Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?

Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?

Yes, but more common
Yes, but more rare
Poll closed
Yes. For all those people who said no just because they don't want to capture "dead beasts", you could simply not use the feature. Capturing more beasts = more content to have fun with. Who would say no to more items, more trades and more fun? :/

Here's what happens when you play a summoner or a totem build and try to capture a monster:

Step 1: you run close to them.
Step 2: they're dead before you use convocation or remove your spell totem gem to despawn your totems. (Throwing the net doesn't work. Sometimes you throw the net, the animation plays and the mob dies at the same time. Many times you simply lose your net and end up empty handed.)

The votes are very close now, so it's around 50%/50%. People will complain no matter the outcome. I really think you shouldn't put these things up for a vote. Now, players like myself will regret not having that feature implemented...
Make lab optional! Give us another way to get the ascendancy points we need.

I play a totem build.

1) I can't turn off my totems once they are laid.
2) Half of the time the totem kills the beast before the animation of the net throw completes
3) Half of the time the totem kills the beast in one shot before I even have time to throw a net at all.

If the league is not an option for three or four entire ascendencies (I.e. to name a few: hierophant, slayer, necro, elementist golems), there is a serious problem with the design. Especially since these classes got some of the biggest re-works for 3.2.

IGN: Afluffybear
Say NO to necrophilia!
Chris already promised that you will add. Reminder:

We're going to introduce some new nets that can capture dead Beasts.
as a necromancer, its damn hard to catch anything alive as they get blapped half a screen away.... maybe increase the range to cast the blasted net.
Are these rare nets going to be usable on the hardest beasts, the legendary ones or whatever?

Are you trying to remove all the challenge from the league with these nets, or just some of it?
For more detailed information, I do beta testing for $75 an hour.
Yes, add capturing dead beasts ASAP! As a summoner, everything that shows up even 1 screen away from me insta-dies. Theres not even time to check if it needs capturing. Maybe make capturing dead beasts nets only buyable for these three classes you mentioned? ... class bound + inventory bound dead capture nets maybe?

These capture dead beast nets should also NOT be rare, I would need them for almost every beast capture.

It would be very strange to not add dead beast capture in a non rare fashion, as this would exclude certain classes from playing all of this league's content!
Last edited by sarannah101#2551 on Mar 4, 2018, 9:47:59 PM
I think It does need a change I personally would like to have the netting feature have a separate Cooldown meaning It can be thrown during other actions like running away screaming don't kill me or when you are casting spells or attacking etc I often get locked out of being able to throw the net because im moving or attacking animation.
Afluffybear wrote:

1) I can't turn off my totems once they are laid.

Weapon swap.
id say no! but if YESSSS IFFFFFF the nets should be more rare and a chance to revive the mob at FULL health and ENRAGE make it soo that its not abused and just kill and capture the dead ones only.

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