Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?
Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?
Yes, but more rare.
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Evrica! Add the button "stop dealing damage" like the status when you enter new location.
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I say no, simply because if you can capture a dead beast, there's literally no sense of accomplishment for capturing it. Part of the challenge of the league is capturing a beast while it is still alive and a threat, especially when the capture fails and the monster enrages. There's no drawback to throwing a net at a dead beast. In fact, everyone will just kill every beast they encounter and capture afterwards, since it's low risk high reward. The way the system is now is perfectly fine in my opinion; there is high risk and high reward. Most of the people I see complaining seem like they don't take the time to open their eyes and see that there's a beast to capture nearby. That's not really your fault, it's theirs, and they should be punished for it. I know I have been, cruising through zones and then realizing I had just killed something I could have captured. The way the league is now is fine, and should be left as is. You guys have done an amazing job on it, and I can't wait to see all the different recipes and endgame encounters. Keep up the great work <3
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The fact that the poll is almost directly split 50-50 between yes & no indicates that there's a problem that should be addressed but dead nets is a poor solution.
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Yes, we should have dead beast nets because it is unfair to those that have minions and can't control what these minions do - summoners and totem builds. Perhaps you could give them the YES on this at least. That would be fair enough....
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"should POE continue its inevitable slide into being a faceroll lawn mowing simulator Yes/No"
Forget what the 1% on the offical forums and the 0.1% on reddit say: ask the 99%. This poll is by GGG own admission a poll of the extreme outlying vocal minority Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4. If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years. Last edited by alhazred70#2994 on Mar 4, 2018, 10:31:35 PM
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I dont even know why "No" is an option, just make them rare if people really think auto attacking monsters so you dont insta kill them, is such a kewl mechanic.
Also: Do something about the notifications about the new recipes when you capture a beast, sometimes they last like 1 minute. Maybe make them smaller and move it little down south in the hud, or just show one new recipe and "Other 25 new recipes..." and you click to see the other ones, i dont know. And give the net dispay some functionality like regular skills, where you right-click and it shows all types of net you have available, if you click again you will swap for the clicked kind. |
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Looking at the results so far this is going to be weird:
5450 50.24% 2575 23.73% 2824 26.03% There is a 50:50 chance that 75% of people won't get their way here, the other option is 50% won't get their way. So best case scenario half the people playing are going to be pissed. Kind of trapped yourself making this poll I think Bex. 這個說的對~ 即使不添加勝出了. 至少一半的人玩起來很憋手.很生氣. 而如果添加.那麼主張不添加的並沒有影響什麼. 這裡的添加和不添加的對立面. 只在於當初設計的初衷.或者在深入一些講.對於通貨的流通和獲取資源並沒有什麼不妥或者便利 | |
The "more rare" net that should be added should only target beasts of at least rare quality rather than targeting dead beasts. This retains the theme and added challenge of keeping beasts alive, while addressing the much more annoying problem of targeting in crowds. |
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Bestiary did something magical here.
It made people complain about their builds dealing TOO much damage, as if their DPS is completely out of their control. I find that hilarious. |