150 points map tab bollocks BONUS: Fragment tab is 75 points, totaling at 22,5$!
You guys should understand one thing: PoE is huge game now and need a lot of money to keep servers and developer process up. And stop thinking about PoE as F2P game, it's already B2P.
Only when you buy stuff like premium tabs you can play and trade efficiently, and be successful in game. 150 is a lot, I can't afford it now but I m not complaining. I love how map tab is designed is such smart way, and will buy it later for sure. F2P is illusion exile. It's more like big F2P trail, but when you get hooked you need pay for convenience a lot. Last edited by Elua#0230 on Dec 14, 2017, 12:44:27 PM
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150 is a lot?
scary... I dont see any any key!
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" Not everyone is rich / lives in rich countries. There was this thread recently from this Brazilian guy playing at 320x240 cause that was the highest resolution at which the game would somewhat work. Remove Horticrafting station storage limit.
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" I saw that, it was pretty darn cool really and for the record im pretty far from rich myself lol I dont see any any key!
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It is what it is. GGG needs the cash to keep providing us such a great game (minus the loathsome labyrinth, of course). Map stash tabs would not exist if they weren't going to charge for them. GGG has drawn the line as to what constitutes "ethical P2W" in their minds. Anyone deciding if they want to play this game or not can simply look at the mtx sales page and decide if they want to play the game or not. We're arguing over hype wording. It is what it is.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
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" And ssf is about a challenge, if you cant store everything you need in 23 free additional character slots, then your doing something wrong. https://youtu.be/T9kygXtkh10?t=285
FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. |
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It is bad not gonna lie. If I was to buy this stash I'd spend more time picking up the maps I want than I'd spend picking them from a basic regular tab.
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" I was kinda disappointed too, it wasn't what I expected. For those that have a ton of maps lying around it's a good purchase but I'm not dealing with the volume of maps where I absolutely need it so I'll skip it myself. Besides, I don't feel like bothering support to remove one of my tabs so I can fit this one in. Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.
◄[www.moddb.com/mods/balancedux]► ◄[www.moddb.com/mods/one-vision1]► |
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" The whole concept makes so little sense. When are you going to have 72 copies of the same tier 15 map for example? Never. The only way you'll accumulate 72 is if you collect low tier maps for the hell of it but then you'll eventually have to bring them all to a vendor and upgrade them to a higher tier just like what you'd do if you put them in a regular tab. The only way to collect 72 copies of the same usable map is if you are running the same shaped map over and over but then again you wont need this special tab at all, put them in a regular one and immediately pick them up. Even the new elder/shaper mechanics don't give good enough excuse. All you need from the affected maps is bases, then you spam chaos orbs on them. You are not gonna go through the entirety of the atlas hunting special items, you roll them. Last edited by Johny_Snow#4778 on Dec 14, 2017, 4:05:36 PM
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I would really like to see that we can trade in cosmetics for points. I have received a lot of cosmetics from free boxes over the years, I assume something like 300-400 points and I do not care about cosmetics and wouldn´t mind trading for tabs.
I also feel that essential features should be available as rewards and not for money only. You can make money only things like XP boosts, char slots, weapon & armor shops ... I don´t care, but tabs seem essential and need a free way of gaining them. I still thank you for the free 300 coins cape, my summoner has it now. :) |
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