Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?

Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?

Yes, but more common
Yes, but more rare
Poll closed
I voted for rare drop. I agree that change/adapt your playstyle is a compelling argument. But I also think that for the majority of players capturing will get harder as skill effects become more complex and minions grow more powerful. I think it is also true that as the rares and bosses become harder to kill, dallying with them to get them down to the thin sliver will become too dangerous for many builds, especially in HC.

I believe rare drop is the middle ground. It won't allow wholesale slaughter and recovery, but it will allow you the option to survive a difficult fight. Players will still have to adapt their playstyles and think more strategically to gather most mobs. But a rare net will allow for that rare occasion where your build or your gear is not up to the fight before you.

And, I don't see anything wrong with this. Frustration is the number one thing that drives players away from a game. A challenge is good. An insurmountable challenge is not.
Agilaz wrote:
The deadline is closing and the "no" votes are falling behind further as time passes.

Roadkill League here we come. :)

GJ ruining a new idea because you refuse to have less than 7-figure clear DPS, refuse to look at your minimap before putting down totems, are generally refuse to do anything that remotely resembles complex thought.

Appels_Zijn_Gezond wrote:
I say no.

I'm saying this from a pretty casual player style. I don't have a lot of interest in the clearspeed meta, nor am I going to efficiently run map X for max profits. I'm enjoying the capturing mechanic as it's been tbh, and being able to capture that one monster with life regen and whats not, by killing it just feels. Well cheap.

If you can kill the monster and then capture it anyways, it takes away the capturing part. I mean, 90% of the monsters can be captured by throwing the net before damaging them(note, I haven't been to red maps as I write this). If you have a net for those 10%, or even 1%. What's the point for this mechanic? You might as well completely scrap it, and add monsters to the menagery as we kill them.

H U G E +1
on this

the whole capture dead monsters net thing is just because there are L A Z Y I N P A T I E N T players that BRAINLESSLY just RUSH.
but that's not our fault.

If you create such poll, GGG, and say: Add them, but be rare, and the other half of the Yes sayers votes on Yes but more common, and the votes MERGE in the end, why not add an option for the Yes sayers, if they want common, or not at all, why should be their Yes but common vote TURN into Yes but Rare.

And as someone earlier said, IF you add nets for DEAD monsters, there should be A PENALTY in Crafting for doing so with dead captured monsters.

It's complete bs, to capture dead monsters, there is no point it the WHOLE league spirit then. Absolutely.

just because some flegmatics to anything else than rushing start QQ and complains that he cant do the challenge/league because he is TOO UBER FAST and STRONG at RUSH KILLING?...

honestly. no comment.
Playing for joy ♥

If interested, check out my Hideout(s): /view-thread/2226019
Last edited by Moribundus#6790 on Mar 5, 2018, 11:40:41 AM
I think a perfect solution to this would be to stun Beats when they reach 1hp for a few seconds, preventing them from dying and doing damage. This would give all characters a chance to capture the beast without additional risk of death, and prevent this from becoming Roadkill league.
The Bestiary league in poe

How I think it would be:

How meta runners want it to be:

Please vote "No" and save the spirit of this league

Fighting beasts again and die by insane damage in the sacrifice chamber is a madness, specialy for those in HC. Just mixing all their essences to craft items would be just fine.
Just another idea to throw out there:

if by some very sad turn of events, you (GGG) decide to implement the Roadkill Nets. Please make them NON-TRADE'ABLE / Account Bound / Whatever you want to call it. At least make people work for their own faceroll and braindead gameplay themselves.

Else it's seriously just catering to the RMT'ers not giving a flying f... about anything, just buying their way through literally everything. Apart from the gear, also the league mechanics. Thanks.
Moribundus wrote:
honestly. no comment.

Except that list of lines you spit out before saying "no comment"...
Fifth2301 wrote:
Agilaz wrote:
The deadline is closing and the "no" votes are falling behind further as time passes.

Roadkill League here we come. :)

GJ ruining a new idea because you refuse to have less than 7-figure clear DPS, refuse to look at your minimap before putting down totems, are generally refuse to do anything that remotely resembles complex thought.


Playing for joy ♥

If interested, check out my Hideout(s): /view-thread/2226019
Anyone who voted "yes" on this is clearly a troll.

Just ignore all the "yes" votes.
Catching dead corpses, lmao :D :D :D

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