3.11 -- Righteous Fire Juggernaut / Chieftain (Outdated and Abandoned)

Eatsblood wrote:
Hoping that with Watcher's Eye will make Uber Elder more reasonable, because right now he's crushing me before I even get him half way.

Got him first try with these changes. Place was absolutely covered with Elder degen, but I think I had enough regen to soak it. I'm guessing you're meant to actually kill them, not ignore them and eat the damage, but.
Last edited by Eatsblood on Dec 23, 2018, 12:39:51 PM
hello, id like to ask you about curses, to run only 1 should I use blasphemy + flammability? and will I be able to sustain mana for SR (vitality+purity of fire + flammability)

ty for answer
Last edited by Pilyna on Dec 23, 2018, 1:33:55 PM
Pilyna wrote:
hello, id like to ask you about curses, to run only 1 should I use blasphemy + flammability? and will I be able to sustain mana for SR (vitality+purity of fire + flammability)

ty for answer

For one curse you use witchfire brew. For a second curse you need a lvl 4 enlighten and 4 points on tree for whispers of doom. Most people just use the flask and the despair curse it gives.
PsOfOs wrote:
Pilyna wrote:
hello, id like to ask you about curses, to run only 1 should I use blasphemy + flammability? and will I be able to sustain mana for SR (vitality+purity of fire + flammability)

ty for answer

For one curse you use witchfire brew. For a second curse you need a lvl 4 enlighten and 4 points on tree for whispers of doom. Most people just use the flask and the despair curse it gives.

ahh didnt get that at all LOL sry :) and ty for helping me understand that (for 3rd aura like purity of ice is ok even enlighten 3 or need 4 too?)
Does Xoph's Heart make a big difference in dps? I've got one but to use it I need to change a few other pieces around to accommodate the resistances since my cold res is a bit tight. Just wondering if it's worth it or I should just sell it and have a few Ex spare.
Eatsblood wrote:
Eatsblood wrote:
Hoping that with Watcher's Eye will make Uber Elder more reasonable, because right now he's crushing me before I even get him half way.

Got him first try with these changes. Place was absolutely covered with Elder degen, but I think I had enough regen to soak it. I'm guessing you're meant to actually kill them, not ignore them and eat the damage, but.

gratz on the kill

this is where kill speed matters for farming, you do it long enough there isn't more than 6 or 7 frozen balls on the ground before you get the kill. I don't even dodge shaper slams anymore because that's more damage I can deal while his not moving
zheng738 wrote:
this is where kill speed matters for farming, you do it long enough there isn't more than 6 or 7 frozen balls on the ground before you get the kill. I don't even dodge shaper slams anymore because that's more damage I can deal while his not moving

Interesting. I dropped some dps for regen, allowing me to survive to get the kill but noticably slowing things. Going to need to find gear upgrades to allow me fast and safe kills. Essence spamming marble amulets trying to get one that has everything on it. Prob should look at corrupted Kaom's stuff next. Crafting a burn/conc/horror helmet seems crazy expensive.
just did the first shaper with this build, this was such a joke Oo, never dropped lower than 70% hp.
Eager to do uber elder next :)

Do do I fix the mana issue? The Blood Magic mod on weapon is not in this league ?

My chair is here: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/shALK3/characters
iwerf name

I'll be trying all content in 24 hrs once I ding 100.

Big excited

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