Fuck the lab
" Do you think "at least there isn't much of it" is a valid justification for having unattractive content in a game? |
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" If the reward makes up for the content I have to do - yes. No issues at all. Will do the content as fast as I can and never look back (which in this scenario means: never look back until next char) |
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" And this is just wrong. This is not a Job where you have to work hard to get a reward. Playing the game itself should be the reward. Granted nothing of "value" (EXP, Items, Challanges...) should be given out "for free" but walling it behind boring and hated content instead of difficult but fun contend is what makes a good game vs a bad game. No one plays tetris for the reward.... "This is a Buff" ------------------------------- There is an old almost forgotten prophecy, that hell will freeze over. But we just recently discovered the true cause of this unlikely event: By the time GGG manage to balance their game. Last edited by restinpieces0815#2549 on Feb 6, 2018, 2:27:11 PM
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" Not saying you are wrong and I would agree if I was intending to roll a lab farmer - which I dont. Im doing the lab for the reward only and it takes maybe 1% of my entire playtime. Thats hardly qualifying as a job nor does it take away fun of other 99% playtime. Indeed Ill have more fun with the remaining 99% because my char feels better. So overall, Im better off and having more fun because Im doing the lab, despite not liking the lab. You guys are so focused on the negative aspects, its beyond me. Really. How could you ever hope to enjoy anything in your lifes with this attitude? |
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" You apparently don't read or understand much that you read, do you? I thought I explained to you that my favorite game of all time was PoE prior to labyrinth release. You make the very stupid response to that that I'm being nostalgic. No, labyrinth is just loathsome boring not fun content to play through. It is so bad that many people have quit playing because of it. Your silly conclusion about not being able to enjoy anything in life because we don't like labyrinth is just you being ridiculously childish once again. Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
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" ...the same way we enjoy the rest of PoE? |
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" Gave me a good laugh and I´ll quit talking to you guys. Its pointless. Mainly because you are refusing to talk like civilized human beings. |
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What these conversations come down to are 3 main complaints against it:
"I don't find this part of the game fun or challenging." (for many good reasons, too long to list here again) with a few technical issues that make it frustrating or completely unplayable, and the expected group of those who do find it difficult for their builds saying "it's too hard". And usually they receive the responses: * "Git gud" (while there are plenty of people who are good at it, and still find it not fun or challenging.) * "You can't possibly not like it, I love it." along with "I never crash, so that's not an issue." both of which are ridiculous. * "Live with it. The power is too great to get for free, it has to be a challenge!" while disregarding nearly every well-thought out suggestion, and latching on to the outbursts of anger on the forums where people just want the labyrinth deleted. This also disregards how boring and un-challenging the content can really be... (for instance, I can blink-arrow my way through the Labyrinth no problem... never even a worry) * and "It doesn't take much time, and it's easy, so suffer through it like everyone else." (which contradicts both other claims about the labyrinth being a challenge, and being fun.) --- So, according to claims on the supporter's side, either the Labyrinth is a challenging test of skill, or it's an easy, boring speed bump on your way to 100, that doesn't take more than 15min at a time, an hour of your life, so nobody should care if it's fun or not. This is why the conversations will continue, and neither side will agree. For some people the Labyrinth is fun, good for them. (you can't convince them that the content isn't good, because they love it. But that's not the purpose of threads like this.) Others tolerate the Labyrinth because they don't think their voice will count, and they don't want to talk against it to make suggestions to improve it, (some only because if they do speak up, they'll be looked down upon by the people who say you only want to change it because it's too hard for you.) (these are the people that could be swung either way toward wanting change or wanting no change, in such a conversation, if the goal was to change people's minds, but it's not; it's simply feedback for the developers.) Others hate that the labyrinth mini-game is the sole method of obtaining the key character defining ascendancy classes, or they want to enjoy their time in the Labyrinth, but find the current implementation very much not enjoyable. (You can't convince these people that the content is good or fun, because to them, it's just not fun! But your goal here really isn't to convince them, it's to tell the developers not to change the content because you like it the way it is, for whatever reason you have.) --- If the Labyrinth were simply an optional area to go to get great wealth, there would be no justifiable ill will against the Labyrinth, from where I stand. It would relegate the content to where it should be, as an alternate endgame, an alternate place to build wealth, an optional bit of content if you LIKE what it offers. Making such content optional does not harm the people who love the labyrinth content, because they run that content long after they get their ascendancy points. They farm it. They like it. What such a change does, is make those who hate that content suddenly not really care that it's content they don't like, since they don't have to engage with it. GGG can experiment all they like with mini-games like this, if I never have to touch it if I don't like it. |
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I used to be opposed to making the lab optional, but still receiving the rewards like you did it, but now I would not be opposed, as long as they apply it across the board. In my case, I loath the highgate acts. I have to do them though, because I want to progress, and get the rewards, namely the skill points. If they would make it so I could bypass highgate, Then I see no reason to be opposed to anyone bypassing the lab.
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" If you can pinpoint the things about those acts that you find less enjoyable than the rest of the game, I'd be more than happy to read about it and see where GGG could improve it, and make it more enjoyable for you. The less things that drain the fun from the game, the better. People who dislike the Labyrinth for more than its "challenge" or lack thereof, but more on a conceptual level (game design philosophy), have very valid reasons to want to see change that the developers should want too, judging by the game design of the rest of the game and manifestos that explain their reasoning on everything else. The Labyrinth sticks out like a sore thumb. Taking everything else into consideration on this, it still baffles me why there has been such resistance to changing the Labyrinth, or separating the Ascendancy Classes from it, unless the content is the pet project of one of the 3 core members of GGG, and they want to force everyone to play that content, no matter if they like it or not. |
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