Nothing wrong with Blade Flurry, it's not OP it just doesn't suck like typical melee
" ROFL, so I can't link blade flurry to a melee phys gem, a melee phys on full life gem, and a faster attack gem? You're right I am able to play HC at high levels consistently season after season but I am not capable of this simple task of linking support gems to blade flurry on a former reave character, it's too difficult for me. So in your mind shield charge clearing strand including boss in 20 seconds is less powerful than BF? Flicker strike is going to clear slower than BF? That is what you are saying? my evasion is so high i only insta rip sometimes ----- Bug Fixes: People were using cyclone for actual melee builds, so we nerfed it and made blade vortex. Also, we went ahead and made cyclone great for CoC casters while we were at it. Last edited by Legatus1982#1658 on Nov 23, 2016, 3:39:49 PM
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the stuff you do looks desperate and amusing at the same time
shield charge cospris will (a BROKEN unique that should have never been released with this cooldown EVER) is not a melee build flicker.. it is amusing and clears great in favourable circumstances but even the Oro's variant (the only one with guaranteed charges, all other versions rely on luck) can run dry and turn bad pretty quickly in bad layout (but we all play 100% linear maps arent we? yeah right..) you have little arguments, you defend stupid balancing decisions because melee is garbage (i agree with this part) using the most amusing tricks available - including calling cospris build melee.. this one is.. reddit worthy at least you wont fix melee by introducing a skill that is ~double effective compared to second best. and you might not believe me or others in this thread but once 2.5 hits tens of thousands of people will vote with their time, effort and money. and they will play BF because it is simply the best 'melee' (sad joke..) has to offer - and they are tired of playing the pure poo we are getting served as a melee (6% buff.. cmon) |
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^^ there is that unique sword terminus est which gives frenzy on crit, not that im arguing with your main points sid.
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" I don't understand where you came up with Cospri's, I never mentioned cospris anywhere nor was that intended to be a part of any of the builds I am discussing. Where is cospris coming from? Cospris will has nothing to do with either shield charge or flicker strike specifically and neither of the builds need it or in fact even use it on any person that I've seen using these builds. AFAIK the only thing that is needed to get shield charge to those levels is discharge and volls stuff and flicker strike doesn't need a single unique at all, it just needs really good gear. I'm not defending stupid balancing decisions at all, I agree on the point that the balance in this game is terribad but I don't see how BF reaches the levels of BV, vaal spark, vaal fireball WITHOUT investment, shield charge, or flicker strike WITH investment, nor do I see it being as good as flameblast, any totems build, bladefall, firestorm, or really a plethora of caster gems without taking significant time to gear up beforehand and still only marginally edging those skills out AFTER investment due ONLY to it's high single target damage. You people are simple not grasping the fact that this skill yes does have insane damage but it still won't be a clearspeed meta-breaking gem like any of the stuff I just mentioned. In fact it will ONLY be the first melee gem to be very good at both single target AND passable at clearspeed, which frankly stuff like flameblast ALREADY DOES without needing the investment into a weapon that BF will require. It's already NOT second best even in the melee category, and once you include caster gems it's probably like... idk, 6th or 7th? Maybe even in the 8 9 or 10 area. It's definitely NOT going to clear any map in 20 seconds. my evasion is so high i only insta rip sometimes ----- Bug Fixes: People were using cyclone for actual melee builds, so we nerfed it and made blade vortex. Also, we went ahead and made cyclone great for CoC casters while we were at it. Last edited by Legatus1982#1658 on Nov 23, 2016, 4:25:32 PM
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" You talk like any build can just slap on vaal-fireball and start facerolling which, in and off itself, is as ridiculous as it is disqualifying. Investment? What kind of investment are we talking about? Passives? Don't give me that nonsense. Gear? If you think a Bino's/Scourge/Razor of the seventh sun is an "investment", then I actually have to wonder if you ever pick up any currency at all. Flurry becomes insanely strong with less than an exalt in terms of weapons purchased, you make it sound like people would have to put down 5 ex to even get the build going. " Flameblasters will need a Doryani's Catalyst, Flurry-builds will need a Bino's, for example. Stop that nonsense already. You are comparing apples and berries here, and for some reason you think that in doing so, you made a valid point. You didn't though. On that note, flurry clears about as fast as Flameblast does in a past level 70 scenario, with very similar investment into gear and passives, and it provides life and mana leech the very instant you push the button. Can we stop this nonsense already? " Name one melee skill that clears end-game content faster, while being safer, and providing the amount of single target dps that comes with bladeflurry + Bino's or a similar weapon, without depending on vaal-skills like reave does, or frenzy charges like flicker strike does. Really, name one. Tell us about the one melee-meta-skill that we haven't yet heard about. [quote="ScrotieMcB"]It's just, like, people's opinions, man.
