PoE 2 servers are restarting in: .
They should be back up in approximately .Important: How We're Changing Capturing
" I agree with capturing dead beasts isn't needed, but I'm playing with Slayer and the ascendancy "kill enemies that have 20% or lower life" makes too hard to capture the beasts...the nets fail a lot and the beasts always enrage. I don't imagine how I do this league with this! I'm frustrated! I don't want to change my character because of my choice for ascendancy. |
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Please for the love of god, MAKE THE NETS CAPTURE MONSTERS IN AN AREA.
Clicking a single fucking mob in the middle of 50 different mobs WHILE the enraged beast is summoning more is just STUPID. This league feels like one annoying mini game honestly. I played Harbinger till the very last day and Abyss till the very last week. Please, I WANT to play this league because I love crafting but the implementation of everything is making this a problem. Last edited by Raijinto#1985 on Mar 5, 2018, 9:43:51 AM
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" Also the open chest mission or only kill the guards, keep hostage alive, are a huge problem, but nobody ever said a word, as they can exploit the hell out of these masters, by win trading their finds. But beasts you can not trade yet, so they rage like children. :( It´s quite sad to see, that this game might walk the same sad path like D3 and WOW did. Players asked for the removal of things, because they didn´t want to improve or change their game... now both games are stuck with no innovation and content, Blizzard has given up to be creative, as the vocal minority always hates new things and stuff that takes some time. The last leveling change is such a thing, but also the housing system and AH at D3. Three amazing things, all talked down by the stupid and entitled gamers. I had high hopes for POE with this league, as it´s finally a new thing and not the 4th breach like league. Always feel sorry for the Devs who have such good idea´s and the community doesn´t thank them for it, because they are so stuck in their meta. |
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VERY few people are outright saying "shit league" the way they did with Harbinger, it's just the implementation of this league's mechanics are god awful. Did GGG really think this was smooth while testing it? That would be another problem in it self...
Also, how in the world as a developer of your own game would you not realize this league wouldn't work for certain builds? It's not like it's just 1 build, but SEVERAL that can't really enjoy this league. Then on top of this, not work out that nets were awful? How wasn't this seen during testing???? A lot of people (including myself) are really trying to enjoy this league, and still actually playing through all these issues. I love crafting so I have high hopes for this league in the endgame and later on especially after all this stuff is fixed, but it doesn't change the fact the issues are still there. Last edited by Raijinto#1985 on Mar 5, 2018, 12:56:50 PM
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Enabling Capture of Dead Beasts is the worst change you can make. I thought leagues were all about new ideas which could be introduced to standard if viable. This league is the first league that introduced a new mechanic that encouraged players to learn how to play the game in more than one way. To wit, one requires mechanical accuracy and focussed skills, not just the same old AOE/Ranged speed turd fest that every other mechanic supports.
You have something truly different here. Something a lot of people enjoy. Don't ruin it by catering to the inept, meta-only, cry-babies. POE is supposed to be the "hard" arpg now it's hard in a way that actually involves skill on the player end. Run with it. Once more with feeling: DON'T RUIN IT BY CATERING TO THE INEPT, META-ONLY, CRY-BABIES. |
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" Oh thanks ... Nobody talks about groups in 30 pages ! Agree with your idea of getting credit if anyone in the group nets a beast. It's a little bit frustrative :/ |
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I think there don't have to be big changes in the league mechanics.
My suggestion would be: - make rare monsters have 10x the Health. FFS, how am I supposed to capture those? No need to ressurect them when they dont die instantly. - increase spawn rate of red ones significantly, like 10x! Playing 20 hours now and got 2 (!) damn red mob while mapping upto 13 so far. Hell... How am I supposed to get the endgame grind? Oh yea, I forgot... they make them tradable :( Edit: Typo and found another one. Not boss-ones, though... Last edited by Oxygene_PoE#6463 on Mar 6, 2018, 2:06:21 AM
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killed the league for me .. fast meta is king it seems .. no skill required, just DPS .. so much for diversity
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Actually capturing dead beasts is a good idea for totemancers and summoners, who can't control their pet's DPS, they won't spare the capturing beast.
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Why Beasts soooooo rare? Where they are?
GGG add more so we can try league with mechanic... Phrecia master craft service Phrecia My IGN TreeOfDead
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2037371 Vouch Phrecia veiled crafting all service all crafts mods Settlers SC master craft service Settlers SC craft mod! Veiled crafting Service Settlers craft PM: TreeOfDead |
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