64bit client crashing

Crashing multiple times a day. The last error was an Access Violation trying to read from from the zero page. (0x00...08)
Been getting crashes when I run with Multithreading turned on since the 3.2b Patch.
Turning it off seems to fix this, but game runs worse.
UberDisturbed wrote:
Having same issues, not sure what to post though.

Crashed like 4 times last 3 month league.

Crashed like 10 times today already.

it doesnt give me any info popup, this is what it looks like though

I am having this same exact issue. Not sure what the common thread is between the ones I am having but they happen while I am moving things in and out of my public sale stash tab and in the middle of zone fighting. Haven't had one while I am changing zones, it seems to always happen in a place where I can die horrible and it send me back to town minus my experience for the trouble. I am guessing 2 to 4 times per time I log in until I get mad and log off. I love the game but dying repeatedly due to the game crash just makes me want to scream. Alternatively while I was reading a book and just sitting in town waiting for people to whisper me to buy my crap for sale - I did not crash once. :)
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—Leo Buscaglia

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My beloved pets....
getting this crash daily and can't seem to do anything to stop it...
Had been playing fine on Win764. Switched to Win10 because of drive problems, played about a week with no crashes there either.

I'm no longer able to load the game as of this evening.

Is it me, or are there no replies in this extremely long thread that offer some insight to solve the problem? I'm a bit surprised nothing has been done, or no one is pointing to a resource for this.
Had a lot of crashes with Win7-64 and Nvidia GTX 1060 3GB, even with latest drivers. Tried to run Uber Lab, game crashed before I even got to the first Trial. No point in even trying again until I got this fixed.

An earlier post in this thread suggested using DirectX 11. I changed from DX 9ex to DX 11, seems to work. I just finished a Merciless Lab with no crashes. I do see a stutter once in a while, usually when there is a lot of bling on the screen. Try checking your DX settings in PoE and see if using DX 11 helps.
Never mind the above. Even with DX 11 and latest Nvidia GTX 1060 drivers, I'm still crashing in Uber Lab. I'll keep trying. Hope this gets fixed soon...
Same thing here. Can no longer load the game. WTH?
My game just shut itself down, no error, no nothing.

Just turned itself off while I was AFK in Act 10 town.

Win10, 1070 Ti, DX11, Multithreading on.

I crashed maybe once or twice for a whole month in Bestiary, but now I'm crashing fairly often, and it's definitely the first time I've seen the game just shut down like that.

Hmm?.... weird....
Yesterday I got around 10 crashes (poe64bit stop working) it happens right after unsuccesful instalation of Windows 10 1803 update (lot of people have problems with this update), before i don´t have a single crash for months. After few crashes I notices that all crashes happens in hideout so I tried to log on another toons which got different hideout types and nothing happens.

Today I change hideout type from Elreon to Vagan and not single crash happens so far (around 3 hours of playtime). Hope it helps someone from constant crashes.

Just make sure you don´t have installed this 1803 update, because even after unsuccesful installation it still exists on list of installed updates, after that through msconfig disable windows update so it will not bothers you with automatical updates.

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