[2.6] Ben's Ranged AutoSummoner (BUDGET, MoM, guardian/shaper viable, projectqtup viable)
" I would say ideally the same thing. There are times when you have summoned 10-12 ranged weapons from ranged AW, and there are times when we have full stack of them. It means, that we have sligtly less damage, but in general - build is the same, and i'm not going to change it for sth else :) EDIT: there's also option: at the beginning start with 16 ranged weapons and animate every single ranged weapon that drop. Maybe it's not so good and will for sure slow you down, but... it should work. Last edited by Scaal#3099 on Mar 16, 2017, 2:56:25 AM
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yeah that "bug fix" really did a number on the convenience of the build. It can still clear fast just might be annoying when you animate your ranged weapon
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so, we change the weapon links from multi strike to GMP and melee phys to void manu or minion speed and everything should be fine.
Auto summoning range weapon potentially enables us to use SRS to start the map without the need to carry weapons to start the chain. Last edited by Flouyd#6977 on Mar 16, 2017, 6:23:01 AM
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" yeah it should be fine, but that means we need to roll a bunch of offcolors on jorrhast ahhhh |
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" so back to inc duration? m. splash - gmp - added c - poison - minion dmg - inc duration |
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Don't know. I've found that it is really hit and miss with this build now. There are maps when everything runs smooth like before, but on the polar opposite, there are time when every damn wand/bow that drops is insta animated by Jorrhast, which practically kills the clear speed. Breaches are the same way, some go smooth, others go to shit really quick when Jorr starts targeting those ranged weapons. It is nothing more than RNG, but.. the build feels really clunky at times now, but still playable. T10 8mod breach-beyond-onslaught was comfortably doable, but slower and far clunkier.
As a side note, to the ones that say drop max wands to start the map, it doesn't help. You may get a little further faster, but if Jorr instantly starts replacing your GMP wands with melee phys/splash wands.. your trash clear is gimped. If there was a Jorr for sale that had the colors I would try replacing melee phys with gmp, so it wouldn't be a complete loss when it does happen, but at the moment, no luck. Last edited by Nevaes#7448 on Mar 16, 2017, 10:00:39 AM
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Running a 6 link SRS in the chest with:
SRS - Minion Damage - Void Manip - Poison - Added Chaos - Melee Splash and Jorrhast with: Melee Splash - Inc Duration - GMP - Added Chaos - Poison - Minion Damage Seems to do OK so far. Maybe a bit slower clearspeed? Playing on my work laptop to test so its super slow and choppy so I cant tell 100% but the SRS definitely gets the weapon summon train going, im sure on dense enough maps it will be fine, and no worrying about running out of weapons. I'll post a video tonight when I'm home of a shaped strand. I'd like to drop the inc duration on the Jorrhast to Void Manip but it's 2000 chroms average for 3g 2b 1r on it so yeah, ill see how this works for now. Last edited by queebl#6647 on Mar 16, 2017, 10:49:30 AM
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" I was aiming for 2B, 3G, and 1 Red, but I hit these 5 offcolors so I stopped. Making it work with Added Chaos, Poison, Void Manip, Rapid Decay, Increased Duration, and GMP. All gems benefit ranged weps, all except GMP benefit melee weapons. Right now I'm experimenting with the best way to get the party started so to speak. Do I manually summon ranged weps using same setup as before? do I use a simple 4-link to make this even more budget? Is there some other skill I could use to get a few kills to procc Jorrhast? |
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Swap out rapid decay for an animate weapon on swap or carry, and summon a few things. After that, swap them back around. Anything that you summoned with it will disappear, but if you have the party going..
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Now that ranged weapons are auto-summoned it is harder to pick wands for next run, I recommend changing filter for unidentified wands so they are more visible. It helps a little with supply.
Other than this, city vendors are not too expensive. Last edited by mahoumage#4357 on Mar 16, 2017, 3:52:49 PM
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