An alternative for ascendency points.

_Saranghaeyo_ wrote:
These threads get so tiring...

I don't really understand I guess. Don't do Lab on shitty days? Today's layout, if you go the right route, has a whopping 2 Trap Gauntlets + Gold Key Trap Gauntlet. And you can literally Quicksilver through them. Choose days like this. Did 100 for the grind this league was literally easy while watching TV

Not everyone has your player skill for that matter. Easy to think things are easy for everyone just like it is for you isn't it?
Deadpeng wrote:
_Saranghaeyo_ wrote:
I don't really understand I guess.

Not everyone has your player skill for that matter. Easy to think things are easy for everyone just like it is for you isn't it?

One issue with the labs is that (knowing about) the general layout is just a minor part of what you have to care about (or chances raises that it sums up to going wrong). Even on 'good' room layouts you could find areas from the type of the starting zone, which changes three or even four times between its indoor and outdoor phases...some are simply too large. Same at the poison dart gardens: their 'weird' combinations of gating switches and puzzles and traps often demand a lot of (nearly perfect) timing - a 'little' more "room" to think instead of constant 'gtfo'-needs would be 'nice'.

鬼殺し wrote:
Anyone not running anti-bleed flasks

how many, six? :D I mostly carry two, but I face a huge 'risk' of having them empty after a 'good' trap combination in an empty passage - leaving my char unprepared for the next.

The other proposed options are nice, but with issues on the 'low end' (as starting at 55), on giving up other defensive options with mediocre gear, and with aquisition of the items itself.

The *only* time I die in the Labyrinth, regardless of build, is Izaro. His fight is crazy-hectic and it's crazy-claustrophobic. Two things I fuckin' hate in an ARPG.

One part of a 'good' lab layout is the need of prebuffs on Izaro that your char can handle/overcome. Unbuffed, the (basically only) remaining trouble is just how many space the traps in the endroom leave open for you (if you're somewhat experienced on knowing/reading his attack patterns). And the 'final' issue with the needed experiences is that you can't practice it.
invited by timer @ 10.12.2011
deutsche Community: &
Mr_Cee wrote:

鬼殺し wrote:
Anyone not running anti-bleed flasks

how many, six? :D I mostly carry two, but I face a huge 'risk' of having them empty after a 'good' trap combination in an empty passage - leaving my char unprepared for the next.

After a 'good' trap combination in an empty passage, there are always mobs to refill the flasks.
And such gauntlets are in some areas, and not more than one.
SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.

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