Oni-Goroshi in Current League - are You gonna farm it or drop it?

I really, really want to level with OG and do a Tectonic Slam build with it but god damn I surrendered this League.

After 2x lvl 8.5 and 1x lvl 8 I gave up of dropping it. Spawn time from Uber-Hillock was fine before the nerf but now it is just not worth farming it unless you play SSF.
Farming with 3 Scions and a Duelist this league. Everyone is up to 7.5 tonight, so I'm looking for swords on Sunday.
"Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
US Mountain Time Zone
Still not farming that
farming it. just hit level 7 on 4 scions. let the games begin
YAAWWWNNNN!!!! Good morning (Sunday 9/8 at 7:20 am). Is it another new challenge league starting weekend already? I have 21 Oni-Swords in Standard and have no desire to farm another 1 this league yet (this mood will eventually change). But for now I worked Friday and Saturday, and now I am getting ready to go to my church for choir practice and singing as is the normal for my Sunday morning. After playing PoE since CB I have long since reached the conclusion that I will forever be a filthy casual player, thus only occasionally running red maps, never seeing a guardian (what's that?), and thus am in a neutral mood about any challenge league mechanic. Blight has tower defense... that's nice I guess. More OG farming... sometime this league but I don't have any Charon sword enabling build in mind right now.
"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration.

The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat:

1 down

It took him 5 hours 3 minutes and he was level 8.04

5 hours and 8 minutes and level 8.09
"Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
US Mountain Time Zone
Last edited by ChanBalam#4639 on Sep 8, 2019, 7:21:29 PM

Took roughly 8 hours (maybe closer to 7-ish if I take out all the small breaks I took).

all total my characters are showing 18 hours. so take away all the afk time in there im probably about 12-14 hours in farming for this sword.

hoping i get it today. i don't think i can quit. i just can't play the game until i get this sword. i'll feel too unfulfilled
鬼殺し wrote:
Every time I see how many hours people dedicate to finding an item that represents what I consider some of my worst writing, I can't help but wonder if this is the cruellest joke The Goddess has played on me to date.

Still, I did change my name here to hers (give or take), so maybe I surrendered my legacy to the bitch a while ago.

I'm not sure getting this sword is all that fulfilling -- if it were, we wouldn't have so many repeat offenders (in proportion to one-off users). Albeit an acquired taste, it seems she is habit-forming. Had I known that was going to happen, I'd have put more effort into the cooking. Not more work -- I worked hard! -- but effort. Fewer quips, more loaded comments. Then again maybe I'd have overcooked it. Maybe I already did. Maybe I still am.

Fuck I hate this sword.

All She did was laugh.

Your relationship with your sword seems long and complicated. As players ours is certainly different. It is a great item: a 6 link from the start and it comes with all the various loot you get to grinding the TS: currency plus some uniques. POE has lots of opportunities for grinding for goodies, but your sword is much simpler and more predictable. It also delays playing new league until some fixes get fixed. Last league, I financed my level 90 character entirely with revenue from grinding the sword.

You just need to set aside your personal issues with Oni Goroshi and embrace her gloriousness and utility. :)
"Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
US Mountain Time Zone
鬼殺し wrote:

Fuck I hate this sword.

All She did was laugh.

That's Love for you.
~ There are spectacular moments.

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