[2.6] IMMORTAL MF GOLEMS - Shaper / Uber / ALL Guardians *WHILE DEAD*

sqntektromator wrote:
that jewel is not a good idea for this build.
at some point (if you wanna do hard endgame content) you have to resummon your golems while you are fighting the bosses. so increasing your mana cost would not be a good idea.
u could use the flask but honestly resummoning is better in the situations your golems die.

first of all for me the streght of build like this is showed by combining mf options and good dmg clear speed cause if u wanna focus on bosses there are a lot of better builds than this .
Second i dont see the point of going full greed on hardest bosses if someone lacks dmg or do not feel can handle. For any other content this build just facerolls with already 10 jewels only (and u can take mutch more) so there is no harm sacrificing one .
And last one is where you reach good enought gear and play corretcly u rarely need resummon any golems my last 2 uber trio fight ended up with only one fire golem dead each fight and deathless from me. I only swapped inc q for fire pen and vaal haste for dese tahts all, rest was my farming gear.

On minos they die more often ofc but the can do already so mtuch damage before it take max 2 ,3 portals for me to kill minos on hard mods. Its not like im emulating hc experience everytime i just let them do their job avoid shit try to lure them out or conv and come back if i die no resummoning.

buddy i dont get it why are u explaining my build to me?
look i finished the game with this build i had hh at 2nd week of the league skyforth at 3rd week..
there is no better boss killer than this build. none i ve seen can kill any boss smoother than this. i killed hardest bosses with 2 - 3x hp. i mean you kill everything while u are just dead on the ground..and i was eating my meal at the same time.

2nd i am not talking about sacrificing 1 jewel i am talking about mana cost going up sky high where you cant afford to resummon your golems anymore.
I explained how you can do trio fights or hard bosses on previous pages u might wanna look at them. Changing 2 or 3 gears really makes those fights a lot easier for you. When i was doing uber atziri services i did not die untill i intentionally do at last atziri fight.
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!

buddy i dont get it why are u explaining my build to me?
look i finished the game with this build i had hh at 2nd week of the league skyforth at 3rd week..
there is no better boss killer than this build. none i ve seen can kill any boss smoother than this. i killed hardest bosses with 2 - 3x hp. i mean you kill everything while u are just dead on the ground..and i was eating my meal at the same time.

2nd i am not talking about sacrificing 1 jewel i am talking about mana cost going up sky high where you cant afford to resummon your golems anymore.
I explained how you can do trio fights or hard bosses on previous pages u might wanna look at them. Changing 2 or 3 gears really makes those fights a lot easier for you. When i was doing uber atziri services i did not die untill i intentionally do at last atziri fight.

the topic is for all was just personally answering u and explaining

What u are talking just doesnt make sense: first u talking jewel is bad cause u cant resummon your golems then u are talking about killing hardest bosses while dead eating meal (for me atleast equal uber trio,vaal temple,minos) . I just wonder how u combining both of these cause i cant see me resummoning golems while dead . If u consider broken mechanic as somethign normal y it is best overall boss killer cause allow some ppl do it cheesing all mechanics . But muy point was there are a lot of better builds for this doing it faster with more dmg and deathless they cheese by outdpsing not just dying and going smoke or eat.

and on top of that u argue by telling how fast u afforded end game items witch brings to the topic absolutly nothing what if i tell u i could afford legacy vinktar after 2 days or so ethier its true or not means absolutly shit and showing only how cocky i am by arguing like that.
Last edited by sqntektromator#1516 on Apr 18, 2017, 4:02:31 PM
would we end up wanting to use slower projectiles in place of GMP for bossing?
Please reply to your whispers for items... Even if you are mapping, in a rotation, in uber lab, or if its sold. Thank you. :D
So I have a question about dmg scaling from primordial jewels. It's about 16% dmg for every golem u have. This works like 10x jewel x 16%dmg x number of type golem s or its just 16 x golems type?

So it's either 160% with only flame golems or 16%?
And if I have 3 types with ice and lightning is it 160x3 or 16x3?

Sorry if it was asked but there is 40+ pages :)
mattislouie wrote:
would we end up wanting to use slower projectiles in place of GMP for bossing?

you would wanna reach your golem's projectiles as far as it gets so i would not recommend doing that.
and its only 1 skill that uses projectiles might be 2 but it would limit golem's attack and eventually make them useless.
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
fantafff wrote:
So I have a question about dmg scaling from primordial jewels. It's about 16% dmg for every golem u have. This works like 10x jewel x 16%dmg x number of type golem s or its just 16 x golems type?

