Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?
Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?
I'm glad GGG chose to ask players for feedback and I definitely feel this vote was a good way to do it. I STRONGLY DISAGREE with those who claim it's better for them to 'have a strong vision of their own', etc. and so not put it up for a vote. HOWEVER, this poll should REALLY have been put up at least 5 days after the league launch, not on the second day. And it should've been up for at least 3 days. The number of people now mentioning that they missed out on the vote is testament to the importance of the latter. The rapid fixes to the capture mechanic right after league start is testament to the importance of the former. And the sheer closeness of the vote even in these regrettable circumstances suggests that the answer here was not a painfully obvious/almost universally agreed one.
I'd encourage GGG to embrace this democratic approach more in other such cases in the future, but not in such a poorly executed i.e. rushed fashion. Democracy needs time to work, so give it that. :) Last edited by Exile009#1139 on Mar 5, 2018, 9:57:05 PM
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Voted YES. If not this will be the hardest league for summoner and totem player as it's hard to control your damage. The damage from your minions or totems might be too much for the monsters and also you cant tell your minions and totems to stop attacking so that you can throw nets. I personally love playing summoner, but some vorici's missions and now this league are pains to my summoner. Please consider add the net to capture dead monsters. Easy for everyone to enjoy this league.
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" DoT builds like poison or elemental can't stop their damage either but for the most part I haven't seen them complain on here (unless I missed it somewhere in the 158 pages that I couldn't read all of). There are methods out there to mitigate the DoT (which is essentially what the minions are doing since you aren't actively casting, or if you are actively casting, it's still comparable because it's uncontrollable damage being dealt), but this group of players wants to complain it's too hard. I don't see GGG nerfing the entire game so that these builds can do the crazy hardcore endgame stuff. No, they put out an announcement, certain things would be attainable only by a small population of players because they did certain things or met certain criteria or found a way to make what they wanted to do work to that level. If I as a DoT character player have to pay attention to life levels and can learn to do so, so can the Summoner and Minion crowd. |
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" I guess you don't realise the part where minions have less damage control than dot based builds. Dots start when you choose and don't stop on command. Minions start when they feel like and stop when the target is dead. The problems you see as a dot build aren't even close to what it's like to play a minion build with these league mechanics. I suggest you try playing with your eyes closed to get a good idea of what it's like to try and properly net a beast as a summoner. |
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i wish i didnt vote no... needed a tl;dr lol
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" yes. Please compare a whole league mechanic to Vorici who was at most 1/7th of a league mechanic at one point. Also this doesn't benefit speed running AT ALL. It is literally the same for speed runners. The only down time is throwing the net which is the exact same as what it is live. the voters who voted yes are not split. they want the same thing. They just differ in the rarity. there are 2 options for yes and only 1 option for no. So of course No would be highest single vote -_-. Tbh. I think nets that capture dead minions should be the ONLY nets in the game. I don't want to have different nets. Red ones aren't hard at all because you can kill everything around it first pretty easily. but trying to capture a yellow beast that is crowded is difficult. first you have to get close. Then you have to aim the net accurately. And only then do you get to dps? What? It's pretty easy to die in that scenario as you are trying to avoid attacking so you don't kill accidentally. e/ also if you only have nets that capture dead things. you don't get free stun which stupid imo. Practically every build can dps a yellow one from full to dead in 1 second so they don't even really do anything because you just stun them the whole time. Last edited by KaseyM21#1589 on Mar 6, 2018, 12:39:20 AM
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" I´m playing Death Aura. If it´s on screen and weak, it´s instadead. No time for throwing anything anywhere. How is somebody playing AOE-dot/minions supposed to pickup one mob to stay alive between thirty he needs dead? It´s not even possible to isolate the important one for a careful attempt because they are spamming adds like there´s no tommorow. There is no second try either, because if you throw the net before attack and it has a certain amount of HP or res, it will sure af die while enraged. " You missed it. Last edited by Querne#6049 on Mar 6, 2018, 1:09:09 AM
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" Play something else, this league the meta isnt insta kill everything no screen |
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" Ye, sure. One of the challenges demands 1500 map aspects BECAUSE THEY WANT YOU TO TAKE IT SLOW. |
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Well at least the poll proved one thing. Half of the community that visits the forum won't be happy with the proposed changes. Will GGG take that as a sign that they should try to think of a better solution that will make more people happy? 50% is terrible.
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