But I cannot respect motherf♪♫♫♪rs calling something a simulator, when it isn't one.[/quote] Mors edited this post first. |
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" Shield charge and flicker will both be better overall. IDK about safer though, BF will be better in that regard. Also, while we're on the subject of melee skills, EQ is not getting nerfed as far as I know and was a top melee skill last league, above flicker strike and shield charge apparently btw. I'm surprised those skills aren't winning more leagues, but EQ did better at the top tiers. And when I say better, I mean there was one guy doing EQ and 7 casters at around the same performance. Flameblasters don't need anything other than the 3-link driftwood wand with +1 flameblast vendor recipe on it to carry them into maps, which they can acquire extremely early for junk they found lying around. IDK why you think they need a doryani's, that is just a bonus. Their damage comes from the gem not the weapon, doryani just scales it better. Blade flurry DOES require more investment, yes it require binos, it also requires phys and crit on many of your slots. And don't pretend like having a binos and some crap gear will get you to clear speeds like what mathil showed, that shit isn't reality with a new char using binos. In terms of investment you only need the vaal jewels to continually spam the vaal skills, but the regular skills themselves are still extremely efficient without the vaal gems OR jewels. You'' simply get 1 or 2 vaal use per map instead of spamming them, which is still very good. Unlike a melee build those builds are never bad during leveling or early gearing. The full build(s) just gets silly clear speed that can't be achieved elsewhere once you acquire them. The one thing we agree on is I think 70+ flameblast will be similar to blade flurry in clears, it's just that you'll have more currency left over with flame blast, and your leveling experience will have been much better and faster. my evasion is so high i only insta rip sometimes ----- Bug Fixes: People were using cyclone for actual melee builds, so we nerfed it and made blade vortex. Also, we went ahead and made cyclone great for CoC casters while we were at it. Last edited by Legatus1982#1658 on Nov 23, 2016, 6:43:11 PM
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" Let's limit your derailment to couple of simple sentences. - There were literally more than 10 ( about 15, maybe 16 ) builds based on attacks on the top 50 EHC ladder of your link, literally. Fyi (as an example), AW is an attack. Mechanically, it is an attack, this is a fact and you can keep denying it, that will just show people ..... well, everybody understands already. - ad hominem has nothing to do with random, it's attacking a person instead of his/her arguments, this is literally what "ad hominem" means, literally ( To the person ). - I don't care if poor overall balance is your point or not, it's been everyone's point for ages, it's completely irrelevant, and you making it in caps and approaching an antagonistic behaviour one more time won't change that. It's irrelevant to the fact that attacks have mechanical advantages over spells. " Are you ? You have yet to reach level 90 in HC on a single character. " What the ****, BV without vinktar and a significant AOE increase is a complete different story, it's essentially a melee skill range-wise and does not allow you to facetank anything. It just has very high damage ( Dunno if it could work with LGoH, but why would could when you can vinktar .... I kinda want to toy with it tho, sounds interesting edit : LGoH works only with attacks, had forgotten that detail lul ). "Funny" how you think that vaal spark and vaal fireball need no investment either ... And weapons difficult to acquire now ? Loots is fucking dropping from everywhere, finding a correct++ weapon is nothing like a challenge anymore, stop with that nonsense already, you are not fooling anybody here. If you cannot work a little bit toward the only very important piece of gear of the char and get it from another player if you don't loot it yourself, there is something wrong. But you sound like you have never actually played caster at high level to be honest. The leveling part is absurdely dishonest at best also, there are so many awesome leveling weapon which will make you faster than spells .... " Because you know what GGG is going to do lol, as much as you "know" that melee reworking will never happen when it has been said by Rory ( and Chris more vaguely in a former podcast I think, don't remember exactly ). SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading. Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Nov 24, 2016, 7:12:56 AM
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" What your numbers don't represent is where these skills were used for what reason. If you pick EQ, and play a juggernaut, you have yourself a cheap uber-lab farming build that only requires a marohi to get going. " All flurry needs to get going is a 4 link to carry you to merciless with a skinning knife: Flurry-> added cold-> added lightning-> added chaos Does the job just fine, and any better weapon you find along the way further helps with levelling. Got a somewhat decent rare? swap added cold for faster attacks, done... Want some more flat damage? Use wrath, done... " Not only are these vaal jewels not exactly cheap, especially when you need them in numbers, you also have to commit to picking the required jewel sockets along with them. clearing based on vaal skills always is a commitment unless you have otherwise decent gear. " About levelling with flurry: It's fast and easy, and doesn't cost too much either. The 2-3 chaos orbs you spend don't even matter. And where do players spent most of their time? Past level 70 obviously, so that's where balance needs to be judged. Besides, if you really can't level with flurry for some odd reason (Eventhough you know you can do so just fine), you can always use a spell to carry you. [quote="ScrotieMcB"]It's just, like, people's opinions, man. But I cannot respect motherf♪♫♫♪rs calling something a simulator, when it isn't one.[/quote] Mors edited this post first. Last edited by Sure_K4y#1656 on Nov 24, 2016, 4:32:04 AM
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" LOL, no. This kind of comment tells me you don't even play the game, or at least not melee/attack. " Again, no. The skills themselves are great BEFORE vaal jewels. With vaal skills minus jewels you still get to fire them off 1-2 times per clear which gives you a ton of clear speed without jewels. The jewels just skyrocket clear speed to absurd levels. " Yup, we can all use spells to level our melee characters because that's what everyone wants to do and it doesn't indicate any balance state at all even given the league stats where there are 7x casters for each attack build ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Oh and as for what the leaderboards indicate in terms of what builds are used for, it indicates xp/hr, exactly what it looks like it indicates. I don't care what they used the build for. Also random addendum, farming lab is aids. my evasion is so high i only insta rip sometimes ----- Bug Fixes: People were using cyclone for actual melee builds, so we nerfed it and made blade vortex. Also, we went ahead and made cyclone great for CoC casters while we were at it. Last edited by Legatus1982#1658 on Nov 24, 2016, 6:31:55 AM
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Did you miss the "if you really can't level with flurry for some odd reason (Eventhough you know you can do so just fine)" ?
How convenient. Btw, seems like you've never tried or heard about ele buzzsaw right ? .... ( If you actually don't : it's one of the fastest ways to level up that one can use. for cheap ) SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading. Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Nov 24, 2016, 6:37:40 AM