150 points map tab bollocks BONUS: Fragment tab is 75 points, totaling at 22,5$!

Ygidua wrote:
I would really like to see that we can trade in cosmetics for points. I have received a lot of cosmetics from free boxes over the years, I assume something like 300-400 points and I do not care about cosmetics and wouldn´t mind trading for tabs.

I also feel that essential features should be available as rewards and not for money only. You can make money only things like XP boosts, char slots, weapon & armor shops ... I don´t care, but tabs seem essential and need a free way of gaining them.

I still thank you for the free 300 coins cape, my summoner has it now. :)

they could do that but they they would have to raise prices on everything
I dont see any any key!
Johny_Snow wrote:
The whole concept makes so little sense. When are you going to have 72 copies of the same tier 15 map for example? Never. The only way you'll accumulate 72 is if you collect low tier maps for the hell of it but then you'll eventually have to bring them all to a vendor and upgrade them to a higher tier just like what you'd do if you put them in a regular tab.

The only way to collect 72 copies of the same usable map is if you are running the same shaped map over and over but then again you wont need this special tab at all, put them in a regular one and immediately pick them up.

Even the new elder/shaper mechanics don't give good enough excuse. All you need from the affected maps is bases, then you spam chaos orbs on them. You are not gonna go through the entirety of the atlas hunting special items, you roll them.

My problem with the tab is that it doesn't solve the usability issues I have with maps now, the min one being that you don't know if the map is normal, magic, or rare until you hover it.

What I'd buy right away is a tab where you can see every map arranged by tier, with the number of each and the existence of shaped version marked. Then you click the map you want and just get a list similar to the tab list, normal map x# and below it every non-normal map by its listed name with blue/yellow background by rarity or purple/orange if corrupted. Wouldn't be bad if it had some sorting options either but I suppose most would sort them normal-magic-rare and then by quantity bonus.

Granted, I have no idea how hard would this be to pull off, might not be possible but the current one isn't really doing much for me.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

Last edited by raics#7540 on Dec 14, 2017, 5:27:28 PM
All I want from a map tab is the option to upgrade without the need to go to a vendor. Then maybe I'll start picking up maps 2+ tiers below the ones I am running.
k1rage wrote:
150 is a lot?


I spend on food 1$ per each 24h. So I can eat for 15 days or get that map tab.

Sadly I must eat to live xD
k1rage wrote:
they could do that but they they would have to raise prices on everything

Not too sure about that. GGG isn't that small indie game company any more. I could not find any data on their annual turnover, but given the amount GGG has expanded recently, they must be doing pretty well.

Apart from that, if GGG had given me more free MTX in the beginning (not only tabs, also graphics MTX) I would have started to like them much earlier, and probably spent more money earlier. The Seeker pack kind of kicked it off for me, cause that was the first full armour pack I owned, and I really like it. Since then, I've honestly spent too much on MTX (though still much less than lots of others here).
Remove Horticrafting station storage limit.
Sorting options would definitely be an improvement. The search function really needs to go through the whole map stash tab. I'll be surprised if we don't see the search function fixed soon. The sorting option I'm less hopeful about.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Char1983 wrote:
k1rage wrote:
150 is a lot?


Not everyone is rich / lives in rich countries. There was this thread recently from this Brazilian guy playing at 320x240 cause that was the highest resolution at which the game would somewhat work.

If you feel bad for him you can buy him a new rig.

I play on a PC from 2010. Resolution is fHD but everything else is off and low. Right now im not buying new rig but i know in the future i will, eventually because there is always that time. And now i dont play Witcher 3 because on current PC it would be on low settings and i want to experience that game fully. PoE on the other hand is to flashy on full settings (saw it at my buddys PC) and way to much confusing.

And one more thing - the problem you adressed is not GGG fault but in goods distribution on all of our planet. The game was rigged and we all are victims but there is way to change that - each and every one of us need to learn personal responsibility grow Your knowledge and build up confidence and competences and with that poor people stop being poor.
And of course people keep on repeating same shit over and over again. They tell me simply that my points are wrong (without actually addressing my arguments), say my point is not what I think it is or whole other story about their income or whatnot.

As a side note, I'm impressed @de99ial not understanding what my point is, yet aggressively defending GGG and PoE (for no reason, really). Ad hominems and suggesting someone is a lazy fuck because they cannot afford stash tabs are also top notch arguments. Keep it up buddy. :-)

Ps. If you think GGG is barely making enough money to keep lights on you're naive. Naive as all fuck. I'm not saying this is a bad thing, but they are far beyond a point of needing supporter packs or expensive stash tabs. They aren't a small indie studio that needs people support to keep on going.

tl;dr stop typing the same shit over and over again + don't be naive.
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
Last edited by Perq#4049 on Dec 15, 2017, 1:31:36 AM
You forgot essence tab. I have that and div tab and I could live without the div tab easily; but the essence tab? Uh no. After premium for trading, as you say, and currency, that is most important. Before we had it I wasted so much time playing about with them.
I agree with OP, for a change.

I do think that GGG is pushing it pass the point of what they used to advertise themselves as.
At the moment in pretty damn sure GGG is in really good place financially, that they do not really need to put up really expensive MTX's for us.
I understand that with all the hype and months of waiting, people, just like me, jumped on the 150 points map tab. I was hyped as hell and bought it straight away....just to be dissapointed.

Seriously the map tab is totally not worth it:
a) it is stupidly expensive at 150 points (a price at witch one can buy 6 premium tabs!)
b) it lacks functionality, I bought it hoping that i will finally be able to sort my maps in standard and also keep maps nicely organized in league, but boy i was wrong. the map tab dont work as i expected it to be and IM still stuck with several tabs of maps, as they are all different legacy ones (egg shape, square, round and now spikey round)

All I would like to see if GGG finally admiting that they dont call they game Free2Play, but as someone pointed Free2Try with an option to buy core compontent to actually start playing it as it meant to be.
YES I support the game, NO I don't agree with many GGG decisions

Lab still sucks balls.

I miss Zana already.

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