Energy Shield and Life

plodd wrote:
hmcg020 wrote:
I've looked through a bit of comments here and there seems to be some sort of consensus that ES players can afk face-tank all content.

I don't understand where this is coming from as I cannot even afk face tank all content with some of the best gear possible @ 14.3k es

I can tank shaper's beam but not his slam. I cannot face tank reflect, volatiles, uber atziri among many other things. I have been 1-shot at least a few hundred times in the years playing this character, even by random rare mobs who do bullshit 15k+ es crits.

ES has little to no armor, evasion, dodge life flasks, regen (with skyforth's) and freeze can be annoying.

Now they want to make every single aspect of ES infinitely worse. Drop the values, choose between regen and leech, no instant leech and god knows what else they plan on doing. Can you imagine trying to play low life now? 4k es characters getting 1 shot from white mobs?

I've played for a while and I've seen some drastic changes to block, leech, dropping ES back in the day, absolutely fucking destroying area of effect, "buffing" waste of internet name lock single-target skills... There's been a few nerfs...

What I want to ask GGG, is that considering this game is a full-time grind fest that results in only the top 0.0001% of players ever getting "rich" enough to min-max their builds, is this change designed just to add a few more zeroes to how long it takes to get there?

I play maybe once a week now for 20 minutes, though I can never imagine playing another ES build, or ever seeing another low life build.

The question is, are you playing pathfinder?

Remember the game is always balanced around the meta.

I'm playing Trickster at the moment as I appreciate the extra speed and survivability. Assassin is the best DPS class pre-3.0 and I would argue that to my death, though I have no need for 4 minute shaper runs anymore.
I'm struggling to come up with new goals to keep me playing this game.
"Carthago delenda est, Ceterum censeo Carthaginem delendam esse."

The energy shield should be nerfed.
At first, since there should not be such a wild superiority in 2-3 times. Any armor, dodging, evading will not give protection from oneshot. And using a flask you get the same armor for example, like a melee. And still have good survival pool ES.
Secondly, 90% - play by ES/CI in any variation. This not normal

BUT - that's with the Vaal pact and Ghost river- a very reckless nerf. Weaken ES pool - good idea. But why remove radical defensive mechanism??
Last edited by Raila on May 20, 2017, 9:40:48 AM
Cybersnip wrote:
So many stupid people in here thinking that these changes are final.. It's BETA numbers, which will surely be tweaked for the right balance before the official deployment of the expansion...

There are 2 problems:
1) Ranged ES builds like Kinetic blast/Barrage even with less ES will still be viable, because not many mobs can have a chance to attack player before they dies.
2) Melee ES builds won't even be tested because they NEED INSTANT LEECH, like any melee life builds!

Even if the current numbers isn't final, it is referred to ES pool!
I don't think that they will admit ohh, no one plays melee ES builds, because leech without Vaal Pact and no flasks can't sustain damage, and change back Vaal pact as it was before!
Last edited by CBEToffOP on May 20, 2017, 9:44:32 AM
_PBS_ wrote:
First they nerf block chance stacking, and I did not speak out —
Because I did not use block in my builds.

Then they nerf Chaos conversiaon, and I did not speak out —
Because I did not use Chaos conversion.

Then they came for double dip, and I did not speak out —
Because I did not use double dip.

Then they came for CI, and there was no one left to speak for me.

Par for the course in life, no?

Why not fix all of the broken builds first and then see where everything is at? Think about how many skills suck ass but are ignored.

It just boggles my mind how these things happen with every single game company. Instead of fixing broken things, they over-nerf everything until they destroy the game and the community.

For crying out loud, can we have just one company who understands the idea of building up instead of tearing down? Build up instead of destroy?

It's just mind-numbing.
The nerfs will continue until morale improves.
Last edited by Rippster on May 20, 2017, 10:08:48 AM
How are melee CI supposed to defend against massive ele crits? Immortal call... wait. Life potions.... The Brass Dome...nope.

How are melee CI supposed to deal with breaches or large packs? Regen???

The average player will now have roughly 1-2k less life than their ES counterpart. The underlying difference being that stun, freeze, regen, flasks, armor, evasion, dodge, are all inherently more challenging for CI.

I love that the dynamic of the game drastically shifts every couple of years, though I don't see this as critical to it's evolution. My position reminds me of the episode of pokemon, where ash decides against evolving Pikachu, in that I don't feel being this drastic is required to proceed in a positive direction for the game as a whole.

Nerf CI, don't destroy it.
Buff life, don't make it the benchmark.
I'm struggling to come up with new goals to keep me playing this game.
Vaal Pact should just be exclusive to melee. They need it the most regardless of life or ES.
Genmaicha wrote:
Vaal Pact should just be exclusive to melee. They need it the most regardless of life or ES.

Instant leech should go and that´s just the beginning but the balance should start from there.

Last edited by Rakiii on May 20, 2017, 1:17:18 PM
nerfing Vaal Pact will kill my Dual Striker

He is amazing but his limits are set in stone. He will always truggle on Shaper and Uber Atziri and any boss with ability to one shot. Changing Vaal Pact will make him unusable as he is already very expensive and difficult to master. GGG will have 50,000 rage quits if my build is adversely affected by Vaal Pact changes in 3.0

The Wolf bleeds
yet dies not
Dual Striker Leech Tank, creator since 11/2014
So from the passive skill tree there is no possibility to fast refill your ES while in combat.Only that small tickle refill from Zealot's Oath. Then there are some shield recharge buffs but they only kick in if you dont take any damage for TWO seconds.
So ES will still be able to soak burst damage but will be far worse in getting consistant damage.

ES needs some rework how shield recharge delay works. Maybe introduce some new flasks which reduce the shield recharge delay or add some new skill tree nodes.

Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks

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