Nothing wrong with Blade Flurry, it's not OP it just doesn't suck like typical melee

Compare blade flurry with blade vortex 2.5:

If blade flurry do the same, yes, it´s ultra OP. Next? OP. Can´t? It´s only meta. Better than viable status.


unique breakdown in TOP15000 accounts with public characters:

under weapons in main hand:

Breach Hardcore Breach
Unique Name used Unique Name used
Bino's Kitchen Knife 597 Marohi Erqi 292
Doryani's Catalyst 428 Bino's Kitchen Knife 213
Atziri's Disfavour 228 Ngamahu's Flame 175
Reach of the Council 191 Hezmana's Bloodlust 150
Ephemeral Edge 189 Quill Rain 142

hey whats that binos top weapon for SC and number 2 in HC

ohhh I get it all of these people must be playing reave and not BF since only two people play it in the new leagues. right ? lol
Emphasy wrote:

Blade Flurry is used because its more modifier works on poison.
no, bf more modifier actually doesnt dip with poison. BV more modifiers do now (and its absurd), but BF's more modifiers dont
I_NO wrote:
Too good? LOL okay I have god gear in both blade flurry and everything thing out there

DOGSHIT skill compared blade flurry wise.

Nothing compares to blade flurry unless sure in terms of equal gear? blade flurry loses GG form shit form mid tier form fuck no shit is GARBAGE.

People like you OVERFUCKINGHYPED IT and IT pisses me off because I WANTED it to work I spent dedicated and even had my ''group'' fix everything for me all the gears in place all of it and do you know what?


Liquidated that dogshit of a build and went to a better one something 10x more clear speed 10x more boss skills dying in less then a second 10 times more survival.

Fucking garbage skill god it's like for once in your life time get the fucking gear and do it yourself don't look at someone and assume it's fucking amazing DO IT YOURSELF and LOOK it the results.

I did it I fucking did it you try doing it.

You could calm done a bit too.

- It already has been (somewhat) nerfed
- I didn't come and call for a nerf, I saw some people feeling the nerf coming and creating this thread to throw stones at the people saying that it was OP. Since I saw quiiite a bit of nonsense / fallacious things, I came to break that apart.
- 10x more clearspeed and boss skills ? of course
- I really start thinking that you are only being satisfied with the OPest of the OPest combination there is in this game.
- You know that it hasn't been nerfed that much right ? I mean, I have the feeling that you would have said the same thing or almost with the un-nerfed version.

sick Regiala btw

allbusiness wrote:

You do realize that I_NO is probably walking around in a 900 ES Chest with near BiS mirror level gear and still can't make the skill seem that good right? If you watch Etup he's not even clearing as fast as someone like Havoc on Vaal Spark or Xai on FB totems, and that's with a baller dagger and a headhunter.

And another "It does not do as good as the most broken sh*t in the game, therefore it's garbage" post.

About the BS that you are trying to spread in the following posts, any correct rare one hander will make blade flurry work already well, not outperforming everything else obviously, but working pretty damn well.
ProjectPT was playing SSF with blade flurry using a meh rare rapier and was performing pretty well in maps for example, or have you forgotten ?

Legatus1982 wrote:
I find that REALLLLLLY interesting because that was my argument to begin with and it's the argument Fruz adamantly opposed. As well as you yourself, if I remember correctly. I said and I quote from memory, "there is no reason to nerf BF when there will be stronger spells in the next patch". Oh surprise look what happened?

One more time, a correct rare weapon will get you started, you do not need to go crit to have a bladeflurry build that works well.
And with how stuff has been raining since couple of leagues, it's not very hard to find that weapon that will get you started.

If we take EQ as another example, it works very well with slow 2H weapons, and there are very good and cheap uniques for this, which makes it cheap, basically.

SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Dec 19, 2016, 7:11:08 AM
Oh I'm calm just claiming it's a god tier skill because it's fucking garbage.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
I_NO wrote:
Oh I'm calm just claiming it's a god tier skill because it's fucking garbage.

I don't think that there are people in this thread claiming that it is god-tier atm, it most likely was over the top because the coverage was quite insane for its damage and how easy to use it is.
SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
grepman wrote:

unique breakdown in TOP15000 accounts with public characters:

under weapons in main hand:

Breach Hardcore Breach
Unique Name used Unique Name used
Bino's Kitchen Knife 597 Marohi Erqi 292
Doryani's Catalyst 428 Bino's Kitchen Knife 213
Atziri's Disfavour 228 Ngamahu's Flame 175
Reach of the Council 191 Hezmana's Bloodlust 150
Ephemeral Edge 189 Quill Rain 142

hey whats that binos top weapon for SC and number 2 in HC

ohhh I get it all of these people must be playing reave and not BF since only two people play it in the new leagues. right ? lol

So there are more builds between bf and eq than any other build in hc, but somehow that doesn't reflect at all in the top of the ladder? Yeah, that really helps your argument, lol

Protip: when a build is used more than twice the amount of the next best build but the next best build is the one crowding the top of the ladder, it doesn't help your case for nerfing the highly used one
my evasion is so high i only insta rip sometimes
Bug Fixes:
People were using cyclone for actual melee builds, so we nerfed it and made blade vortex. Also, we went ahead and made cyclone great for CoC casters while we were at it.
Last edited by Legatus1982#1658 on Dec 19, 2016, 10:00:52 AM
Legatus1982 wrote:
it doesn't help your case for nerfing the highly used one

Not asking for a nerf here imho, it has already happened before the league.
SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
I switched from lacerate to bf this league. Did not want to, but found bf to do significantlyore damage with approximatly same or better reach.
My Keystone Ideas:
anubite wrote:
I switched from lacerate to bf this league. Did not want to, but found bf to do significantlyore damage with approximatly same or better reach.

I believe the damage part but not the reach part

Fruz wrote:
Legatus1982 wrote:
it doesn't help your case for nerfing the highly used one

Not asking for a nerf here imho, it has already happened before the league.

I'm talking about that nerf though. With so many people playing BF and EQ there should be more in the top brackets.

If the skill were performing up to par the top brackets would match its selection overall, but that isn't what we see. The nerf was unjustified. The amount of people using that build driving up the cost of associated gear only exacerbates the issue further.

I_NO is right, you need to play the build.
my evasion is so high i only insta rip sometimes
Bug Fixes:
People were using cyclone for actual melee builds, so we nerfed it and made blade vortex. Also, we went ahead and made cyclone great for CoC casters while we were at it.
Last edited by Legatus1982#1658 on Dec 19, 2016, 6:32:17 PM

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