Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?
Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?
" Absolutely. Especially because many people (like me) voted YES only because keeping it as it is was the worst choice but GGG didn´t offer any other concrete solution. I wish there would be one making more guys happy. Last edited by Querne#6049 on Mar 6, 2018, 1:41:20 AM
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" Welcome to democracy ! |
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" But i am sure you would have thought it was totallly fine if you won and 49.9% voted yes... i am sure you wouldn#t have written anything then.... this is how votes work... and btw this is the best result because at least you got the choice not to use the new nets but if you had won the classes and builds in question would have no alternatives... so suck it up. This is the inclusive result... if you had won it would have been the exclusive result. |
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" +1 |
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Voted yes - either the whole thing needs some really massive changes OR these nets are a must.
It has so many flaws at the moment, it literally destroys momentum. As a Hiero GC Totems, its impossible to deal with unless its the Red rares. I am not even bothering for yellow rares anymore, I dont care. And if there are no new nets - I'll skip the whole "capture" thing unless its needed for whatever challenge. If you've voted no and sticking behind an argument of "It doesnt make sense" or "LUL clear speed build FU" or whatever else role-playing nonsense reason, please switch genre/game. I have done probably thousands upon thousands Diablo2 Mephisto runs, Cow levels, Baal runs and whatnot from 2000 to 2005 and I'm telling you, it has ALWAYS been about fast clearing. A L W A Y S. You dont have PvP. You dont have any special interaction between the players/characters. Its all about the gear, the trading and the crafting. You MIGHT argue that you can take a step back and relax, do some alt leveling, complete a prophecy or whatever but when you are inside a map, nothing else matters but to clear it asap and move the heck on. Case in point - two real life friends of mine. They complete a map in like 10 minutes, literally ID'ing 95% of the drops, picking all scrolls/portals, chat in between and god knows what else. The same map, I'll complete in like 2 minutes. At the end of each league, they complain to me how they still have 20~50ex total wealth while I'm sitting at 500ex+. They mostly never min/max their builds or care to see why something works or not and do some research about it. BUT THEY COMPLAIN. They even complain to the build guide authors.. so these two people voted no, because its "fine" as is. No, its not fine as is. Either learn what game you playin' and play properly or move to something else. I'd be game for a "capture ALL the rare beasts of the map you just completed" net, if that means it won't kill my momentum and efficiency./ Edit : I'd rather even have all the capturing beasts as Red rares. Atleast they are hard, it actually worth the effort. But fiddling with the Yellow rares, trying to not one shot them or run away, slowly attack, unsummon totems or whatever is just mentally disgusting. Last edited by MinusFormality#5942 on Mar 6, 2018, 2:25:33 AM
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" Some people enjoy chatting and helping others, instead of maximizing personal goals. Nothing wrong with that. Each has their own way of playing, let them. Carry on my waypoint son, there'll be peace when maps are done.
Lay your portal gem to rest, don't you die no more. 'Cause it's a bitter sweet symphony this league. Try to make maps meet, you're a slave to the meta, then you leave. |
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I'm playing DoT (ED/CTG) and... Sorry, the mechanic as it is now is terrible - RIP x2 trying to capture a rare beast while not instakill it, if i throw the net first then hit with my ED it becomes enraged and die, if i hit with my ED first i have a sec at best before it die, if it's caught by CTG while clearing the adds / the other mobs around it, it dies...
At least the "Yes" wins and people with my kind of build will be able to enjoy the league. :) My Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/obsolee7
My YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/ObsoLeet |
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Another solution which was mention is to give rare beasts the abyss totems treatment. You can bring it to low life, but not kill instantly. You would have, for example 1,5s before you can do dmg to it again. That would be perfect time to throw net. After that time if it dies, it dies.
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" Your words are stupid. If they add dead beast capture, then the whole league is dead. Why should someone fight for a reward, if he could pick it up easily without from the ground? This is the same crap that we have with trading. It is so easy to just visit a third party website, buy BIS items and steamroll content without ever putting any effort into it. That is, why the game has become so problematic for casuals. If they refuse to trade, they can not win at this game, while those that trade, cheat their way to success and always complain about the game being to easy. Funnily enough, once GGG adds a mechanic that makes those whiners happy, you complain again that it is now too hard for you. Gosh, this is so funny if it wouldn´t be so sad. Blizzard ruined WOW and D3 with catering to elitists and GGG will ruin POE as well. Last edited by Ygidua#3074 on Mar 6, 2018, 3:18:44 AM
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Ygidua seems sadly right :(
GGG please consider all the people that said they only voted Yes because they want SOME change to the mechanic, which is 100% understandable. Targetting while not completely killing fast monsters in a group of 20 others and staying alive is horrible. Some of the Yes-voters do NOT necessarily want a dead net, just a useable mechanic. |
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