150 points map tab bollocks BONUS: Fragment tab is 75 points, totaling at 22,5$!
" (\__/) (='.'=) (")_(") Look at the cute little bunny! Just look at it... it's so cute. Positively adorable. Carry on my waypoint son, there'll be peace when maps are done.
Lay your portal gem to rest, don't you die no more. 'Cause it's a bitter sweet symphony this league. Try to make maps meet, you're a slave to the meta, then you leave. |
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I find it hard to believe anyone is naive enough to believe there is no reason for them to make stacks in the game so small, many items don't even stack at all. And yes ofcourse that is for the sole purpose of selling tabs. They have to eat too, you know.
I mean have you ever tried a 'f2p' game? Where they really frustrate you to the best of their ability to purchase their shitty 'should be basegame' stuff. At some point a company has to draw a line where they are ethical and f2p and where they still need to make money. This is a f2p line: Most games pretend to be f2p and are about here. F2P----------------------------------------------!--P2P While Poe is about here. F2P---!---------------------------------------------P2P Be abit more grateful for what GGG has given us. They could have made it ALOT worse. We all played just fine without all these speciality tabs. You think they are to expensive? Don't buy them. And move on. Whining about donations is so stupid. |
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Sure, they could have given us a lot worse.
But their website reads, the first time you visit it: 'The game is completely free and will never be "pay to win".' This is just not true any longer. Not all of the aspects of the game can be had for free. First thing, they should remove that sentence. But still, I have to say that even then I will disagree with their policy. While at that point they would at least be honest about it, I would still not like it. I mean, the game made enough money for development before they introduced all the special tabs, no? Yes, they would have less money. Yes, development would be slower, but development has gotten too fast, with too much stuff pushed out (and the impossibility to balance it properly coming with that) every league. Yes, they are super happy that their last expansion was larger in scope than acts 1-3 together, but honestly...? I'd rather have it slower. They've gotten greedy, and are beyond healthy development now. Or maybe I am just too old for this shit, who knows. Remove Horticrafting station storage limit.
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" Just want to point out you are perfectly fine with adding even more "p2w" features to paid special tabs. How hypocritical is it for you to complain about this, but support what would enable auto depositing into organized tabs. BTW the game isn't p2w in the broad since of the term. You pay for tabs that enable you to organize your shit slightly easier or not switch characters and mule that way. However, your idea of supporting autodeposit is very much a significant advantage. But I would expect nothing else from you. https://youtu.be/T9kygXtkh10?t=285
FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. |
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" This. The term "P2W" should be included in the CoC and made a bannable offense to use on this forum. People generally have no clue what it means, except for the those who wouldn't use it. And those people immediately get branded "white knights" by these same ignorant fools. It's sad, really. GGG gives us so much. Dude... I'm so ashamed of my generation sometimes. >.<' Carry on my waypoint son, there'll be peace when maps are done.
Lay your portal gem to rest, don't you die no more. 'Cause it's a bitter sweet symphony this league. Try to make maps meet, you're a slave to the meta, then you leave. |
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I agree with making stash tabs cheaper. Please do it.
(I also get the idea of charging a service to other players for holding their bulk items but what about when I am logged off or away from my phone when they need them. Wouldn't work.) |
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So many items have been added that additional stash tabs are required for free to play players - currently they ahve been getting worse and worse conditions compared to players who pay for the basic thing..
My opinion is that premium tabs should never have existed, all tabs should have been automatic premium. It's totally fucked to trade without premium especially for new players that werent exposed to the information like the old timers. Map stash fucking epic great - should have been baseline and is a massive advantage over those who do not have it. Same goes for currency stash and to some extent div stash. Reality is that the GGG wants money and that's the only reason ever for them to leave the game at such a horrendously low quality if you don't pay compared to if you do. That's just what it is, it's minimum amounts needed to be paid to play at a competitive level compared to other players and hence strictly speaking paying for ingame advantages or pretty much damn near a minimum price to actually access the game. Should it all have been free? would have been ideal, but GGG wants the money and maybe its also better that way for the game because of increased funds to develop. Doesn't really impact anyone but free loaders so for me i don't really care. This might be one of the best compromises to buying something impactful to improve your account in actual play without it being p2w in the sense you just get the best gear if you pay enough, and thereby being a great source of income while retaining the free to play and staying very close to no ingame advantages for money. It's also only a one time thing not something you can keep buying and spending on for extreme advantage. I am the light of the morning and the shadow on the wall, I am nothing and I am all. Last edited by Crackmonster#7709 on Jan 15, 2018, 5:58:27 PM
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" Div and essence isn't mandatory. If your still playing during maps you have gotten enough free play to have to pay something. Currency and sale tab I agree with you. |
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" I agree that You should make less money, pls make Your boss to do that. It is easy to "agree" on something that is not yours. It is GGG game and it is their right to put prices to their work. And Your or anybody else "agreeing" or not is irrelevant. You as a customer have right to buy it or not. Thats all. |
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" Excuse me, what? DONATIONS? :? You wrote a lengthy post about it being just a little bit p2w, and it is a donation? It seems to me you people are on drugs of sort. Another great example: " Gives us so much? You gave them over 2000$. You haven't been given anything. You paid for it. And you paid a lot. If every expansion pack would cost 50$, it wouldn't even get CLOSE to what you paid. Yet still you'd scream your throat out when big publisher like EA did that. Because for some odd reason, GGG is free of any critique - they can't do no wrong in your eyes. You are the very embodiment of a white knight/fanboy. You are trying to defend everything that GGG does and says, no matter what merit it holds. And quite frankly, you (and people like you) are detrimental to GGG and PoE. Things you say cannot be taken as valid feedback as you will always be in agreement. And what is sad to me is that MANY people seem to be still blinded. GGG is a great company but they can fuck up, as all of us can. And I get it - you love PoE (maybe a little bit too much). I, too, love the game, I love the development team (well, most of it, at least) and I wish the game would prosper for years to come. And I put my money where my mouth is. But this also means you sometimes have to say something critical. You HAVE to be critical. If you're not, you will turn into mindless zombies who take everything as it is without a question. Ever wondered why Battlefront II sold the way it did, even tho everyone (or almost everyone) knew what it really was? Why EA can pull off shit like this and still sell millions of copies? Because fanboys exist. Don't be a fanboy, help GGG. And to everyone else who is sticking around here, saying dumb shit like you don't like it, don't buy it and shut up - this is feedback forum. If you have nothing constructive to say (and this includes arguments), say nothing. You're just clogging the thread with pointless sentences that has been said millions of times and debunked as much. Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance. Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge. Last edited by Perq#4049 on Jan 16, 2018, 3:24:58 AM