Oni-Goroshi in Current League - are You gonna farm it or drop it?

Nice loot Sleezy!

I'm waiting for #3 to drop.

Since it takes 90 seconds for an instance to reset, and since I am down to only 2 runners, one run won't cover the 90 sec reset. :(

I use my phone to run a 90 second timer so I know when the reset has happened. It keeps me from going into the next run too early.

1. When I leave a run, I set the timer to start.
2. I then do mt next run and go kill Hillock right away to see I got lucky!
3. If not, then I hang around in the run and kill stuff until the timer reaches zero.
Once the timer hits zero it is safe to start a new run.

Ideally, I could do 40 runs an hour. In practice it works out to be about 36-38.

Edit: I got my third and sold one! Have cash, will travel. Woo hoo!

"Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
US Mountain Time Zone
Last edited by ChanBalam#4639 on Jun 11, 2019, 12:34:44 AM
_SleeZy_ wrote:
Arrowneous wrote:
Shagsbeard wrote:
Yep. 7's lucky. 8's normal. 9's unlucky. 10 gets you in a club.

7 used to be the norm, now it's 8. 9 make's you a member of the Twilight Strand Level 9 Beach Club (I have 6 exiles in that club). Level 10 is... for masochists and fools. Highest I've ever had to go (I have farmed 19 Oni swords to date) is 6% into level 9. If I ever have to go past 10% it's time to say "uncle" and quit seeking UH for this league.

Guess i'll join the club as well then!

7% into:

Though it's partly due my stubborness. I realy want that 4th oni before i delete the characters.

Abit more than 6 hours per char so far.

The bright side of things tho, is that i've gained a full set of lvling gear along the way. Only thing i'vent found yet is a tabula.


Finally got the last one.

You got the patience of a saint.
Neunzehnhundert93 wrote:

I'd consider you as lucky. Never got a Goldrim from Hillock.
BTW Grats to your 4 OG & Patience.
Just do it! And keep it simple -
Things will become complicated by itself.
Last edited by tuasoafoch#7907 on Jun 11, 2019, 3:14:38 AM
Got my second. Still at 7-7-7. I consider myself both lucky and done.
20+ hours in, still not a one. I'm not the most efficient grinder, but ... it's a grind. Back to the beach for me. Wish me luck! :-)
DonTheMage wrote:
20+ hours in, still not a one. I'm not the most efficient grinder, but ... it's a grind. Back to the beach for me. Wish me luck! :-)

Are you having fun, im serious?

gl :)
After a while, it's not about fun anymore. It triggers a different emotion. You feel a sense of place... of "this is where I belong".

Finding it really hard to maintain resists with Oni.
Last edited by Shagsbeard#3964 on Jun 12, 2019, 8:34:22 PM
鬼殺し wrote:
Quick query. How does the Goddess look with the new Infernal Blow attack effect?

~ There are spectacular moments.
Last edited by DoubleU#7266 on Jun 13, 2019, 9:06:11 AM
TorsteinTheFallen wrote:
DonTheMage wrote:
20+ hours in, still not a one. I'm not the most efficient grinder, but ... it's a grind. Back to the beach for me. Wish me luck! :-)

Are you having fun, im serious?

gl :)

Great... keep going. I need more level 9 exiles to be members of the Twilight Strand Beach Level 9 Club for 2 reasons:

1. To get drunk and commiserate over having to grind so long to get uber Hillock to come out.
    Seems he has become even more afraid to come out and play "the dance of death".
    Can't really blame him. It never ends well for Uber Hilly. Maybe he is remembering the
    previous times that he did play with one of my exiles (think Groundhog Day).
2. The TSBL9C needs more volunteers to help clear the beach of all the completely dead zombies.
    If we don't do this the stench of rotting corpses makes the beach unusable and it will quickly
    become a toxic health hazard site that is banned from use.  :)
"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration.

The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat:
If, once you reach level 8, you stop killing except for Hillock, it will take you longer to reach level 9 and avoid being a member of that terrible club. :)

I have one runner left and grinding one is a terrible process. She gets about six runs a day so I expect it will take a month or so for her to earn her sword.
"Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
US Mountain Time Zone
Last edited by ChanBalam#4639 on Jun 13, 2019, 6:45:16 PM

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