Played my first armor-only character, and I'm disgusted by it.

You know, just now I was remembered an Ashen Woods map I ran with the Brass Dome + Grand Spectrum character that I noticed stuff with. I ran into the spectral throw scion rogue exile there, and I remember she hit me for a ridiculous amount of damage, way more than anything on the map. One or maybe two hits from a single ST of hers took off about 80% of my life, I just kneejerked and sprinted away thinking 'what the hell was that? It couldn't be a crit...'. After carefully heading back and killing her, I just stood there for a while trying to figure it out. Like she's usually been such a low threat for my recent builds (many of which have been either armor/ev or iron reflexes or armor+ECs) that I was taking it easy when i ran into her, the apparent threat caught me completely off guard. Now looking back at it, I understand why she hit so hard... with over 90% of my armor not working on projectiles, I only had a couple thousand armor rating against her and no other layer of defense.

It really is gonna be kinda hard to put these bugged experiences with armor behind me when this is all fixed.

allbusiness wrote:
Your catch probably explains why IR users never complain about armor ever, while pure armor users do despite having similar armor ratings.

Yeah, the second round of testing I did was with an IR character that I used to get to lategame. While he was slightly affected as it turns out (Cherrubim's has about 800 armor that was getting ignored, out of my ~6000 total base armor/ev), nearly all my armor for that character was working as intended, and I really didn't have any issues while taking him to 90 and high tier maps and whatnot.

But yeah, my pure armor dude who had 40k armor, 90+% of it derived from bugged sources? He struggled even in low-tier maps against relevant enemies (though he totally shrugged off enemies that my armor *was* working against, as I would expect for such commitment).
Poutsos wrote:
OP, this is really interesting, thanks for testing. It would also mean that this bug exists since the days that that projectile unique shield was introduced, practicaly forever.
No. As I already said in my first post, this applies only to a few recently-added stats, which were added to one calculation, but not the other. Most of these stats aren't in the game yet. All will be fixed in a future patch - I'm currently working on this fix and improving the system to reduce the chance this happens again.
Mark_GGG wrote:
Poutsos wrote:
OP, this is really interesting, thanks for testing. It would also mean that this bug exists since the days that that projectile unique shield was introduced, practicaly forever.
No. As I already said in my first post, this applies only to a few recently-added stats, which were added to one calculation, but not the other. Most of these stats aren't in the game yet. All will be fixed in a future patch - I'm currently working on this fix and improving the system to reduce the chance this happens again.

You're our hero Mark.

-Armor users :)
Theorycrafter/Build Creator for PORTAL guild
@BlightScourge -> guide @ view-thread/1382667 (Retired till Mjolner is fixed)
Lvl 94 Crit Mjolner Marauder
zSavage wrote:
Mark_GGG wrote:
Poutsos wrote:
OP, this is really interesting, thanks for testing. It would also mean that this bug exists since the days that that projectile unique shield was introduced, practicaly forever.
No. As I already said in my first post, this applies only to a few recently-added stats, which were added to one calculation, but not the other. Most of these stats aren't in the game yet. All will be fixed in a future patch - I'm currently working on this fix and improving the system to reduce the chance this happens again.

You're our hero Mark.

-Armor users :)

Great news Mark!!! Thank you very much!
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
While I appreciate people's passion about this issue, and am thankful to Shppy to bringing the problem to my attention with this thread, I'd like to reassure everyone that I'm currently working on this, and we are fully aware of all aspects of the issue - including the related bug to do with the implementation of the Juggernaut stat which affects body armour. (Fun fact - this is caused by the same order-of-operations trick that prevented shock from doing anything for nearly a year after its introduction to the game. The stat was added to both calculations with the same bug, but only the non-projectile one got the fix).

Since I'm re-writing all the armour stat calculations from scratch, no bugs from the previous calculation will make it through (any new bugs will hopefully be caught in QA).

As such I don't need further PMs about specific details of this issue. While I do enjoy interacting with the community, I'd like to keep my PM inbox freed up so if someone contacts me about something important we don't know about, I can notice and respond promptly. Getting a bunch of messages about the same thing, while totally understandable, impedes that.

I cannot tell you when the fix will go live - I expect to finish the re-write soon, but I don't know how long QA will take (and you can be we'll be testing this thoroughly), or when after that point we'll next be able to release a patch that it's possible to merge this into. We'll get it out as soon as we can, but I can't be more specific than "a future patch". I'd love to put the fix out in a past patch, but the time machine is broken.

Please be reassured this is definitely being fixed, and do feel free to PM me about anything else you'd like to discuss.
Last edited by Mark_GGG#0000 on Oct 18, 2016, 11:48:53 PM
Mark_GGG wrote:
While I appreciate people's passion about this issue, and am thankful to Shppy to bringing the problem to my attention with this thread, I'd like to reassure everyone that I'm currently working on this, and we are fully aware of all aspects of the issue - including the related bug to do with the implementation of the Juggernaut stat which affects body armour. (Fun fact - this is caused by the same order-of-operations trick that prevented shock from doing anything for nearly a year after its introduction to the game. The stat was added to both calculations with the same bug, but only the non-projectile one got the fix).

Since I'm re-writing all the armour stat calculations from scratch, no bugs from the previous calculation will make it through (any new bugs will hopefully be caught in QA).

As such I don't need further PMs about specific details of this issue. While I do enjoy interacting with the community, I'd like to keep my PM inbox freed up so if someone contacts me about something important we don't know about, I can notice and respond promptly. Getting a bunch of messages about the same thing, while totally understandable, impedes that.

I cannot tell you when the fix will go live - I expect to finish the re-write soon, but I don't know how long QA will take (and you can be we'll be testing this thoroughly), or when after that point we'll next be able to release a patch that it's possible to merge this into. We'll get it out as soon as we can, but I can't be more specific than "a future patch". I'd love to put the fix out in a past patch, but the time machine is broken.

Please be reassured this is definitely being fixed, and do feel free to PM me about anything else you'd like to discuss.

Awesome! Thanks so much for keeping everyone up-to-date, Mark. I'm really happy to see that the lot of us weren't going crazy.
Ive always been hit by archer mobs hard this must be why... jump into a pack of them even white ones and you will get rekt

Also the mobs that shoot out spikes seem to be doing way more damage now as before this league i could tank the hits from full packs with around 12k armor... now if i kill 2 im at half hp for some reason with 12k armor

Another one is the mobs that spit out blood seem to be doing WAY more damage then before this league was made.. you cannot let them hit you at all now or 1 will almost kill you
Lynerus wrote:
Also the mobs that shoot out spikes seem to be doing way more damage now as before this league i could tank the hits from full packs with around 12k armor... now if i kill 2 im at half hp for some reason with 12k armor
their spikes are projectiles too, I'm sure it is the same bug as with archers' attacks
And worst change is putting almost all bosses in new version of maps into fucking small areas, where you can't kite well or dodge stuff. What a terrible idiot invented that I want say to him: dude flick you, seriously flick you very much.
Thats some good interaction with community.
Interesting, so hopefully well have less reasons to whine about armor after this.

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