[2.6] Ben's Ranged AutoSummoner (BUDGET, MoM, guardian/shaper viable, projectqtup viable)
" Not for me :) " Minion speed might help killing faster, so that could be an issue. Duration is rarely an issue for me. Also, odds of getting that particular enchant is minimal, and the same for a good belt with the right corruption. So of those things minion speed could be something to look into. " This right here, might really help. I'll alt my potion instantly. (EDIT: OK that wasn't enough either. I guess that move speed is next - I am currently having a hard to getting decent rolls though). Thanks. Last edited by sikker#5501 on Mar 15, 2017, 8:34:44 AM
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I watched that Shaped Shore video (sounds like a tv show). I got curious about the soundtrack, looked it up on the wise and powerful internet, and found "Fabulous Super Powers"/HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA... and it's been stuck in my head ever since. So, thank you for that.
Then YouTube decided I wanted to see "Weird Russian Singer" after that, and what I saw left me so agog that Merciless Hailrake clubbed my character like a baby seal. This build has been more magical than any build I've tried so far and I haven't even played it yet. Gold star for you, my good man. "People ask me why I do this at my age. People are rude."
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I like to pick up crap off the ground. Can I still do that and play this build?
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You'll have plenty of time to pick things up while your minions slaughter everything!
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I have 57s on my range weapon duration is that enough? I don't have the helm enchant because I prefer the bone helmet damage increase. Using a helm enchant 30% inc duration, my range weapon duration becomes 65s.
I've attempted 3 Minotaur runs. First 2 was really easy, no deaths, dropped him in under 10 seconds with wither up. 3rd one I bricked hard. The map had 35% inc dmg, crit inc, and crit multi. He 2 shot my minions with his slam/swing (also the falling boulders 1 shot me while I was running, I have close to 5k hp). After that I couldn't recover, since the build requires momentum to operate. Is it normal for this to happen if I give guardians dmg mods? |
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" I noticed you used a little bit of a different gem set up. Ranged: AW, poison, gmp, added chaos, void manipulation, minion damage Melee: free AW, poison, added chaos, minion dmg, melee phy, melee splash, multistrike Did you add 2 double dipping gems on the ranged mobs to increase the power of poison which would increase the DPS and chance to summon a ranged mob? See my profile for my setup, currently 84 in LSC. With duration, my ranged minions last 83s and without 65s. Seems unnecessary considering there's always extra weps of all sorts lying around. I do lose 67% duration on poison, but with void manip and minion dmg double diping 1.49^2 * 1.39^2 that more than makes up for it. |
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" So this means our Jorrhast will autoanimate ranged weapons now. Gems are obviously diff for ranged vs melee, perhaps making them a bit more in line now? replacing melee phys with void manip in the Jorrhast perhaps? |
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" This. Seems important. I really don't want to 4 or 5 offcolor a jorrhast, so will the strategy now be to stay away from ranged weapons and just manually animate them before jorrhast can? |
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" Just run a map after patch. Auto-summoned ranged are a bit problematic, but not too much. If anything, one has to play a bit more aggressive and summon ranged ASP, until someone thinks of a better gem setup :\ |
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Ugh, this change sucks. I JUST got this build up & running and now all of a sudden ranged weapons are being summoned automatically before I can use my ranged AW links on it. I actually noticed it was happening, then came here to see wtf was going on. We going to have to drop the ranged links and go just melee? Barely seems worth now to run the two different AW setups.
Or just throw GMP into the Jorrhast and have tons of free sockets now? Last edited by Ariakan80#6929 on Mar 15, 2017, 8:41:13 PM
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