Nothing wrong with Blade Flurry, it's not OP it just doesn't suck like typical melee
" One more proof that you have no idea what you're talking about and you are basing yourself on assumptions only, nothing more. And for your information ( because you still have no idea of the examples that I quoted, but you must be 100% right obviously ) : Nugiyen's quite cheap builds uses double dipping with ... poison. And that's a 100% application chance, and that stacks. If you still think that the skill does not deal good damage, you are terribly mistaking, it's baffling how wrong you are and that you are not even trying to understand how/why. He invested basically no passive in damage, you have no freaking clue what you are talking about here, literally none, you are trying to take everything out of your magic hat without a single piece of actual information. And he had been doing that on a 5L all along, until level 95. On a life build, by the way. Most people are not trying to get BF nerfed because it has already been and It looks strong but not crazy right now, but you are really mistaking about it, it's amazing. SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading. Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Dec 13, 2016, 1:24:52 AM
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" His build required a 5L and specific uniques and setups on his passive tree. My build literally required a fucking rare scepter with some cast speed on it to start dumpstering literally everything I came across, and only got better as I upgraded gear. Double Dream Feather also was incredibly expensive at the beginning of the league, it only recently started dropping in price, and those are shit tier rolled ones too. And a decent rolled QotF or equivalent chest piece isn't exactly cheap either. Compared to a....... 4L and a 3c rare scepter. Congrats. But do pray tell me more about a league you've never gone into red maps on, or done any of the breach lords except for maybe fucking Xoph, lul. Last edited by allbusiness#6050 on Dec 13, 2016, 1:35:17 AM
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Do you seriously think that he was playing something else before switching to dreamfeather ? ( things that he could have acquired day 1 ) ?
Do you think that projectPT has specific uniques also, as self found ? ( just another example ). Half of the stats from DreamFeather he does not care at all, the point is to scale chaos damage from it ................. It's not difficult to get a dreamfeather with decent attack speed and some okay accuracy. " I would tell you that you have no idea what you are talking about, but I think that I said it couple of times already. And you are farming Chayula on a regular basis with your flameblaster, right ? /rofl PS : Nugiyen destroyed Tul also. SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading. Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Dec 13, 2016, 1:46:58 AM
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" But you said Nugiyen's build is cheap, when it clearly was not. The build requires 2 pretty specific uniques, 1 that was super expensive the first week (which was like 25+ chaos first week easily and still sits at 15c a piece), not to mention he was rolling on a 7k HP life build without a Kaoms, which meant he had heavy investment on his passive tree and high rolled jewels. How you can say that it's less investment vs a rare scepter 4l build that is capable of doing every Breachlord outside of Chayula and Uul-Netol (that's when you need more dps and sustain). No one is regularly farming Chayula unless they are rolling in the dough and just buying breachstones/fragments left and right. That or you're playing 24/7 in a group and sharing your shards. But you wouldn't know that since you're still stuck farming Oasis maps. LOL. You actually think Tul is hard. Holy fuck. LOL. Dear god, get out of Oasis/Desert/Crystal Vein maps, or stop 24/7 Dried Laking. Last edited by allbusiness#6050 on Dec 13, 2016, 1:57:54 AM
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" If I'm going to be fair Blade Flurry feels like garbage after the AoE nerf. Simply GARBAGE. Like it's not even fun to play it. Secondly, the damage is only good, compared to melee skills! Melee fucking sucks in general! 90% of melee skills are just weak and/or terrible mechanically.. For nearly everything else Blade Flurry's damage actually only contends! Melee actually exists? No way, I thought after they put everything they had into buttfucking the dirty slimy shit out of Earthquake that melee was absolutely done? Oh no, wait, no but it seems like everyone wants it to be? This is the problem with ya all, you're just not happy until the latest good thing that's happened to melee is deleted, and why aren't ya happy? Because if melee is ever any good then you really have nothing to complain about anymore, right? Right? You know I'm right, you define your role in new leagues little beyond complaining about how strong a melee skill is or how weak melee is in the meta. Fucking tell me I'm lying. ...
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" More misinformed nonsense. By the way, I'm playig sunder at the moment, and I'm satisfied with its damage ( not saying that it's OP or anything obviously, but because some kid might just missread and throw some BS from that .... just in case ). " It is pretty cheap. And I said that it was cheap, and definitely more than your said "cheap setup with most expensive item being Doryani's Scepter". And Tul is hard if you cannot have perma freeze / Chill immunity, yeah. Or you are farming it regulary too ? Why don't you stop talking and show us how good you are somehow ? And when reach people want to run breaches, they buy the fragments, that's a line for captain obvious but .... It's kinda pathetic how you're on your high horse and feel so good about yourself when you are terribly misinformed. 'dh my build is cheap, the most expensive item is Doryani's Scepter ! Compared to that, you don't do sh*t with BF without a heavy investment in gear and passive !!!' /lol Just to remind you, I never said that flameblast was expensive or anything, I was just debunking your baffling, misinformed nonsense : " SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading. Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Dec 13, 2016, 2:09:21 AM
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" It's funny that you still haven't gotten to 80 in HC yet and you're still talking like you actually know anything. I was doing Breachlords with a Rare scepter. Doryani's just made it faster. And yeah, dual Dream Feathers, a 5L, and an added chaos gem certainly more And yes, Tul is easy as fuck. Congrats on demonstarating your lack of mechanical skill if you think a Flameblast character doesn't annihilate Tul. And yes, I do actually kill Breachlords faster than most Bfury characters. Only those who have serious gear kill it faster. They may do it 'safer' because they can actually just afk tank it, but that has nothing to do with the skill, mostly just that lifesteal in general is dumb. Last edited by allbusiness#6050 on Dec 13, 2016, 2:16:58 AM
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" Im not really a clearspeed freak, I do actually loot most things. The vid I linked was just a test done on a spare lower level char, was talking with a friend about reave, specced a lvl80something ranger roughly and did a recorded gorge run to show him. My actual reave character is a lvl95 ci witch and she picks stuff up. I still keep my reave stacks up while looting, you leave a mob alive to hit again before you whirl off to next pack, theres a method to it. regarding balancing around speeders, somewhat offtopic talk so spoiler..
