Donald Trump and US politics

Aim_Deep wrote:
Biggest waste of tax payers money ever. Not that liberals care all they do is steal money from makers and give it to takers. In this case 20-25 blood sucking lawyers who charge over $1000 an hour. Thank you US tax payer scarping by. So even if Trumps down with Russians thats not a crime. Most people think having relations with people who can wipe you off the map in 1 hour a good thing. Reagan, Bush and clinton had strong relations with Russia. I don't really like Trump mentioned it over and over but he's a 1000x better than ANY liberal.

You somehow think that ties into the russian government in a way that could compromise national security is a waste of money?

You are surely one very delusional individual.
Build of the week #9 - Breaking your face with style
IGN: Poltun
I think the notion of Trump colluding with the Russians is hilariously tinfoil hatty. Like, you have to be a complete ignorant dupe drinking leftist coolaid to actually believe it. It's almost bordering flat Earth level nonsense. Or David Icke's Lizard people.

The Left's fallacies and rhetoric is approaching extremely bizarre, nutty, C/T level bullshit. I'm literally waiting in anticipation for what they're going to come up with next that I can laugh at.
Last edited by MrSmiley21 on Sep 27, 2017, 1:07:33 AM
faerwin wrote:
You somehow think that ties into the russian government in a way that could compromise national security is a waste of money?

Not only have no ties been proven, but the side making the claims is trying to stall the investigation process and refusing to turn over evidence.

The Russian ads that they want to attribute to benefiting Trump's campaign for president ran long after the election (April 2017 iirc). That was the resistance movement.

Comey is about to undergo a political autopsy, and the Awan brothers will certainly shed more details on just how corrupt and evil the DNC is. The "muh Russia" narrative is the only trick the charlatans on the left have, and it will come back to bite them hard.
PoE Origins - Piety's story
DalaiLama wrote:
faerwin wrote:
You somehow think that ties into the russian government in a way that could compromise national security is a waste of money?

Not only have no ties been proven, but the side making the claims is trying to stall the investigation process and refusing to turn over evidence.

The Russian ads that they want to attribute to benefiting Trump's campaign for president ran long after the election (April 2017 iirc). That was the resistance movement.

Comey is about to undergo a political autopsy, and the Awan brothers will certainly shed more details on just how corrupt and evil the DNC is. The "muh Russia" narrative is the only trick the charlatans on the left have, and it will come back to bite them hard.

No, Trump has many ties to Russia.

tons of high ranking Russians live in his tower and he also has a tower in Russia.

Trump has high ranking members (or had) of his cabinet that also had various political ties with Russia.

These facebook ads were seen as early as early 2016, so no.

I personally think a lot of the agenda about Russia ("muh Russia" as you call it) is bullshit and a ridiculous narrative. That said, not all of it is. The ties are impossible to deny. The only question is did those ties have any effect with the campaign, presidency and do they currently have any influence on Trump.
Build of the week #9 - Breaking your face with style
IGN: Poltun
I am neither obsessed with Hillary nor with Russia (in contrast to the right wing), but it is good to have an investigation, no matter the result.

I bet most rational people see it like this.

But I guess the right will either shout "no, not true" or "see, we told you" in the end.
faerwin wrote:

It's funny but during the campaigns, I remember Trump dividing the populations while Hillary was trying to bring them together.

Nothing brings the people together like calling at least a quarter of them deplorables.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
I am neither obsessed with Hillary nor with Russia (in contrast to the right wing), but it is good to have an investigation, no matter the result.

I bet most rational people see it like this.

But I guess the right will either shout "no, not true" or "see, we told you" in the end.

Well, in this case, most rational people are aware that it's a big fat nothingburger. Anything they can use to attack Trump, even completely phony narratives.

Xavderion wrote:
faerwin wrote:
It's funny but during the campaigns, I remember Trump dividing the populations while Hillary was trying to bring them together.
Nothing brings the people together like calling at least a quarter of them deplorables.
About 63 million voted for Trump. Half of that is 31.5 million. The US population is 323.1 million. Although she said half of Trump supporters, not voters, if we assume the two categories are roughly equal in size — some supporters not voting, some voters not supporting — then she was calling 9.75% of the general population deplorable (and she almost certainly thought Trump had less supporters than he actually had, so in her mind the number was even lower).

I personally think the deplorable percentage is higher than that. Never understood why so many found the comment so offensive, as if bad people aren't a significantly large minority of pretty much any population. It's like with Trump's recent "sons of bitches" comment. Get some thicker skin why dontcha?
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Sep 27, 2017, 3:16:22 PM
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Xavderion wrote:
faerwin wrote:
It's funny but during the campaigns, I remember Trump dividing the populations while Hillary was trying to bring them together.
Nothing brings the people together like calling at least a quarter of them deplorables.
About 63 million voted for Trump. Half of that is 31.5 million. The US population is 323.1 million. Although she said half of Trump supporters, not voters, if we assume the two categories are roughly equal in size then she was calling a little about 9.75% of the general population deplorable.

I personally think the percentage is higher than that. Never understood why so many found the comment so offensive.

Hillary usually has to show her "nice" face, she isn't doing that deliberately, it is a slip up. Trump is making haters everywhere. Trump is making the same mistakes as the liberals, infringing on people's lives and pissing them off. At this rate, Trump haters will outnumber the Trump supporters. He was a wildcard but not anymore. You can't con people, at least not for long. Not when you seen the content. If Swing votes is what won him the election, it could cost him the next one.
deathflower wrote:
Hillary usually has to show her "nice" face, she isn't doing that deliberately, it is a slip up. Trump is making haters everywhere. Trump is making the same mistakes as the liberals, infringing on people's lives and pissing them off. At this rate, Trump haters will outnumber the Trump supporters. He was a wildcard but not anymore. You can't con people, at least not for long. Not when you seen the content. If Swing votes is what won him the election, it could cost him the next one.
I don't think so, because Trump doesn't merely make people hate him, he doesn't unite the people against him. He doesn't unite the people behind him, either. He divides. And the method he uses to accomplish this is the very predictable responses of his haters, who are all too willing to fall directly into his traps if it gives them a platform to virtue-signal their hatred.

He doesn't divide his base, though. He divides his opposition, destroying their unity. Recent example: NFL vs the National Anthem — was just Kaepernick, now it's the nearly the whole league. This is more a response to ESPN than anything else.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Sep 27, 2017, 5:10:56 PM

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