Important: How We're Changing Capturing
I started about midway through Abyssal craving d2 nostalgia. I hated the abyss's because I felt "obligated" to try and clear them any time they appeared, often clearing around the area just to ensure no sudden surprises when the rares started popping out.
With that said, I was feeling a bit of pride when I took down my first lich on the first try and he dropped a two jewel tombfist, which was probably the only thing I ever found that league worth an exalt or more. I would have spent more time working in standard during the downtime but getting my hideout, maps, and ascendencies back up to speed in that short window wasn't worth the effort - in other words I'm well aware I've still got plenty to learn. But as much as I disliked the last league concept - I still found a way to enjoy it as it was intended. From my experience thus far - it seems like the beastcrafting is a lot of fluff with only a small number of recipes actually ending up seeing regular use. Sure, its cool at first to see all these new recipes learned - but then they just start to feel like they're blocking the screen. I think the whole point of "capturing" something is having to make a conscious effort not to kill your target. I mean, just think of all the vorici missions where one has to go out of their way to avoid killing something (at least until completion). I'm sure there will be vets that dislike having to nerf themselves but those same players will easily be more game wealthy than I am even if they completely ignore the menagerie. I always thought the main appeal for a new league was supposed to be in the fresh economy with the new features an added bonus to be ignored if desired. I've already found myself missing captures being to early or too late on the draw. It's definitely slowed my progress but at the same time, wasn't that kind of the point? My impression was the design was intended for players to make an extra effort in avoiding killing their target in order to utilize them for potentially useful recipes later. Edit- and yes I think the 3s window should be reasonable enough on its own to help alleviate with killing to early or outright. Yep, totally over league play. Last edited by SeCKSEgai#6175 on Mar 3, 2018, 9:00:03 AM
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Not a bad time to consider adding a currency pouch to the inventory... much like the Chinese exetended inventory but only for currency. Carrying around a stack of nets was an instant put off.
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" This would be the perfect solution. +1 |
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" Just a minor clarification: for a huge number of valid builds the mechanics prevents capturing beasts with current nets. For those it's not simply a matter of slowing down; it's more essense of annoyance-type encounter. Therefore (since I am one of those affected) I implore: please do not go overboard with new nets prices/ frop rates. Better still, just replace current faulty ones and be done |
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With the introduction of the new tier of nets and assuming capturing dead beasts does not fail somebody please explain why do the other tiers of nets exist in the first place?
Cuz we needed another league of micromanaging inventory? Cuz screw dumb people who will waste their time using regular nets to fail captures? Playing the league without having to deal with the bullshit seems more and more an illusion exiles. |
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My 2c.
Make beasts tough to fight, cool boss-like battles, as some of them rares are now. Then when you kill them, before they die they're left at a stunned phase for a few seconds waiting for the finishing move (aka net throw), something like mortal kombat before the fatality move. No need to throw net before battle, so everybody fights as they like. If stunned phase is over and you dont throw a net, or you throw a lower tier net, beast goes into rage mode to punish you :p. |
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Great fixes, the league has been exceeding my expectations so far and all my fears have had specific fixes thrown at them. Thanks.
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" It's not about having insane dps, it's just like instead of killing things for loot you'd have them drop a chest that you need to buy keys for to open, and that despawn if you don't open them fast. Hell, THAT would actually be fun! This just isn't for MOST people. You're a special snowflake but we can't all be like you :O |
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Might I suggest altering the mechanic entirely: convert nets to collars or harnesses that add a random mod to the monster and enrages it until dead, with no stun mechanic at all, whereupon it's then captured automatically.
The collar is thrown on the monster at 100% hp and is then battled to death for capture. No stun or timeout or early break mechanics. Add a bunch of unique mods that can be randomly assigned for these encounters along with perma-enrage like hyper-speed, phasing, cloning, RF-aura, Death's Oath aura etc. |
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Dead beast capture ?! Please, please no!
Where's the challenge in that ? I do understand however, and so should you have, that for many builds current mechanic simply doesn't work. Fixing the real issue, the fact that it's not working for many a build, is the real thing. A small damage immunity window, just before enraging, to give a chance to net a beast, sounds like the best overall solution, at least for the really important beasts, for the others, having the net work as intended should fix it, so no need for dead nets. If you do move to implement dead nets, either remove the rest as the incentive will be close to non existent to use them, or implement some kind of recipe usage penalty, maybe you end up with corrupted items in some cases, or lower stats, or maybe a lower tier mod than intended, or a mix of all of this and anything else you can come up with, having dead beast be just as useful and valuable for recipes as the actually captured ones, seams unfair at best. Fixing the issue would be the best bet, please, please try. |
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