Donald Trump and US politics

ChanBalam wrote:
Xavderion wrote:
ChanBalam wrote:
Exactly. Trumpers here are only interested distraction from the real issues: Russian interference in the election and Trumps relationship to Russia.

Yeah dude, those are the big problems, some stupid Russia meme pushed by literal losers.

Did Hillary already call for an assault vehicle ban?

Here's some classic hypocrisy for the lulz:

I do believe that you just confirmed my post. You seem to have forgotten that Hillary lost and is not president and all you want people to do is focus on her or Obama.

So, are you saying that the Russians did not try to influence the election?

Are you saying that Trump campaign staff did not meet with Russians to discuss how they could help one another?

Are you saying that Trump and his staff have not lied about their contacts with Russians?

^^^ Those are all yes or no questions.

Nothing you said implicates Trump in any way. Good luck with that impeachment.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Xavderion wrote:
ChanBalam wrote:
Xavderion wrote:

Yeah dude, those are the big problems, some stupid Russia meme pushed by literal losers.

Did Hillary already call for an assault vehicle ban?

Here's some classic hypocrisy for the lulz:

I do believe that you just confirmed my post. You seem to have forgotten that Hillary lost and is not president and all you want people to do is focus on her or Obama.

So, are you saying that the Russians did not try to influence the election?

Are you saying that Trump campaign staff did not meet with Russians to discuss how they could help one another?

Are you saying that Trump and his staff have not lied about their contacts with Russians?

^^^ Those are all yes or no questions.

Nothing you said implicates Trump in any way. Good luck with that impeachment.

By your logic a godfather of a mafia would be clean of any implication perpetuated by the ones under himself.

It. does. not. work. that. way.
Build of the week #9 - Breaking your face with style
IGN: Poltun
ChanBalam wrote:
So, are you saying that the Russians did not try to influence the election?

They spent $145 million dollars to influence the elections.

ChanBalam wrote:
Are you saying that Trump campaign staff did not meet with Russians to discuss how they could help one another?

From what we know so far, it looks as if those meetings were set up by people working for Hillary and/or Obama. One of the Russians in the meetings was banned from the United States for her ties with the Russian FSB but Preet Bharara, working under the orders of Loretta Lynch, let the banned Russian into the US for the sole purpose of trying to snare Trump Jr.

Given that, I'd say that No, Trump's campaign staff did not meet with Russians for the purpose of discussing "how they could help one another".

ChanBalam wrote:
Are you saying that Trump and his staff have not lied about their contacts with Russians?

The 'contacts with Russians' we have so far charged are before they worked with Trump in the case of Manafort (2014 and prior) so that is a no.

Papadopoulos was a volunteer whose repeated attempts to set up meetings between Trump’s camp and Russians were repeatedly rejected, and Trump's team volunteered the evidence used to indict him.

Flynn is still open and could go either way.

Essentially, the DNC is still 0-3 on Muh Russia story as far as any real connection with Trump goes.

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
DalaiLama wrote:
鬼殺し wrote:

And to be fair, all we of the opposing side care about is getting rid of Trump by pretty much any means necessary or possible. This is why it's irreconcilable for now. And Trump made it this way because he created this dichotomy.

The Democrats' Resist anything Trump does mindset (even if it was something they supported before, such as Neil Gorsuch who was elevated to the circuit courts by a unanimous vote, but faced a filibuster and was voted against by 45). It is true that Trump gives no quarter, exacerbating the situation, but his contribution is relatively minor when you look at the bigger picture in American politics which has been trending for well over 30 years.

It isn't that the DNC is guilty of doing anything the GOP wasn't doing in terms of resistance and obstruction. All they did was raise the bar a little higher. The number of filibusters placed against Obama's agenda was absurd, no other president suffered through as many. Likewise, Bush and Clinton faced a lot of resistance and we even had government shutdowns because of the 'gridlock'. It hasn't been as bad as it is now, but every 4 years for a long time, it has grown worse.

Our school systems haven't helped - brainwashing children and young adults with the idea that whatever problems we have can be solved by blaming someone and then spending a bunch of money on a program before we even know what is causing the problem. Between Academia and the Media, American traditions have been belittled and demonized for over a decade. Good people got tired of being called bad people, and now they aren't taking any crap from their 'critics'.

The DNC is fully capable of reaching across the aisle to work with President Trump. When they start to do so, compromises can be considered. Compromise is not a dirty word, but the solution reached still needs to solve the problem. Until we have a public that routinely has honest sources of news, the politicians can say whatever they want and make whatever deals they want.