I dont think they should balance the game around clearspeed freaks, but I dont think they should balance the game around people who have little experience of what theyre talking about either. Im not saying thats you, and Im not saying just because Ive played 10x as much as most people that Im always right and theyre always wrong either. but experience does count for something. Unlike most people I maintain my characters, I didnt play reave 2 years ago in a league, I have a reaver whos been using reave since the skill came out and I still play that character. I have 17+ fully equipped characters with a very consistent level of gear across them all to be able to compare them side by side, some of which have been on the go since early open beta. I have life chars, evasion, armour, evasion + armour, block, ci, ci + evasion, ci + armour, hybrid es + life, es + life + armour, all manner of skills, and I havent just played these once, Ive played them all continuously for years and years and I know how changes to the game have effected them at all stages. I dont just hear meta talk around town and repeat it like a lot of people do, I have an ongoing frame of reference and a privileged diversity of gear thats pretty close to having a sandbox environment. When I talk about reave vs flurry vs lacerate vs gslam vs earthquake vs frostblades vs cyclone vs sweep vs spec throw etc Ive played all those skills recently on characters that are a very similar level with the same level of gear in the same level of content. That doesnt mean what I value in a skill and the playstyles that i prefer are universal, certainly doesnt mean the game should be balanced around what I have to say about it but I do think it counts for something. A lot of people who say things in feedback are basing that around seeing something on a stream and reading something in a thread, I dont think thats a solid basis for making informed statements. I dont mean that to sound arrogant, it does sound that way Im sure, and it probably is, but its also true imo and thats why I say it, not because im completely lost in self importance. I totally get what you are saying about bf being good for the sort of play you describe, and I think thats a healthy thing. Skills have the niche, this skill is better here and that is better elsewhere, thats a good place to have the balance. Thing is that a lot of how a skills power is measured is in how much stuff it can kill in as little time as possible. Power is a measure of efficiency, efficiency is a lot to do with speed, so if we are essentially saying BF is too efficient when you are not playing efficiently then what point is rly being made? Bf is really overpowrred when you are playing in a really underpowered fashion. Its the skills people are using to speed clear content lelcopter fashion that are resulting in the most loot per hour, most xp per hour, trivialising maps, killing everything before it can be any threat, thats what concerns me more balance wise than what people who plod along slowly getting small xp, small loot etc are doing. The boss issue is real, you cant write off the power of being a good boss killer. Thats where BF is strong, thats where vortex was strong. Id argue vortex was a far bigger issue there. Its what Bf does well and it needs to do something well because its not clearing maps in the fashion of the video I linked. I think BF is ok where it is now, I think you feel the same, I dotn think we really disagree that much tbh. Flurry, Reave, Frostblades, quake, these things are doing ok when compared to skills across the game including bows, spells, traps. Other melee skills need to come up to this level, these things shouldnt be taken down imo otherwise melee is always gonna be shit. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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I agree with that. BF now does seem good, I cannot talk much about reave, but BF definitely feels easier to use ( not that I am saying that skills that are less user-friendly should have a higher skill cap and have more potential, at all ). Other melee skills do not more attention, I am enjoying sunder atm but I know that other skills perform much better for example ( still I kinda like it, it's not really melee in many situations but oh, well ... ), but I do not like just adding new fotm melee skills instead of giving some love to the old ones. But the melee "rework" seems to be coming in 3.0.0, so we will see. " " And the guy ( with a Doryani's scepter ) has enough dps to kill him before the place gets crowded with totems / add or whatever, making him under peram freeze immunity also. Nugiyen was killing it much faster with a double DreamFeather setup, np. With cheaper gear. And much faster. ( Without the need for vaal lightning trap I think, not sure ). Taking Added chaos damage gem and a 5L into account for a setup price nowadays in PoE is just ridiculous, are you actually being serious ? And I think that we all know how much damage flameblast deals, and that it is one of the best skills atm. I often underestimate its damage tbh, it's just crazy .... but in this case, well ..... SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading. Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Dec 13, 2016, 11:50:30 PM
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Swapped to blade vortex back to killing stuff HOW I SHOULD be with god gear in less then a second uber / shaper less then a second.
See THIS IS A BUILD This is a god build Not this blade flurry bullshit even with god tier gear this shit is garbage never listening to this community again. HRUURURRRR OPPPP IT'S OPPPP it's op compared to melee skills sure but that's just other melee skills being complete dick. Sold all my blade flurry gear for a solid 70 ex Fuck yeah. Dys an sohm Rohs an kyn Sahl djahs afah Mah morn narr Last edited by Coconutdoggy#1805 on Dec 14, 2016, 5:44:02 AM
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