Nothing wrong with Blade Flurry, it's not OP it just doesn't suck like typical melee
" He did not start right away with double dreamfeather, he had some other combination before, how he did it exactly I don't actually know, but I bet he had no problem getting dreamfeathers by day 2 or 3. Which is definitely early enough. As a leveling skill, with a "just correct" weapon, blade flurry is also pretty strong. It's the combination of both the skill + poison double dipping that is very powerful in the double DreamFeather's case, the skill gives the coverage and the way to scale damage, the poison gives reflect protection and pumps up the damage even more ( and destroys bosses with wither totem ). PS : " He was running on a 4L on the non low life version. Now by checking his profile, I can see that he is running on a 5L skill ( because for some reason, there is a vortex gem in the chest .... ). But if what you saw was before he switched to low life ... it was 4L. SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading. Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Dec 18, 2016, 2:04:15 AM
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" 'No problem' For him, who plays a shit ton. For most normal people, getting dual dream feathers is not that easy, especially when the league is first starting. Especially when you also need to 5L early to get it going and have really good damage. Most people are far better off going on a spell caster build that requires 0 uniques. Plus, his scourge build has already proven to pretty much be way overrated. You require a 6L on a Shavs to make it REALLY good. Mathil's already tried it, and granted it was on ST, the damage isn't going to be tremendously better. Also because he isn't using a shield, he loses out on ALOT of ES. Build's a huge bust for how much you need to invest to make it work. |
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I'm not sure if scourge is the best way to go, it's an interesting mechanics and he wanted to try it I think, that's it, he wanted to feat head hunter in a build too, and he wanted to play triple curse I guess since he went low life for that purpose.
The more interesting the build, the more fun for some people. There is a lot of hype around this item tbh, and the scaling does seem very good, that's all I can tell. His double Dreamfeather build is already very powerful, and you can already be more than correct with rare weapons before actually scaling dmg from evasion with DF ( you could play with one also, and year another type of ON in the left hand or a shield to pump up the evasion if you only have one dreamfeather. It's really not complicated. And normal people don't get at the top of the ladder anyway, by the time they reach maps, dreamfeather is already affordable. That's what "normal" people do. And he had already a very good clearspeed using a 2 unlinked sockets vaal regiala ( about 600 on it, mastercrafted I think ), with a 4 links. Only a 4 links and an okay chest, master craft %ES = cheap, easily obtainable solo self found. That was before the Shav swap. Shav allows him with curses to run enfeeble also, probably temporal chain too I would guess, I saw he had 3 curses yesterday on stream so that would be enfeeble + vuln + temp chain. That's quiiite a bit of extra survivability. The point of switching to low life necro was not just raw power, it's complexity ( = fun ), and also tankiness through curses. SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading. Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Dec 18, 2016, 4:40:42 AM
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Still amusing to me that it takes 56 pages for some of you to debate if this was a good skill or not.
I'll repeat it - DOGSHIT SKILL Only reason why it's good is because THE OTHER MELEE SKILLS ARE EVEN MORE DOGSHIT. You don't fix dogshit by making more dogshit and certainly don't fucking go OMFG IT'S OP when it's well not very good LOL compared to pizza totem etc shieet this is medicore af and why a 56 page discussion is just fucking ridiculous. Especially you Fruz granted I didn't really read most of whatever your saying to the other guy I'll assume you think BF is randomly good and try to convince people it's super god like or something. Dys an sohm Rohs an kyn Sahl djahs afah Mah morn narr Last edited by Coconutdoggy#1805 on Dec 18, 2016, 6:27:27 AM
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But by your definition, 90%+ of the skills in this game are dogshit, so it does not matter at all, does it ?
It was too good. Now it seems fine. Is pizza casting/stick way too good ? Hell yeah, but that belongs to another thread. Was it better than BF pre nerf ? Certainly too. SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading. Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Dec 18, 2016, 6:49:10 AM
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Too good? LOL okay I have god gear in both blade flurry and everything thing out there
DOGSHIT skill compared blade flurry wise. Nothing compares to blade flurry unless sure in terms of equal gear? blade flurry loses GG form shit form mid tier form fuck no shit is GARBAGE. People like you OVERFUCKINGHYPED IT and IT pisses me off because I WANTED it to work I spent dedicated and even had my ''group'' fix everything for me all the gears in place all of it and do you know what? IT FUCKING SUCKED ASS Liquidated that dogshit of a build and went to a better one something 10x more clear speed 10x more boss skills dying in less then a second 10 times more survival. Fucking garbage skill god it's like for once in your life time get the fucking gear and do it yourself don't look at someone and assume it's fucking amazing DO IT YOURSELF and LOOK it the results. I did it I fucking did it you try doing it. Dys an sohm Rohs an kyn Sahl djahs afah Mah morn narr Last edited by Coconutdoggy#1805 on Dec 18, 2016, 6:55:27 AM
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" Scourge is definitely the way to go. People don't realize how brokeshit OP that item is, it's fucking insane. I don't like the idea of going necro with it though, I can see where he's going with that idea but it completely ignores the really broken part of using that item and there are MUCH higher scaling potentials for it. my evasion is so high i only insta rip sometimes ----- Bug Fixes: People were using cyclone for actual melee builds, so we nerfed it and made blade vortex. Also, we went ahead and made cyclone great for CoC casters while we were at it. Last edited by Legatus1982#1658 on Dec 18, 2016, 9:15:17 AM
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" So Blade Flurry is better than at least half of the spells because Melee skills are terrible? I would even say that some of the Melee skills are a lot closer in competition to it than most spells and it is so much better than basically any bow skill. Barrage might keep up and if you have a high damage weapon or Prism LA is really nice due to how many hits you can achieve, but you need really good gear for that. Blade Flurry is an attack and as such it should be obvious that you can't just run around with Mightflay and expect to destroy everything. But even with some of the cheap options like Scaeva or Allure you get much better results than with any equally priced bow or weapon with another skill. The only one that technically is an attack and scales as easy is warchief, again because it does ridicolous damage with conc. effect, but even that is not as common. Blade Flurry right now is the best attack in the game, not just the best melee attack or at least it is the most common. And if you just simply assume that FB is pretty broken it is behind that with Essence Drain. So the top3 used skills in high competitive areas are Flameblast, Essence Drain and Blade Flurry. I don't see many BV builds, likely because GGG called their buff of BV a nerf and people believed it, but that could be a fourth strong skill and I already see some of them creeping up. I still expect two Blade Flurries to be Top50, which pretty much always stayed true and most of the time there were a lot more. Most skills are not represented or by a single character. Some builds only start creeping up because they need some more specific gear like Lowlife Animate weapon. Overall we have a decent mix of chars that were at some point in the Top50, Cyclone was there, Earthquake was there, Rain of Arrows was there (or actually still is), a classic Zombie/Spectre summoner was there. The weakest "class" right now are obviously archers, poison and the double dipping with projectile damage was essentially what kept them alive, with those things nerfed over and over they are mostly gone, every once in a while you see EA and CA because they aren't really all that much about bows, but overall their representation is a lot lower than any other style or class or however to call it. |
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Haha top 50? Cmon ''dude'' that's fucking golden.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn Sahl djahs afah Mah morn narr |
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Besides all the "LOL", "OMFG" and "ROFL", I agree with I_NO. Blade Flurry isn't that good, compared to non-melee skills. The only reason it's hyped up so bad, it because it outclasses most melee skills in the game. Compared to other melee skills, BF is OP. Compared to spells and the environment? Not OP. Good? Maybe.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
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