Donald Trump and US politics

ScrotieMcB wrote:

"I don’t think it makes sense to say, ‘No, we’re not gonna work in any way in any form with the Trump administration’... If he is prepared to work with us... yes, let’s work together."
— Bernie Sanders, Jan 23 2017

On issues they agree with and often they don't. And when does Bernie not oppose Trump on issues they don't?

Republicans control the presidency, the Senate, and the House... You can't expect the left to keep moving right. Democrats is already centre right. You want more land on this side? You might as well ask them to join the republican party. That is what they are.

You want the other party to bend and insist your own side refuse do so? Stop pretending it gonna to work unilaterally, it doesn't work that way because people aren't stupid idiots. You give shit up on your side that you consider less important but they consider important and they give shit up on their side that you consider important but they consider unimportant, that how compromise works. If both side consider it important, nobody would want to bend. If you expect Democrats to be altruism at their own expense, they would just be plain dumb...
Last edited by deathflower on Nov 1, 2017, 12:11:05 PM
deathflower wrote:
Republicans control the presidency, the Senate, and the House... You can't expect the left to keep moving right. Democrats is already centre right. You want more land on this side? You might as well ask them to join the republican party. That is what they are.
It's hard for me to classify the Democratic Party in terms of right and left. In terms of their propaganda they're left of some stripe, but they're almost completely co-opted by neocons. Neocons are also difficult to classify in terms of left or right; their name is a bit of a misnomer.

I think the Democratic Party, and the pre-Trump Republicans too, were so divorced from populism that they can't really be said to genuinely represent any particular will of the people, and thus in their weird way were neither left nor right in practice. Disingenuously left shouldn't be recognized as left; disingenuously right shouldn't be recognized as right.

Trump is a more populist (but not fully populist) right, and I get that the many on the left are aghast at this "new right" that finally to some extent represents actual American right-wingers... but if anything, they should be more jealous than angry. The cheating of Sanders (and his cucking afterwards) should be the focal point of Democrat rage, understood to be the reason why Trump won and therefore more of a problem than anything Trump has done. Even from the perspective of the left, the lack of populism in recent American politics should be seen as a much bigger danger than the right.

I simply don't see the will of the left nor the right expressed by the Democratic Party at present. I don't see them as representatives of the leftists who post here, or of any leftists whatsoever. All I see are criminals, corruption, and the Deep State. I don't think the genuine left has any representation in Congress whatsoever.

I know you meant it ironically, but i say it unironically: prior to Trump, you might as well have asked them to join the Republican Party. You might as well ask NeverTrump Republicans to join the Democratic Party now. There aren't any significant differences. It's Trump vs the establishment uniparty.

Well, technically, there's Tulsi Gabbard. She seems genuine enough. So I guess #NotAllDemocrats. But you could probably count all such Congresspeople on a single hand. Unfortunately for the left, only a small handful of Democrat politicians are true believer; for the most part it's a congregation of secret non-believers, truly the party of Frank Underwood.

Sanders is an independent. I respect that much about him.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Nov 1, 2017, 1:02:36 PM
Head_Less wrote:

What about american nationalists from other ethnicity? What about those Latinos/black americans nationalists who think theUSA must be first?
This is a product of white nationalist, KKK, etc generated racism. Not the other way around.
Jennik wrote:
The coward who killed the eight people in NYC would have done the same regardless of his faith.

That's just not true. Young Muslim men are being radicalized just like young white men are in America. His faith was an integral part of the process that turned him into a killer, just as their race is an integral part of what turned so many white people in America into insane right-wing zealots with truly monstrous beliefs. Some people value some aspect of themselves far more than they should, which allows their beliefs to be warped into something terrible.

The white supremacists who post in this thread wouldn't be white supremacists if they weren't white. That doesn't say anything bad about white people, just as the Muslims being radicalized doesn't say anything bad about Muslims (though there are plenty of bad things to say about the Abrahamic religions, which are absolutely fucking repulsive). It sure as hell says something bad about human psychology, though.

It's too easy for us to be turned against each other with lies and propaganda. The mentally weak, like this person or the assholes chanting "build the wall" or "Jews will not replace us," are good examples of this. Trump rode in on a tide of the same mindless hate and fear that turned that man into a killer.

An (ie) white supremacist of the Christian faith would have been just as likely to kill innocents in a similar manner.

That human was looking to kill. As was the racist in Charlottesville, as was the gunner in Vegas. Killers will be killers regardless. Some use religion as an excuse, others do not. There is NO difference between any of them. They are equals in their cowardice.
Head_Less wrote:
What about american nationalists from other ethnicity? What about those Latinos/black americans nationalists who think theUSA must be first?
This is a product of white nationalist, KKK, etc generated racism. Not the other way around.
So you're saying I'm a white nationalist? Because that's what it seems like you're saying.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.

This is a product of white nationalist, KKK, etc generated racism. Not the other way around.

I don t follow, what is the product of what?

Lot of white people voted for Obama then switched for trump. They did not become nazis and racists suddenly.

A good number of black people voted for Trump too ,to make "america great again".

You are targeting white for voting trump saying ti was racism? But yet those same white voted for obama 4 years before.

Trump is a product of failed democrate policies and lack of care for patriotism more than a product of racism.

Poe Pvp experience
Last edited by Head_Less on Nov 1, 2017, 1:04:58 PM
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Head_Less wrote:
What about american nationalists from other ethnicity? What about those Latinos/black americans nationalists who think theUSA must be first?
This is a product of white nationalist, KKK, etc generated racism. Not the other way around.
So you're saying I'm a white nationalist? Because that's what it seems like you're saying.
It wasn't directed at anyone in particular.
Head_Less wrote:

Trump is a product of failed democrate policies and lack of care for patriotism more than a product of racism.

Trump is a product of extreme personality and mental disorders.
ScrotieMcB wrote:
This is a product of white nationalist, KKK, etc generated racism. Not the other way around.
So you're saying I'm a white nationalist? Because that's what it seems like you're saying.
It wasn't directed at anyone in particular.
My question was, and is.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Nov 1, 2017, 1:08:35 PM

My question to you was more to know if you believe Nationalism = racism and if you believe it is mainly a white people thing.

Poe Pvp experience
Last edited by Head_Less on Nov 1, 2017, 1:11:05 PM

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