[2.6] Ben's Ranged AutoSummoner (BUDGET, MoM, guardian/shaper viable, projectqtup viable)
" I mean you could just focus on the phys portion but the added chaos makes this build a boss killer. " 1)no way to stop this. have to just pick it up faster or try to avoid being close to the weapon when your minions are attacking things. 2)if you cant sustain the ranged weapons id suggest sticking to inc duration. I find while running just an alch'd shaped strands that I get more than enough weapons to sustain and keep. 3)yes more quantity means more monsters which means more ranged weapons. " yeah it could work I have not tested it out myself. Curious to see if itll poison effectively or burn since 50% of srs phys is converted to fire. I tried conduit overcharged but they patched conduit to not work with minions. correct me if I'm wrong anyone. but when I tested it no charges were transferred. " Yeah I am going back and forth on this. The better solution is to 4 offcolor my jorrhast so I can have both but If I had to choose id go with minion speed because melee animate weapons AI is really wonky at low speeds. Without minion speed for example theyll just stand there for a good 2 seconds without acquiring a new target. Last edited by bendoverxnao#6823 on Mar 13, 2017, 10:23:27 PM
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Loving this build so far. Sitting at 81 in HC Legacy.
I modified the tree I used very slightly to go down and get IR (evasion 6L's were super cheap and easy to color). I've been running grace and clarity instead of AA and clarity, which hurts my EHP, but I have around 6000 armor before popping my granite of iron skin and about 14000 after, which feels tankier in maps. I've also been using the new Immortal Flesh and used the mini coil essence on my chest, both of which help with physical damage. Gear: I'm going to swap out the stat ring as soon as I get a bit more strength for another minion movement speed ring. I also have to finish off my 4Ls. With stone golem up, I'm rocking around 400 life regen and I still have another 1.6% regen to pick up. Tree I've been using: poeurl.com/baJ6 Last edited by Saedeas#2378 on Mar 13, 2017, 11:29:40 PM
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Thank you for the fun build post.
I am 61 now and kind of struggling to keep up the animated weapons (now running out of currency to keep buying wands from npc :)). Every time i enter Dried lake, i drop 6-7 wands and animate them and then start running. It goes alright till half of the lake and then wands start dying and not enough duplicate copies of animate weapon. Maybe i am doing something wrong, would appreciate if anyone can drop a line to give me right direction? Thank you in advance. GEAR
https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAMDAADuA-4EBxEtFVAc3B2-KPoqTSqYLJws6TLRM4c1kjpYPydBh0VHSshMs025TeNRTFXGVytZbVqRX5hfsGqsa9ttGW6qfIN9GH1bgseD24TFhWCGs4hAjxqQM5uKm7WmV6aspwiofarErEesmLXytz64k72Cvk_KSsy8zzLT-9i92QvfiukC6-7sivJF99f56PqA_gr-j_6z?accountName=commonjunks&characterName=hoLEEmother |
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" I have the exact same concern. Because if Jorrhast auto animate ranged weapon too, it will over ride the self-casted ones, and the damage will be shit as half of the gems socketed in the hammer doesn't apply to ranged attacks. |
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Jorrhast doesnt animate ranged weapons, just melee.
This is good though so it doesnt use the wrong links for the ranged weps. Last edited by queebl#6647 on Mar 14, 2017, 10:01:27 AM
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I'm level 78 with this build atm, ran each of the white maps once to get the atlas bonus, moving on to alched yellow maps and it's a breeze.
For the people who are having trouble with sustain, you really need gem levels, mostly in added chaos for your ranged weapons to keep things going. I'm upgrading my gear atm but I'll post what I had.
As you can see it's a hodge podge of items, the gloves and ammy are from when I was leveling up. I kinda forgot I was wearing them. I started with Animating weapons in Merciless Dried Lake right before I was able to socket my 2nd ranged weapon gem. I will say, it's way easier to sustain weapons in maps due to the increased quantity and packsize. Not to mention strongboxes, breach, beyond, etc. Anything that adds mobs just makes this build shine. I did notice that the chance to animate a weapon seemed to be overall less than 25%? If the minion gets the final blow does that not count as a Jorrhast proc, must the killing blow be dealt by poison? Becuase I'll be standing on top of a few weapons, my animated weps will kill 10 mobs and not a single one will animate. It doesn't matter much overall, like I said I'm smashing alch'n'go yellow maps at the momemnt, more of mechanically curiosity. I upgraded some items
Notably the enchant, unique mana flask, and unique ring. Even if we boost clarity mana usage by 40%, I still have 1.3K unreserved mana and sitting at 4.2K life atm, looking to boost it to 5k or so. So I popped Haste in there and I can basically run Yellow maps with Haste, Vaal Haste, and flesh offering up more or less permanently. Last edited by lalib#2526 on Mar 14, 2017, 2:05:20 PM
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Yeah poison has to get the kill, so things get better as your poison and added chaos go up and your poison starts hitting super hard.
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Killed atziri, one death because i ran out of weapons but I also wasnt paying attention and summoning some before the fight, so yeah, super easy for normal atziri at least.
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Its there a reason behind the decision of a high cast when damage taken-immortal call level 20? instead of the tipical CWDT level 3 or 4 with more activations?...
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Hey , thanks for the awesome guide, Im currently level 87 in LHC with 5800 life 280 es and MoM so i feel pretty tanky, AdeptAnimateGirl if you wanna check my character. I did change a few things on the tree and I found using a high rolled Bone Helmet to be a really nice dps boost as the 20% animate weapon duration roll on helm would be hard to come by.
So far I have cleared up to T10's with ease even in a group (grouping can be harder due to less melee wep procs you get , but this build has crazy dmg so you will prolly still end up with 40+ like I do in groups lol) and I did Tul and Esh Breachlord with no issues at all. EDIT: Oh and throwing in a basic animate guardian that buffs your animated weapons (and allies) is GG. He doesn't need to do damage so Leer Cast, Dying Breath, Southbound, some good RES boots or victarios flight for MS buff and cloak of flame is ok for keeping him safe. Last edited by NeoZeno#2887 on Mar 14, 2017, 3:02:31 PM
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