Channeling bug with Blade Flurry

still not fixed, ggg
Mark_GGG wrote:
What you're describing doesn't sound like a bug. The base effect of Blade Flurry is to make repeated single attacks, each targeted on a single monster (and dealing AoE damage around it) while you channel. That sounds like what you're describing.

You also get a bunch of additional attacks equal to the number of stages the skill was at when you stop channelling, which are in addition to the regular attacks that keep happening while you channel.

This bug that people are describing was actually on the list of known bugs for a bit, and then mysteriously vanished, without actually being addressed. this is the thread where i had posted it a while back and got the attention of the devs.

I've done extensive testing with this and i can confirm that it only happens on 1. Predictive mode, not lockstep 2. It gets easier to reproduce the bug if a. the latency is higher b. the character has a higher level of cast/attack speed. My character where i reproduce this bug, day in and day out, has 240% inc cast speed and I channel flameblasts that "putter" all the time, i.e they get stuck at stage 1 and keep looping stage 1 blasts.
Last edited by 2Gurls_1Can on Dec 19, 2017, 12:05:08 AM
It's too huge a bug to be ignored, in my opinion. This should have been fixed, seeing how its been around for more than an year now. Really degrades the experience, especially considering how amazing the skill is :/

Please fix this quick, GGG.
Bug confirmed during my gameplay as well. Switching to Lockstep fixed it for me. I usually play around 120ms ping, so playing on lockstep isn't ideal, but its better than not being able to channel properly.
On Xmas day this bug is still happening :(
Same issue here today. Have not had it before this. Nothing changed in my setup and I have Unwavering Stance, so I'm definitely not being stunned out of the channel.

I'm pretty confident supporting the notion that it's a desync issue--the first and only time I've seen it I was running a Brazilian through Uber in their realm.
This bug is happening to me too... but only if I'm in a party of 2-6 people. If I'm playing solo, this doesn't happen. As soon as I'm playing with friend, sometimes BF releases at one stacks and doesn't stack to 6, at first I thought it was my mouse broken, but switched to a new mouse and it still happens.

Again this doesn't happen when I'm playing solo, only in parties.


I have unreserved mana, and unwavering stance. So impossible to run out of mana or getting stunned.
Last edited by mickeymicky on Feb 5, 2018, 9:23:35 PM
Can confirm. Bug easily reproducible with many channeling skills. Flameblast is particularly vulnerable. You can (or at least could) use this bug with CwC to infinitely AFK cast any spell. Not sure how exploitable this is, but it cant be good.
Still happening all the time for me with Bladeflurry.. was happening last league too. Happens more often in parties, but I've had it happen occasionally solo as well. In parties it's common for it to happen to me 3 times in a single map. Drives me insane when it does. I feel lucky when it doesn't cause me to die and infuriated when it causes me to miss out on breaches.

I've had my friend tell me it looks like I'm just standing there doing nothing, but on my screen I'm stuck in animation and can't move or do any thing.

I'd rather have this fixed than get a new league ever again.
Can confirm, still not fixed. Very annoying.

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