So it's either 160% with only flame golems or 16%?
And if I have 3 types with ice and lightning is it 160x3 or 16x3?

Sorry if it was asked but there is 40+ pages :)

i think it does not work that way and you dont need to think about it. fastest setup is 5 flame 1 lightning rest is slower.
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
sqntektromator wrote:

buddy i dont get it why are u explaining my build to me?
look i finished the game with this build i had hh at 2nd week of the league skyforth at 3rd week..
there is no better boss killer than this build. none i ve seen can kill any boss smoother than this. i killed hardest bosses with 2 - 3x hp. i mean you kill everything while u are just dead on the ground..and i was eating my meal at the same time.

2nd i am not talking about sacrificing 1 jewel i am talking about mana cost going up sky high where you cant afford to resummon your golems anymore.
I explained how you can do trio fights or hard bosses on previous pages u might wanna look at them. Changing 2 or 3 gears really makes those fights a lot easier for you. When i was doing uber atziri services i did not die untill i intentionally do at last atziri fight.

the topic is for all was just personally answering u and explaining

What u are talking just doesnt make sense: first u talking jewel is bad cause u cant resummon your golems then u are talking about killing hardest bosses while dead eating meal (for me atleast equal uber trio,vaal temple,minos) . I just wonder how u combining both of these cause i cant see me resummoning golems while dead . If u consider broken mechanic as somethign normal y it is best overall boss killer cause allow some ppl do it cheesing all mechanics . But muy point was there are a lot of better builds for this doing it faster with more dmg and deathless they cheese by outdpsing not just dying and going smoke or eat.

and on top of that u argue by telling how fast u afforded end game items witch brings to the topic absolutly nothing what if i tell u i could afford legacy vinktar after 2 days or so ethier its true or not means absolutly shit and showing only how cocky i am by arguing like that.

i cant decide if i am being not clear or are you not getting the my answers?
first i am telling you if u put that jewel in you wont be able to resummon ur golems in bossfights where your golems might die easily.because u will not have the mana pool to affort 2x mana cost where your golems already cost your 45% of your mana pool.
2nd i am talking about killing shaper-uber atziri while i am afk. simply not controlling my character. its just an example of me getting something to eat.
3rd i did not say i am afk at trio fights - vaal temple- minotaur. i said i explained those situations and how to deal with them in previous pages.
4th again there are 2 type of boss fights with this build. 1 you get to be afk while your golems are simply killing the boss w/o any problem such as shaper - uber atziri last fight - phoenix - hydra - collesseum etc.
5th in my opinion there are no better and easier builds to kill every boss this easy. again its in my opinion: it seems to me all other builds require 20ex + gear + flask management + positioning + dodging etc. etc. list goes on and on.
6th i am not trying to be cocky. i explained and wrote down how much currency do we gain with this build and what we can farm with it. this is a magic find build so people wanna know what can you get out of it. or just simply can they get profit off it. this is getting on my nerves . probably i wont answer your replies again i am just trying to help out people here. it would be nice if you just accept advices from experienced players and appreciate their opinions.
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
MrsDeath_ wrote:
This game is not that easy there is only 3 bosses you need to learn how to play.

Oh I know that... just pointing out that sometimes just being dead isn't good enough. ;)

Otherwise, great build... Shaper is easy peasy with only 8 Harmonies and no penetration. A joke really.

Remind me again, why do we need curse effectiveness and EE when we're dead though?

(I know the mechanics and what curse effectiveness and Equilibrium does but what good does it do us, or our golems for that matter, when we're dead? )
Nah i take advices if u would read carefully, u would see one page before. But whenever someone talks bull shit thinking he knows best beacuse he no lifed the fucktone of this game i just call that out with arguments. And from my point your are not hlping ppl ua re trashing topic making quadruple posts between eath other ( look at last 20 pages), answering questions that has been already answered, making ppl who are too lazy to research life easier.

But its ok u "finished the game" LUL u know best and whatever route you choose its best, and everyone should use it . Keep resummoning your golems when mine just not die, keep spreading the holy word and building your forum fame as master golemancer.
Snd if some random guy on the internet not agreeing with u gets on your nerves LUL thats sad.

I just keep playing the game cheers
Is this the best Golem build out there?
Are there any changes to it if I don't plan on dying, ever?


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