Aaron Ciccheli who owns 7.5% of GGG, owns two RMT websites that sell POE items.

At my next stand up meeting, I'll bring the idea of hiring a RMT consultant, charging 7.5% of company's benefits. We may also hire full time sex offenders to teach us about some use cases for prevention.

Gaming industry does quite poorly ethics wise, it's not the end of the world, worst case GGG is on par.
Last edited by galuf on Feb 27, 2018, 4:12:05 PM
kobrakhan wrote:
k1rage wrote:

how do we know he is shady? we know next to nothing about him.....

he makes millions with rmt? rmt is banned for d2 as for poe ---> sounds shady to me.

You're about as apt at processing information as any random Trump supporter. Probably wearing a red trucker hat right now. Anyway I'm done with your very smart and interesting line of questions. Keep it up!
BearCares wrote:
kobrakhan wrote:
k1rage wrote:

how do we know he is shady? we know next to nothing about him.....

he makes millions with rmt? rmt is banned for d2 as for poe ---> sounds shady to me.

I'm done with your very smart and interesting line of questions. Keep it up!

have i ever read from you befor?
but thanks and yes, keep it up!
"don't worry GGG, it's ok!"
Sorry, but this is shady AF and Chris response on reddit was such a cheap PR. People saying oh banks hire hackers - lmao... How can you compare bank security to catching players using RMT... There is no knowledge involved, not talent needed - it's just tiresome work of digging stuff that nobody is willing to do, because it's waste of resources. If someone reports other person for RMT with solid proof - they probably ban him and that's about it. They won't go with lawsuits for RMT websites because one - it's too costly and two - there is no good law base for such suit. All of this makes Aaron Cicchineli as one big damn joke - it's nothing more than an RMT website owner (who earned probably millions by now - he bought villa worth 5mil - can google for it) now owning 7.5% of GGG.

Yeah right, Aaron Cicchineli digs game logs and catches bad guys doing RMT.. Chris could not even say for grantes that guy is no longer affiliated with RMT websites, lol.

Yet somehow people fall for cheap PR.. Do you think he would admit if there were some RMT shenanigans going on, lol? He would have said same PR crap. I'm not accusing of anything. I'm just saying we deserve a better explanation than some generic crap. 1) how is he helping 2) what and where are the results of said help 3) how many people were banned for RMT 4) how this decreased use of RMT.. etc.. etc..

That was from general consumer - company perspective. Now a bit from my own player perspective. Does it affect me? - probably not, I don't play that much and on the level where it would affect me or my enjoyment. Am I ok with this and cheap PR response? - hell no... But the industry is damn rotten and no matter how you look at it - GGG overall is still on the better side it. Where I'm going with that? Well - this game playerbase is very supportive, some people supported the game with hundreds and thousands of dollars - I think GGG owns a better response and explanation to such infamous and shameful information -that's it.
Last edited by walentaz on Feb 27, 2018, 5:08:56 PM
walentaz wrote:
I'm just saying we deserve a better explanation than some generic crap.

Oh nice false sense of entitlement. You don't deserve sh*t, a satisfactory response has already been given. They are BUSY preparing for new league and content launch, they don't have time for reddit conspiritards' bullcrap.

ALSO, get with the times: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2092913/page/4#p15301574
Lacceh wrote:
a satisfactory response has already been given.


"pretty sure"
"he says he sold"

"don't worry GGG, it's ok!"
walentaz wrote:
Sorry, but this is shady AF and Chris response on reddit was such a cheap PR. People saying oh banks hire hackers - lmao... How can you compare bank security to catching players using RMT... There is no knowledge involved, not talent needed - it's just tiresome work of digging stuff that nobody is willing to do, because it's waste of resources. If someone reports other person for RMT with solid proof - they probably ban him and that's about it. They won't go with lawsuits for RMT websites because one - it's too costly and two - there is no good law base for such suit. All of this makes Aaron Cicchineli as one big damn joke - it's nothing more than an RMT website owner (who earned probably millions by now - he bought villa worth 5mil - can google for it) now owning 7.5% of GGG.

Yeah right, Aaron Cicchineli digs game logs and catches bad guys doing RMT.. Chris could not even say for grantes that guy is no longer affiliated with RMT websites, lol.

Yet somehow people fall for cheap PR.. Do you think he would admit if there were some RMT shenanigans going on, lol? He would have said same PR crap. I'm not accusing of anything. I'm just saying we deserve a better explanation than some generic crap. 1) how is he helping 2) what and where are the results of said help 3) how many people were banned for RMT 4) how this decreased use of RMT.. etc.. etc..

That was from general consumer - company perspective. Now a bit from my own player perspective. Does it affect me? - probably not, I don't play that much and on the level where it would affect me or my enjoyment. Am I ok with this and cheap PR response? - hell no... But the industry is damn rotten and no matter how you look at it - GGG overall is still on the better side it. Where I'm going with that? Well - this game playerbase is very supportive, some people supported the game with hundreds and thousands of dollars - I think GGG owns a better response and explanation to such infamous and shameful information -that's it.

RMT are destroying ingame economies in all games since ages and the only thing that could offer a solution known as law, doesn't exist.
At some point even if i spent a few $ ( more than some players, less than some others ) hardly earned to support this game i don't give a shit anymore about what the company is doing or not against RMT.

At the end this is still concerning a video game wich is a hobbie for me aside more important things that really help to achieve something in life.
Reality matter more than spending time analysing the possible issues between Chris and some random (possibly RETIRED ) assholes running RMT websites, even if they are investors.

As of today, i'm not that astonished by this situation and the whole story. I ran my own business a while back and it's not always that simple to stick with morality when it come to investors.

In short:

1/ It don't worth my time
2/ This is not the #1 world problem
3/ This is a hobbie, i get fun with it, aslong GGG can improve that part i will play and support. Else i will move on.

7.5% this is a buff, at least this money goes into the game and as i understand won't be used to create more shit plateforms.
Hf :)
Last edited by Heli0nix on Feb 27, 2018, 5:43:07 PM
Lacceh wrote:
walentaz wrote:
I'm just saying we deserve a better explanation than some generic crap.

Oh nice false sense of entitlement. You don't deserve sh*t, a satisfactory response has already been given. They are BUSY preparing for new league and content launch, they don't have time for reddit conspiritards' bullcrap.

ALSO, get with the times: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2092913/page/4#p15301574

If they respect their players and care about their reputation in eyes of the players - YES they owe it. It's not about some entitlements. It's about some degree of decency. Otherwise you just become like those big cunts from EA, Activision, 2K interactive, Ubisoft, etc... that feed players with cheap PR and do shady shit behind the curtain (like patenting p2w matchmakings). It's up for GGG to decide which route they go, but general rule applies here. If you shit your bed once - that's it, no way back from that. Let's call it a friendly advice, because don't get me wrong - I still like GGG and PoE, but they sometimes just don't hit the right notes (let's call it that way).

Sorry but even CD Projekt RED (which is giant compared to GGG) had more decency to respond extensively to way lesser dramas. That's how company that respects their players and cares about good image acts.

Also, cheap PR response is actually worse than no response at all.
Last edited by walentaz on Feb 27, 2018, 6:11:25 PM
This isn't surprising at all. I've long since thought that if GGG were completely in bed with the RMT sites, the design decisions they've made would be exactly the same.
I think this is all very shady. But with that being said, innocent until proven guilty.
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