

Good unique items to cap out your resistances are String of Servitude with 48% all-res and Goldrim. To clarify: every single extra % of resistance makes a huge difference. Just going from 75 to 76% in end game makes a net 4% reduction to all incoming damage of that type. The more, the better!

2) Planning ahead:

So you already know you want to play a build like Wings of Entropy Sunder Slayer. Prepare by buying two-handed axes to level with so you don't waste time clearing acts with a lower DPS weapon than you'd have to use. Having the proper gems set up in, say, a Tabula is also crucial.

Of course, leveling with a 6-link costs a lot of mana you don't have yet due to lack of leech etc.
-> in come Elreon rings that subtract 4-8 mana from every skill's cost. Precious!

3) Leveling tree:

Have a good idea what your build does and what nodes are crucial to success. Early on, you might want to increase your DPS as much as possible since the story is not too demanding with defenses. Killing things fast is the best defense actually. Later on, you want all the accessible health nodes. Having no damage but a high health pool slows you down unnecessarily and makes you die anyway.

4) Boss mechanics:

Act bosses have simple attack mechanics that are always avoidable if you're reacting fast enough. Take Brine King for example, who's a huge wall for new players all the time. Dodging those Lightning Bolts in his invulnerable phase is crucial to success, especially when you haven't capped out your lightning resistance. This part is experience and focus combined and involves observation and learning. You'll get there!

5) Other useful things for leveling:

- Decoy Totem can save your ass in most boss fights
- Fortify Support helps against physical encounters like Izaro
- Keep your flasks at the highest available tier, no use in low lvl flasks
- Acquire good 'Toon Gear' like Belt of the Deceiver, Le Heup of All, Wanderlust, Goldrim etc.
- If you can afford one: Thief's Torment will make leveling any attack based build a laughable offense to difficulty. Look it up, it's great.

That's a short breakdown of what you have to keep attention to. The rest is grinding. ;-)
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
This may be a record for the most time someone typed "aids" in a gaming post here. At least this month. This week? Today?

I will agree with OP in that I am not the biggest fan of the 3.0 expansion and, in hindsight, preferred the 3 x 4 Act runs rather than Acts 5-10.

I am going to go out on a limb and say I have done the entire grind through the acts some 30+ times, and it is only now with the new acts that I actually dread restarting.

Perhaps it is a function of game fatigue in general as well.

Oh, and a PS - Yeah the Innocence and Kitava fights are terrible. Malachai was always a kick in the nads, especially the third time, but not like those two.
Last edited by Slaanesh69#4492 on Jun 24, 2018, 11:28:19 PM
Slaanesh69 wrote:
This may be a record for the most time someone typed "aids" in a gaming post here. At least this month. This week? Today?

I will agree with OP in that I am not the biggest fan of the 3.0 expansion and, in hindsight, preferred the 3 x 4 Act runs rather than Acts 5-10.

I am going to go out on a limb and say I have done the entire grind through the acts some 30+ times, and it is only now with the new acts that I actually dread restarting.

Perhaps it is a function of game fatigue in general as well.

Oh, and a PS - Yeah the Innocence and Kitava fights are terrible. Malachai was always a kick in the nads, especially the third time, but not like those two.

The only semi unbearable fight is the Doedre act 8 fight that can be tp cheesed. Everything else is easy.

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