I played d3 and know the ah wasn't as good as it could be but it worked ok.I agree that poe doesn't need ah but it still needs to deal with the problems of afkers and price manipulation.I never ever used the trade channel and i play this game from 1year.This is just unacceptable when something is broken that much it needs a fix before you start introducing new acts.I actually had to buy premium stash tab just so that i can start trading like a normal human being.This sucks so bad its ruining my life every time i have to do this cancer thing called trading.
Solutions: Pick system that everyone likes or multiple systems to trade maybe being able to set up shops maybe trough the site but do it in unique way.Just don't leave me with this crap. |
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I played all Diablos, I, II, and III, and AH wasn't the problem the AH haters make it out to be. It was the damn bots that farmed gold 24/7 that made for high inflation (just like real countries when they flood their economy with extra currency to devalue it). So in PoE the botters are minimal (yes? GGG is downplaying bots as any problem but that could be just a PR ploy) and problem is the weirdness of having to go to 3rd party trade sites to find gear and an on-line seller, only to then be slammed when you come back to whisper and get "seller is AFK" or no response as seller is playing and doesn't want to stop (I don't blame the seller for not wanting to be interrupted to make a sale).
So why GGG hasn't already or just won't code asynchronous trade as I see as very viable?:
GGG could have implemented some way to make us have to go into the sellers hideout by getting a code in 3rd party trade site then use that code while in game (a symbol on the waypoint map would pop up a small window to paste the code into) to open a portal to the seller's hideout. Once we are in the seller's hideout accessing the stash would only bring up the item for sale in the top of the trade window and the B/O price. We place the currency in the bottom window and press the trade button to get the item and the seller gets a new "remove only" stash tab with the currency. We're done and portal back to where we came from and can immediately use the item. No hunting down the seller whispering (oh the damn whispers... they drive me mad!) and we're back to playing PoE. No fuss, no muss, and not a global AH that some say is a game economy wrecker (D3 had a bazillion botters flooding their AH with bot farmed gear, it's no wonder it failed). If GGG can code PoE to eliminate/minimize bot farming of gear then asynchronous trade will work.
It will take a sufficient amount of time to go to a 3rd party trade site, find an item to buy, get a code number, go back to PoE, paste the code in to open a portal to the seller's hideout, go to the hideout, access the stash, conduct the trade, and then leave the hideout with the item so that quick flipping of items is not possible as a global AH allows. Beneficial side effect of asynchronous trade is we get to see many hideouts relatively easily and thus this would/should increase sales of hideout mtx as players would want to fix up their place. and it's not an AH so flippers can't run amuck and cause super inflation. What GGG has in PoE with trade chat is a "You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..." Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration. The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat: Last edited by Arrowneous#3097 on Apr 14, 2017, 9:34:14 PM
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" Way to change your issue, first its about me so called speaking for everyone, and now its this? ROFL Firstly you need to wake the fuck up. we already have something as close to instant trading without it being instant. It just is outsourced to other websites and apps. Which is allowing people to price fix, and flip currency 100% by bot. People price fixing by pricing items falsely with no intention to sell just to manipulate people is WRONG, yet that is what is going on. Make everything POETRADE can do ACTUALLY INGAME, and that would be HUGE, all by itself. On top of that we have to deal with taking others away from the game to get a trade, which with enough trades may as well just be playing a retail sim. I love trading, but i also love playing the game. If i could actively sell items while playing the game that would be great, but we can not, we are forced to leave the gameplay we were doing, then join a group with the other trade person, and then meet them in a same zone. So yes i am very open to this getting fixed and made much better, it doesn't need to be instant trading, but something would be nice. BTW Instant trading would not make the requirement for trading even stronger, it would just make it a little easier than it already is, with less headache, it would be a serious QOL Improvement. Unless they are stupid enough to rebalance the game around it, like D3 did from the beginning. IGN:Axe_Crazy
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What we really need is a vendor like gheed from d2 that lets us gamble for unique items would at least be a good chaos sink.
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" I am awake, but it seems you are not. No we do not have "something close to instant trading" now. You are dependent on several factors, and it's far from instant when you have to zone up, create a party and then trade with a human being. That is not instant. And not close. In my eyes, it's the definition of "not instant", when there are several steps you have to take. And on top of that, the one you are trading with have to be online. I'm not against "insourcing" PoE trade - making it accessible in-game, made by GGG. But your last sentence is naive - at best. Of course they have to rebalance the game if they make trade easier. If every item is accessible for you at all levels - one or two clicks away, you are able to bypass everything the game has to throw at you from level 25 and forward - with no god damn effort put into trading. People scream "easy game" all the time, and the game is first and foremost made easy by trading, because - again - everything is available to you. I'm sort of OK with that, as long as you are required to put some effort/time into it, may that be alt-tab'ing to hit PoE trade. I'll try again; as trade is the most powerful tool you have in PoE, why should we be able to buy everything - all the time - with no effort what so ever? Why should trading be easier? Why should you be able to progress even faster than you already can? Why should we be able to bypass even more RNG? Because it's inconvenient? Come on. The easier trade gets, more people will trade, more items will be accessible, prices will be lower (on everything except the GG loot) and they would HAVE to compensate somewhere. Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
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We need AH, or e-mail box in game with possibility to send items at least.
Baby don't Vaal me, don't Vaal me, no more!
Vaal me baby one more time! The eVaalution is now! Hakuna Matata, Warriors! |
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" The only range we have to deal with in trading now is dealing with afk's or people not being online. We have the search function to find the items with the exact stats we are looking for. All we have to currently do is send the message and do the trade. So making it so that other person does NOT have to stop what they are doing, aka playing the game, or making it so people can be afk and still trade, will NOT affect the game more than it already has. I can already search and trade for gear all the time with ease, just have to deal with some issues once in awhile. One main reason for instant trading would be to STOP price fixing, you know the top 10-50 items listed on trade that are severely under priced so they can trick people into selling cheap for THEM to buy. In my opinion this is just another form of scamming. If they can fix this another way, than great, but this needs stopped. IGN:Axe_Crazy
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" An item mailing system would be great, especially for cheaper items. Though with this comes potential scamming. IGN:Axe_Crazy
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I seent it.
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For a mailing trade system, I'd do "CoD"(Collect on Delivery)
The seller would put the item in the mail as a trade attachment. This trade mail would have a pull-down menu for currency type, and a box to type quantity. (you could add a second pull-down menu for a second required currency and amount, to allow for a price like 1 Exalt + 5 Chaos.) The item would be sent to the buyer, but to remove the item from the delivery box, the desired payment would have to be put in an auto-reply mailing to the seller. If there is no reply sent with payment, you can't take the item from the box. If no payment is sent, the mail can be "recalled" and item placed back in seller's inventory, trade cancelled. Edit: typos Last edited by Zaludoz#6325 on Apr 15, 2017, 12:58:45 PM
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