Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?
Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?
" Actually, yes has more votes. 48% No to 51% yes. From the dev post: " So unless there is a sudden influx of no votes, there will be Rare Nets. |
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Netting is clunky and not fun, so naturally I voted yes. If the dead nets aren't added I probably won't play the league. In a super fast paced game, netting just slows it down way too much for me to have even the slightest interest in capturing beasts. I'll just wait until next league and hope they release something that enhances the games combat instead of making it worse.
Last edited by Wammo#0219 on Mar 5, 2018, 1:21:10 PM
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So, you basically agree that this change will make the core mechanics obsolete? The things you mentioned could, at best, require some bug fixing. There is no need to throw the entire concept out the window by making dead things capturable. You keep hanging on these "insults" of mine, but all I'm doing is stating the obvious. Somebody who constantly throws nets on the wrong mobs, or misclicks in some way, has poor mechanics. If you play DOTA, or LoL, would it also be the game's fault if you can't CS/deny for shit? No, you practice, you improve your mouse accuracy and you do better. Furthermore, the Bestiary mobs show up at LARGE radius on the minimap. Assuming somebody has eyes, all they need to do is look at the minimap. Is there a rare? Maybe don't plop down 5 fucking flameblast totems in that direction then. Summoners arguably have the toughest time in this, but with the 3 second rule they can still throw a net, and have their minions blow up the mob. Last I checked you could influence which mobs your minion target, so you can play around with that as well. And even if it's tough for them, that's ok. Summoners have done great in all other leagues, it's ok if for once they're not T1. These are things that come down to players being slowed down. They don't like being slowed down, and that's why this change is going to happen. It has nothing to do with net desync, because they can fix net desync without resorting to necro nets. That's also why I don't agree that necro nets can be called a solution at all. It's like saying the solution to any leagues issue is to just replace that league. Surely, you won't have capturing issues if you just turn this into Essence 2.0. Except Essence still made you actually fight some rippy mobs, and now people are seriously arguing in favour of throwing a net on something that doesn't move, doesn't fight back and generally doesn't interact with you in any way. You might as well change this league to Rock Collecting league. Would anybody like some... POUNDCAKE? Last edited by Agilaz#5204 on Mar 5, 2018, 1:24:14 PM
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I voted "no" despite the fact that I pretty much only play summoners every single league. This makes me feel a bit like a blue-collar Republican. ;)
Seriously though, while I think there is some value in allowing players to somehow mulligan killing beasts they accidentally squished, I'm not sure if just allowing the player to get the rewards by clicking on the corpse is going to feel, well, rewarding in the long run. I mean, I know I won't really enjoy backtracking around the map to collect corpses I ran past during my undead minions' rampage (already find that sort of tedious when I have to do the same thing for loot), but if that's the easiest way to get beasts I probably will play that way until I bore myself enough to stop altogether. I'm all for having a way to get another chance to catch beasts you missed without running the entire map again, like maybe Einhar keeps a list of those you killed instead of capturing and will let you try to capture them again in the blood arena for a price or something. But just having another net taking up inventory space is a good example of a game mechanic I won't enjoy yet will utilize anyway just because it's easier. |
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" Standard League is super fast. Nothing to distract from speedclearing. |
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I have to say yes
Not because of clear speed, not because of mechanic Mainly because I can never click and cast a net on the beast unless it's by itself and I'm nearby due to - having to fight every other thing off - it constantly goes out of net range since I'm a ranged caster - my mouse is not accurate enough to select just the beast and nothing else around it - I have to cast spells - I have to put in potions to not die - it regenerates full life anyway - so it would actually make more sense to have the beast stay at the life it was captured as when I fight it. If it regenerates completely, I'm killing it anyway - so it doesn't matter if it's dead or not. Just my 2cents.. I like pizza
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Yes, but more rare.
Also, make nets aoe, like real nets. It's just another complaint b1ut rare beasts that spawn other beasts are sometimes annoying to catch when a few of them are chasing you and you just bareley miss. Then you think you got it and start whailing, thinking you got the right one, just to kill it then lol. Staic strike aoe maybe? And it then catches the rarest one. Or a 3 or 4 beast max. Enyoing the lague so far even tho im playing on potato quality lol |
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sounds cool but meh at the same time
so it would be like a necromantic net? |
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You should have post
"Troll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts ? *Facepalm think*" and next "Troll: We have add Nets that works on dead fish who are fished with fishing rod but can't works with alive fish *Victory Facepalm*" Happy new fish of Mars ! *AllRightofall Facepalm" Best regards, kiss |
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