I wonder how much of the opposition can be attributed to the behavior of republicans during the Obama administration.

There's also the fact that Trump is unstable at best and downright crazy at worst...

Still, I do agree that both camps should at LEAST work together on the stuff they agree on.
Build of the week #9 - Breaking your face with style
IGN: Poltun
faerwin wrote:
Xavderion wrote:
ChanBalam wrote:
I do believe that you just confirmed my post. You seem to have forgotten that Hillary lost and is not president and all you want people to do is focus on her or Obama.

So, are you saying that the Russians did not try to influence the election?

Are you saying that Trump campaign staff did not meet with Russians to discuss how they could help one another?

Are you saying that Trump and his staff have not lied about their contacts with Russians?

^^^ Those are all yes or no questions.

Nothing you said implicates Trump in any way. Good luck with that impeachment.

By your logic a godfather of a mafia would be clean of any implication perpetuated by the ones under himself.

It. does. not. work. that. way.

So the ruler of Wraeclast is ultimately responsible for the behavior of every denizen? Is Obama implicated because of Chelsea Manning's espionage? Will Chris Wilson get a fine if Rory is caught with too many fish?

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
Last edited by DalaiLama#6738 on Oct 31, 2017, 11:03:36 PM
faerwin wrote:
I wonder how much of the opposition can be attributed to the behavior of republicans during the Obama administration.

If the Political Resist-O-Meter was set at 40-50% before Obama, the GOP moved it to at least 75-80%. So, a HUGE chunk was GOP, and naturally the Democrats are playing the same game.

faerwin wrote:
There's also the fact that Trump is unstable at best and downright crazy at worst...Still, I do agree that both camps should at LEAST work together on the stuff they agree on.

I'd say Unpredictable at best, and Scary at worst. Unfortunately for democrats, if only a few of them try to work for a compromise, the media will sacrifice them. If they collectively (say 15% or more) got together and formulated some things they wanted and some things they were willing to give, they could push for it and likely get 1/3 to 1/2 of it. If the GOP didn't cooperate at all, they would be seen as obstructionists and lose some seats in 2018.

This should be easy stuff for the democrats, provided they remember that the media isn't the ultimate decider of their fates, the voters are. That concept worked for Trump.
"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
The thing is that Trump doesn't exactly have a good history of upholding his part of the bargain when it comes to deals.

How many business did he screw up by forcing them to either sue him (with crazy cost that they could never afford) or accept ridiculous offers (compared to the original terms)? Personally, I wouldn't trust Trump AT ALL when it comes to compromises.

Actually, yes, it would be Chris responsibility if one of his employees, in a work related event, was caught doing something bad.

Just like how it's Trump's responsibility if one of the member(s) of his team was caught doing something illegal while working for the advancement of his team.

Now, of course, the sanctions would be different for the responsible figure vs the perpetrator but it's still his responsibility to, at the very least, question what they are doing and their intents. If he knew that the plans were illegal and did nothing to stop it, then he's just as guilty since he's the benefactor of those crimes.
Build of the week #9 - Breaking your face with style
IGN: Poltun
DalaiLama wrote:

The Democrats' Resist anything Trump does mindset (even if it was something they supported before, such as Neil Gorsuch who was elevated to the circuit courts by a unanimous vote, but faced a filibuster and was voted against by 45). It is true that Trump gives no quarter, exacerbating the situation, but his contribution is relatively minor when you look at the bigger picture in American politics which has been trending for well over 30 years.

Are you really suggesting that democrats should support the republicans basically stealing the seat from them? Thats just a terrible example.

DalaiLama wrote:
It isn't that the DNC is guilty of doing anything the GOP wasn't doing in terms of resistance and obstruction. All they did was raise the bar a little higher.

They don't even have the power to do the amount of obstruction the republicans did under Obama. Republicans have just proven themselves to be totally incompetent. Much of the obstruction is within the republican party. This is more the result of voting in the Tea party types.

DalaiLama wrote:
American traditions have been belittled and demonized for over a decade. Good people got tired of being called bad people, and now they aren't taking any crap from their 'critics'.

What are all these great American traditions?

DalaiLama wrote:
Compromise is not a dirty word

That's not what Republicans said under Obama.
The weirdest part is that when the investigation has concluded and all of the Trumplets' heroes are locked up in prison, they will still be here calling out OBAMA AND HILLARY!
faerwin wrote:

By your logic a godfather of a mafia would be clean of any implication perpetuated by the ones under himself.

It. does. not. work. that. way.

But it does, that's why it's hard to pin them down. If you can't prove that they explicitly instructed their underlings to fuck shit up, you're screwed.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.

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